Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V: In a New World Redux - Chapter 13 - SakushiRyu (2024)

Chapter Text

A king who left his castle and blessed his subjects in the street with his presence, looming over them with an unreadable expression...that's what came to my mind while staring up at Reiji, which was quite fitting considering his deck.

I didn't expect him to pop up out of nowhere as soon as the tournament concluded, but here he was. Why did he go to the trouble of coming all the way here...? To walk us back to the stadium himself? No...maybe he's here to tell us something!

"Akaba Reiji!?" Yuya was the only one to call out the said youth's name following his unexpected appearance.

"So he's...the Professor's son." Even Daphne didn't expect to meet him.

Sawatari, on the other hand, wasn't surprised at all. "You came at a good time!" He informed the D/D user. "I chased out that Academia bunch just like you told me to! I guess this makes me one of your Lancers."

Eh? "A what?" Willauk inquired.

"Lancers?" Gongenzaka shared our confusion. "What's that?"

"This Battle Royal had an additional objective," Manek explained, causing our eyes to widen. "It was a selection exam for the Lancers, Duel Warriors who'll fight against Academia."

"AHA! I knew there was a hidden agenda behind this Battle Royal!" Demiurge shouted, delighted to know his suspicions were correct.

"As expected of you,Demiurge-sama!" Camazotz let his inner fanboy show.

"A deceitful human, just like those accursedDaemons of his." Balor added.

Why were they happy? I felt the complete opposite! Why did Reiji keep this a secret from me...? Sure, it wasn't anything too crucial, but...did this mean he didn't fully believe in me?

"Explain yourself, Reiji!" Yuya demanded once we walked up to the said youth. He glared daggers at the CEO. "Did you know those guys from the Fusion Dimension were going to show up from the start!?"

"Yes, I knew." Reiji answered with a calm tone, turning his back to us. "That's why I changed the finals of the Junior Youth class from a tournament into a city-wide Battle Royal," he turned back around, eyes narrowed at us. "I intended to have you face and fend off the enemy invasion."

"Ugh, this will be a difficult conversation." Adaro groaned, to which I agreed.

"Why not the Pro or Youth class?" Yuya glanced at Yuu. My eyes widened a little when the lavender-haired youth's fists clenched, an action that escaped Yuya's notice. "Why us, the Junior Youth?"

"The Youth class was fighting, too!" Yuu burst out, surprising a couple of us. Such a strong reaction...don't tell me! "But...I am the only one who survived."

"The Youth team was wiped out?" Gongenzaka whispered in shock.

"Yuu..." I placed a hand on his shoulder, which seemed to comfort him judging how his posture relaxed somewhat. He glared at the ground, head lowered in shame. Humph, those Obelisk Force bastards more than deserved a good beating.

"That's why yours truly was assigned to come out here." Sawatari pointed at himself with his thumb. That's...all? Seriously!? What about Masumi or Yaiba? This could've been their moment of revenge against Academia for what happened to Hokuto! The only way I could accept this was if you told me he was the only one available at the time.

"And just as I had expected, you succeeded in fending off Academia." Reiji shot Daphne a glance, who remained silent in return. He then spread his arms wide, a smile gracing his face. "You are truly our anti-Academia Duel Warriors. You have shown the power worthy of the title 'Lancers'!"

"Screw that!" Yuya exclaimed, fists shaking and tears forming in the corners of his eyes. He was so distraught, so crestfallen...it made me all the angrier at Reiji. "For something like that, Michio and Teppei were...! And everyone else was turned into cards!"

I gasped. No...even Michio and Teppei lost to Academia!? Hikage, too! Dammit, I knew something will go badly!

"And Yuzu...!" Tears fell from Yuya's eyes, earning a sad look from a couple of us. Mieru took a step closer to him but stayed silent. "It's your fault everyone was...!"

"It's not Reiji's fault." Serena declared out of the blue, earning our attention. She was staring to the side with a frown. "If Yuzu was defeated by Academia, then the fault is mine."

I walked closer to her. "Wait, Serena—" She raised a hand, stopping me.

"She wants to take the blame?" Like me, Succubus was both concerned and surprised—in a good way, of course—by her decision. "How praiseworthy."

"...How stupid..." Howard didn't agree with us at all.

"What do you mean it's your own fault?" Gongenzaka asked. "And before that, why do you look so much like Yuzu? Despite the fact Dennis told me and Yuya about you, I still wasn't able to tell you apart from Yuzu."

"Eh!? You aren't Hiiragi Yuzu?" Mieru blinked twice.

"I'm not. And I don't know why we share the same face, either." Serena placed a hand on her chest. "I'm Serena, a Duelist of Academia."

Those who didn't know this piece of truth gasped. "What!?" Yuu took a step back as if scared by the female youth. "Then doesn't that mean you're the enemy!?"

"She hails from Academia, but I believe we can start calling her one of our own." I agree with you, Reynardine.

"Why is the enemy here with us?" An angry Sawatari, on the other hand, stepped closer to her. "And in Hiiragi Yuzu's outfit, too... Wait, are you a spy!?"

"Don't make hasty assumptions." Manek scolded him, still holding onto the captive Daphne.

"He's right!" I added and moved between him and Serena together with Tsukikage.

"Oi, why are you getting in my way!?" Sawatari shouted at us. "Are you protecting the enemy!?"

"Weren't you paying attention during my Duel with Daphne?" I glared at him in exasperation. That, plus the things he heard me saying during that time, caused him to do a double-take. Daphne and Serena frowned, not wanting to be stared at with pity.

"I'm protecting Serena-dono by orders of my client." Tsukikage revealed his own reasons.

"She isn't a spy." The said client spoke up, prompting Sawatari to back up. "She is being chased by Academia."

"That's right." Serena confirmed Reiji's words. "Academia came here chasing after me."

Wait, but then... "Using that logic, I'm at fault as well." I remarked, and the weight of what I had said fell on me. How wasn't I able to realize it sooner? I was one of the reasons behind the invasion for all this time! "Academia wants to card me because they think I'm a Defector..."

"Hiiragi Yuzu was also an objective." Daphne made herself known at last, albeit not with the best of news.

"So Yuzu really was one of Yuri's targets." Xolotl muttered.

"What!? Why!?" Yuya was obviously the one to ask that.

Daphne looked to the side, avoiding my eyes for a clear reason. "...None of us knew."

"I still don't understand why you and Yuzu changed clothes!" Mieru addressed the indigo-haired youth.

"That was in order for me to meet with Kurosaki." She glanced at the said Duelist, who remained silent. "Yuzu told me to find Kurosaki and ask him in person exactly what happened in the Xyz Dimension. That's why she went out as bait, to draw away the Obelisk Force's attention from me!"

"As bait...!?" Yuu's eyes widened. "What was she thinking...!?"

"You all won and survived." Adjusting his spectacles, Reiji resumed speaking. "What we need right now is that strength. Instead of mourning those who were defeated, you should take pride that you have overcome such strong Duelists!"

People were carded and Yuzu went missing, andthat'swhat you worry about!?

"Amazing, nothing can stop his spark!" Seth, I love you, but not now!

"Shut up! Screw your pride!" You tell him Yuya! "If you hadn't had us fighting...! Yuzu...! Give everyone back!"

In a fit of fury, Yuya crossed the distance between us and Reiji and threw a fist at his face. But before it could land, the CEO blocked the attack by swiftly catching the fist with his hand, silencing us all.

He...wow. Even my Monsters didn't expect that. "That scrawny human...blocked a punch!?" Nattmara cried out, amazed and confused.

"If you call yourself a Duelist," I involuntarily gulped when Reiji started speaking, displeased by the tomato-haired youth's action. "Express your anger not through your fists, but through your Duels!"

He gladly accepted the challenge, ensuing a Duel between the two rivals. Serena, Daphne, and Shun seemed to be in their own world as they talked of the invasion of the Xyz Dimension, while both Yuya and Reiji Dueled fiercely, destroying the Action Field and summoning multiple Monsters from the Extra Deck during the same turn.

But when Yuya explained how he managed to call upon his Fusion dragons, Reiji admitted he knew Sora was from Academia thanks to his Fusion Summoning energy being on a different level from those of LDS.

Why? Why did he keep that to himself? If not to everyone at You Show, at least tell me! Weren't we supposed to be comrades!?

Then he said something that I wasn't prepared for at all, not even Yuya.

"If you evolve only through strong emotions, you cannot win at Dueling! The Lancers are a squad made to fight Academia in real combat. Remember that such unstable emotions can be fatal in a real battle!"

How could you neglect Yuya's feelings towards Yuzu, Reiji? Without emotions, we're nothing but machines, acting the same pathetic way as Academia. I won't follow a leader without reflecting on the situation with my own opinions and emotions.Never.

"I don't intend to be a part of your Lancers!" Yuya rebuked, and if things continued like this, I might just do the same.

Reiji's expression didn't change in the slightest. "Don't you want to save Hiiragi Yuzu?"

Serena gasped, while my eyes widened. "What?" Gongenzaka voiced our thoughts.

"That tone, that posture...he knows her whereabouts." Ereshkigal put two and two together.

Then it suddenly dawned on me. "The LDS cameras!" I shouted out. Manek was pleased someone finally pointed out the obvious. "They're everywhere around the city...which means Reiji saw what happened to Yuzu!"

"Are you saying she wasn't captured!? You saw that!?" Serena demanded, angry like me, Yuya, and Gongenzaka that Reiji's keeping quiet about this. Just tell us already! I was obviously relieved to know Yuzu was OK, but how could I stay calm when Reiji's acting like this!?

If it weren't for the circ*mstances, I would've enjoyed this Duel. As things stand, I was rooting for Yuya to teach Reiji a lesson. But...the more it continued, the more I became certain that my friend would lose. Reiji answered his Pendulum-Fusion with one of his own, then did the same to his Pendulum-Xyz. It all came down to a fight between Xyz Monsters, which Reiji sad to say won thanks to a double 'Dark Contract' Trap combo.

We headed back to the Second Stadium after that, where Manek handed Daphne over to Nakajima. The man also asked for any 'Pendulumstatue' cards we still had, assuring us Reiji was already working on better support cards for our respective decks. I pointed out I gave mine to Yuzu, and Nakajima promised me he'd let Reiji know.

The crowd went wild the moment we entered the stadium, but it was short-lived. They weren't too happy to see Yuu, Mieru, Sawatari, and Manek among us—except the latter's fangirls, of course—and demanded an explanation. Reiji and Himika themselves revealed the truth to the audience, showing footage of our Duels against Academia's forces as proof.

Hm? My Duel against Daphne...wasn't shown, huh? Did Reiji hypothesize she'll join our ranks and avoided depicting her as an enemy, not showing her at all? I hated him for earlier, yet I couldn't do else but admit he's clever.

Once that was over—the sun was already setting? Was time flowing faster, or was it my imagination?—and the crowd left, Yuya, Gongenzaka, Mieru, and I finally reunited with the others, who were overjoyed to see us and bombarded us with questions.

"Where's Yuzu-oneechan?" Ayu's question made me frown. Here we go again...

"Why isn't she here?" Futoshi added.

"You were together earlier." Tatsuya concluded.

With a dejected face, Yuya silently raised the clothes he was holding. They needed only a second to recognize them.

"Those...those are Yuzu's clothes." Shuzo was both confused and worried. We gritted our teeth in frustration, which didn't calm the others. "Why do you have them, Yuya?"

"Sorry..." He muttered. "We couldn't protect Yuzu..."

The Principal gasped. "Couldn't protect her?" Futoshi blinked.

"But she was there, standing next to you!" Tatsuya remarked.

"Yeah, she came back to the center court, didn't she!?" Ayu shouted.

"N-No, that wasn't Yuzu..." I lightly shook my head, shocking them.

Yoko's eyes widened. "Not Yuzu...?" Shuzo parroted. It felt so wrong to see the most energetic person in our school reduced to this state. He didn't do anything wrong to deserve this, and yet...!

"That girl was someone called Serena," Mieru explained to them. "She looks like Yuzu, but she's a different person."

"Eh!?" The kids were completely lost.

"During the Battle Royal, they switched clothes and swapped places." Gongenzaka said.

"It was Yuzu's idea..." I continued for him. "She...no,wewanted to allow Serena to see the true colors of Academia, our enemy. Yuzu was aware of the risks, but she did it anyway—"

"I'll go, too!" Shuzo interrupted me, desperately clutching onto her daughter's clothes. "Where is it!? This Academia you speak of!? Tell me!"

"Th-That's impossible..." Yuya whispered in surprise. No way in Hell we'll let you come with us! You wouldn't stand a chance against Academia!

"What's impossible about that!?" Shuzo exclaimed. "I used to be a Pro Duelist! I'll grab the culprit, beat them to a pulp, and save Yuzu! And save Yuzu...!"

"This man..." Aylith's pity was the strongest amongst my Mythorrors. She pitied this father whose daughter went missing.

Shuzo hugged Yuzu's clothes, now on the verge of a mental breakdown. How...how was I supposed to tell them it was alsomyfault? I was tasked with guarding Yuzu, yet, she vanished. And that wasn't all! What about the truth!? The things I've told Yuzu...

I can't. I...simply can't. If they find out it was my fault and that I've been lying to them this whole time... I don't want to lose my friends.

"Yuzu is...in another Dimension." The others looked at Yuya as if he said something unimaginable. "That's why we...the Lancers are going."

"Who cares about the Lancers!" Futoshi couldn't hold back his tears. "You couldn't even protect one of your own! What kind of hero are you!?"

"If you two were with her, then why is she gone!?" Ayu was crying as well. "Why did this happen!?"

Their words hurt. It felt like my heart was being stabbed with each word they said. I couldn't stand here any longer.

I began walking away, drawing their attention. "Vince?" Gongenzaka called out in concern.

I stopped but didn't turn around, "I...need a breather. Don't worry about me." And I walked off before they had the chance to reply.

"Usually, people who say that wander off like lost flies." Demiurge's tone was excited as I entered the LDS tower. He knew where I was going. "But you seem to have a clear destination in mind."

"I just want to talk with Reiji. But if it escalates into a Duel...I won't back down, that's for sure." I admitted and walked to the reception. "Hello. May I have a word with Akaba Reiji?"

"G-Good afternoon." The receptionist didn't expect such a straightforward request. "I apologize, but a meeting with the President-san is impossible at the moment."

Excuse me!? "HA! You thought WRONG!" Adaro, don't even start!

"Reiji knows me, and I'm a Lancer." I reasoned with her. "Please, I need to speak to him about something urgent."

"The President-san is very busy at the moment. He only accepts those with an appointment," she explained, but I knew that was the typical lie that translated to 'get lost'.

"Sakushi," thank the Heavens they sent someone to the rescue! Nakajima approached us, his expression as calm as always, and nodded at the receptionist, implying he'd take it over from here. "Please, follow me. The President is willing to accept your request."

Damn that guy...he already saw me enter the building through the cameras, didn't he?

"Thank you." I sighed in exasperation and followed Reiji's right-hand man. He took me to an elevator, selecting one of the highest floors as our destination. Before it would turn awkward, I filled the silence by asking about Daphne.

Nakajima reassured me she's fine—physically, at least—and has been locked into a bedroom here at LDS, her room being right next to Serena's. Good to know she won't be treated like a cold-blooded prisoner.

When we reached the doors to Reiji's office, Nakajima excused himself with a bow and left me alone, giving me a moment to collect my thoughts and take a deep breath before entering. Reiji's office was...huge...tidy and stylish...but empty? There wasn't anything missing that you would normally see in a room like this, but...yeah, it was too big, without a doubt.

"What do I owe the unexpected pleasure?" Reiji, who was sitting in his chair and staring at yours truly, snapped me out of my thoughts.

I stayed silent for the entire walk up to his desk, to let him know I was done playing mister-nice-guy. I spoke the moment I stopped in front of his piece of furniture.

"I told you we shouldn't put other lives at risk." I reminded him, ready to say everything that was on my mind. And get ready cause I've got many things to say. "I believed in everyone...yet...!"

Reiji remained silent, prompting me to continue. "People were carded and Yuzu vanished! And if that wasn't enough, you...! You taunted us for no reason earlier, you act as if nothing happened, and you're keeping secrets from us! Drop this holier-than-thou approach already! How are we supposed to follow this type of leader!?"

"...I understand the anger and grief of you all," Reiji calmly began speaking after a few seconds of silence. "However, even if people are defeated, even if people disappear, we can't stop. We simply don't have that privilege. We'll figure out a way to save the fallen as we move on."

What did you say!? "Then say that instead of neglecting Yuya's feelings towards Yuzu!" I raised my voice even more. "Are you incapable of understanding the emotions of others—"


Reiji shot to his feet and slammed his hands on his desk, glaring intensely at me. I was silenced in an instant. "Don't assume you're the only one to feel that way!" He yelled, causing me to flinch.

"Y-You made him angry, nya~!" Nattmara cried out in fear. You could say that again...the only time I heard him raise his voice to this extent...was when Hokuto and Yaiba laughed at Yuya's father.

"People suffered because of my orders!" Reiji went on. "We won this battle, but it cost us many lives! Do you think I don't have any regrets or that I'm not afflicted by this myself!? Unlike you, I must stay strong and show you the path to take from here! That's what it means to be a leader!"

I...as much as it hurt to admit it, I did assume that. I didn't consider things from Reiji's point of view and I thought he was only focusing on our goal. So the first person who should listen to my words...was me. Great, now I felt like a complete idiot.

I should apologize. Or would that anger him further? "Reiji, I..."

"It's fine." Closing his eyes, the CEO released a loud sigh to calm down. "You're still inexperienced. It's normal you'd think that. Also...you're thattype of person."

My eyebrows furrowed, shame replaced with confusion. "Thattype? What do you mean?"

Reiji opened his eyes. "Compassionate, optimist, strongly attached to emotions," he listed and adjusted his spectacles. "Those are all positive attributes, don't get me wrong, but...you won't go far if you stay like this forever. You must grow up, and become an adult."

"Eh?" I tilted my head to the side. But without those...wouldn't it be harder to move on?

"What a surprise. There's something we agree on with this human."

I ignored Sidonia's teasing. "I...don't understand. And what does that have to do with anything?"

"What I've said doesn't apply to Yuya alone." Reiji pointed out.

What's he...? Oh.Oooh.The whole 'if you evolve only through strong emotions, you cannot win at Dueling' and 'such unstable emotions can be fatal in a real battle' speech, huh? In layman's terms, he's worried I'll put my feelings ahead of the mission? That's...a possibility.

Wait. "What about Sawatari?" I raised an eyebrow. "I understand Manek and Yuu, but he...is somewhat reckless, don't you think?"

"Exactly." That's why you chose him!? "He's the first one that should grow up, but as of now, his reckless behavior is the main factor that drives him forward. Moreover, he may be flashy, but he isn't the type who acts according to his own agenda under my orders." He then frowned. "And sometimes, you can't choose what to have at your disposal."

"Ah, so he didn't have anybody else to dispatch." Seemed so, Snow. Well...Sawatari proved to be useful, right? I guess I should have more hope in him and welcome him into the Lancers.

"Fine. I accept your reasoning." I told the D/D user. Then I aimed a finger at his face. "But that still doesn't allow you to keep us in the dark or act the way you did. In Yuya's place...I'll defeat you, and make you spill the beans!"

"Hoh?" A ghost of a smile appeared on Reiji's face. "Seeking the truth through Dueling... Very well. I'll use this chance to teach you a lesson or two myself."

Lesson...? I guess I'll find out soon enough what he meant by that.

"You just wanted to talk, yet in the end, you initiated a Duel." Demiurge snorted at this turn of events. "This is the only way to make him talk though, so I can't say you aren't in the right."

"Demiurge-sama, this is our chance!" Balor said eagerly, his excitement shared by Demiurge himself and his other subordinates.

"Indeed." His master chuckled ominously. "To fight Akaba Reiji, the toy of the Different Dimension Daemons...this alone made the whole day better."

Unsure of how to feel about their happiness, I nodded weakly. "Um...glad to hear that?" I added while reaching for the office's door—

"Where are you going?" Just to be stopped by Reiji, who stood where I was seconds ago, Duel Disk already equipped on his left arm.

I blinked twice. "We have to Duel..." I suddenly realized what he meant. "Here...!?"

Instead of answering me, Reiji snapped his fingers, causing the whole room to change. All pieces of furniture were pulled into the walls, floor, or ceiling, and security shutters covered the door and windows, cutting us off from the outside world and shrouding us in darkness. A sphere that contained the Real Solid Vision generator emerged from the ceiling for last.

"Action Field, on!" Reiji shouted, causing the sphere to glow. "Field Spell, Steel-Cage Showdown, activate!"

The room changed into a wrestling arena, confined into a steel cage with numerous spotlights pointed at us and steel platforms attached to the ring's walls. The cheers of an invisible crowd rang from the endless darkness that surrounded the cage. Not bad, but...why did you add this feature to your office? So if a burglar breaks in, you can challenge them to a Duel!?

"Duelists locked in battle!" Reiji started the usual chant.

"Kicking the earth and dancing in the air alongside their Monsters!" I continued.

"They storm through this field!" He threw an arm upward. "Behold! This is the newest and greatest evolution of Dueling!

[Action...!] the crowd shouted.

"DUEL!" We declared in unison. Reiji snapped his fingers, causing Action Cards to scatter around the field.

Reiji: LP 4000


Vince: LP 4000

"Allow me to go first." Our opponent revealed two cards from his hand. "I activate the effect of D/D Swirl Slime, using it and D/D Berfomet to perform a Fusion Summon."

The same effect with the same cards from his Duel with Yuya!? What were the chances of that happening?

"Look, Baphomet! It's you, but actually not!" Adaro exclaimed in a teasing manner as two 'D/D' Monsters appeared on the field, one of which referenced the said Mythorror.

"Your statement...wasn't incorrect." Baphomet admitted. He was quite surprised when he saw Berfomet before, but now he didn't lose his cool. "He's the me of a different dimension. But that irregular body and name...what path did he take to obtain it?"

"Oi,why do you sound so shocked that I was right?" The merman deadpanned.

"Fusion Summon!" Reiji said his chant while we weren't paying attention. "Be born! D/D/D Flame King Genghis!"

The D/D/D that bore Genghis Khan's honorary title and had an affinity for fire landed on his field, causing the crowd to roar in excitement.

D/D/D Flame King Genghis: ATK 2000 / DEF 1500 / LV: 6

"I set a card and end my turn." Reiji concluded. "Now, show me what you've got."

"With pleasure. Boku no turn, draw!" My first Duel against Reiji...heh, this will be my toughest fight yet. In my opinion, he's second to only Demiurge, a god with magical powers! Luckily, I had nothing to lose here, so I could Duel with no worries. All I had to do was focus on winning! "I activate the Spell Card Carpo's Benevolence, drawing two cards before discarding Mythorror God Yamatochi."

After doing so, "Since you're the only one to control Monsters, I can Special Summon Mythorror Lindworm from my hand!"

The oversized snake with dark green scales, two arms that ended in sharp black claws, and a mouth full of long fangs that made it impossible to be closed burst out of the ground with a roar.

Mythorror Lindworm: ATK 2000 / DEF 500 / LV: 5 / SC: 2

"Next, I summon the Tuner Monster, Mythorror Baphomet!"

The tall, translucent-bodied, humanoid Monster with a goat head, blank white pupils for eyes, dark brown fur covering the majority of his brown skin, small horns protruding from his head and shoulders, hoofed feet, and a pair of black-feathered wings appeared next.

Mythorror Baphomet: Tuner / ATK 0/ DEF 0 / LV: 1 / SC: 10

"Baphomet's effect activates on Normal Summon, letting me target Yamatochi in my Graveyard and Special Summon him with his effects negated. Return to the stage from the world of the dead!"

Following my words, the eight-headed and tailed god emerged from a glowing pentagram, and the crowd cheered as he brandished his obsidian sword.

Mythorror God Yamatochi: ATK 2800 / DEF 2000 / LV: 7 / SC: 4

"Because I control a Mythorror, I can Special Summon this card from my hand!" I revealed the card. "Emerge from the angles of time, Mythorror Tindalos!"

The large dog's skeleton with a red glow radiating from inside their empty eye sockets, a pair of bat wings with dark red membranes sprouting from their back, and a long blue tongue appeared on my field through a portal of smoke.

Mythorror Tindalos: ATK 2400 /DEF 2700 / LV: 7 / SC: 6

"Even by not using a Pendulum Summon, you assembled four Monsters." Reiji's expression didn't change, but he sounded impressed.

"And I'm not done yet! I tune the Level 7 Tindalos with the Level 1 Baphomet!" As Baphomet's body morphed into a green ring that surrounded Tindalos and turned them into seven stars, I chanted. "My patient hunter lurking in the darkness! Feast on those who defy me, and gather their heads as trophies! Synchro Summon! Fly down, Level 8! Mythorror God Camazotz!"

A bright beam shot through the rings, from which the tall and macilent anthropomorphic bat with gray skin, red tattoos, glowing blood-red pupils for eyes, four horns protruding from his head, large ears with one big, round, golden piercing in each of his lobes, three-toed feet with golden talons, hands with four long fingers that ended in golden claws, and wings attached to his arms emerged. He wore a black loincloth with human skulls strapped to his waist, a golden crown-like object with red and blue feathers on his head, and a pair of bracelets made of human bones around his wrists and ankles.

Mythorror God Camazotz: ATK 2800 / DEF 2100 / LV: 8

"Genghis, you lowlife! Long time no see!" Camazotz's joy was betrayed by his vile words.

A deep, distorted chuckle echoed from somewhere.Who...?I blinked in shock when Genghis shrugged and raised his head high in a show of superiority.

"Lowlife? Me?" The fiery king inquired. "You lost to Alexander both in battle and at speed. You're in no position to insult me."

Camazotz let loose a violent screech, taking a step forward and baring his fangs. Ouch, rubbing salt into an old wound?

"My main target may be Alexander, but if you provoke me, I won't hesitate to take your head as well!"

"Restrain yourself at once, fool!" Demiurge scolded him in exasperation, earning hasty apologies in return.

"Such an obnoxious voice." Genghis sighed in exasperation. "You haven't changed at all, didn't you?"

Unlike his servant, Demiurge simply growled and kept his composure. "I'll make you pay for that later, impudent worm. Mark my words."

"What an...intense reunion, this is." Y-Yeah, you could say that again, Reynardine.

"What's wrong?" Reiji snapped me back to reality. He couldn't hear our Monsters, so in his eyes, I was just standing there with a dumbfounded look on my face. "Getting cold feet?"

"As if." I scoffed and went on. "Tindalos gifts Camazotz with two new effects since he was summoned by using them as material. I can draw a card upon his summon, and he gains 300 Attack!"

(Camazotz: 2800→3100 ATK)

"Next, I activate Lindworm's effect! If he was Special Summoned this turn, by using Monsters I control and Lindworm as materials, I can Fusion Summon one 'Mythorror' Fusion Monster from my Extra Deck!"

He and Yamatochi turned into red and blue energy, which then spiraled into a portal as I chanted and clasped my hands together.

"Poison of the greedy one! Collective minds which invite order! Let your desires awaken the deity of eternal drought! Fusion Summon! Level 7! Mythorror God Balor!"

To emerge from the portal was the imposing Cyclops with a muscular build, maroon skin, black claws, pointed ears, a bald head, and an insectoid mouth, who kept his eye closed. He was clad in gray armor adorned with spikes and chains and held a spear in his right hand.

Mythorror God Balor: ATK 2600 / DEF 2000 / LV: 7

"After Synchro came Fusion..." Reiji narrowed his eyes.

"Next is Balor?" Genghis was still disappointed.

"That lack of interest in your opponent will get you killed someday." Balor punctuated the last word by piercing the ground with his spear.

"Correction: I'm not interested in peoplelike you,who've lost to me in the days of old." The king waved his sword at him. Seriously, how much did these guys hate each other? Camazotz wanted Alexander's head, while Balor was ready to pounce on Genghis.

Wait. WIND obsessed with WIND, and FIRE with FIRE...a pattern!? Hmm, who lost to Ceaser, I wonder? Tiamat? Someone else? Maybe I'll find out as the continues.

"Since I Special Summoned a god to my field while controlling Camazotz, I can activate his effect to draw a card. I equip Archfiend Staff of Despair to Camazotz!" The demonic staff materialized in front of the bat god, levitating in the air. "I activate its effect, lowering the Attack of all Monsters my opponent currently controls until the End Phase by half the equipped Camazotz's Attack!"

The staff unleashed a spiraling wave of crimson energy that surrounded the Fusion Monster, prompting him to groan in discomfort, an action that pleased the gods on my field.

(Genghis: 2000→450 ATK)

"I'll end it this turn!" I proclaimed before pointing forward. "Battle! Balor, I'll leave Genghis in your care! Attack!"

"Don't underestimate me!" With a sprint, Reiji jumped into the air and flipped over a platform, seizing an Action Card that was on it. He landed on his feet and wasted no time in playing it. "I activate the Action Magic Final Sacrifice! By destroying Genghis, I take no battle damage for the rest of this turn!"

The king stabbed the ground with his sword, causing a wall of flames to engulf him and divide the battlefield in two.

"Damn coward!" Balor spat in frustration, a sentiment shared by your truly.

"Manek and I always train in this Action Field." Reiji informed me while pushing up his spectacles. "I believe you know by now what that means."

Hm? They always Duel in this field... Why would he share that—my eyes widened. "You know the location of the Action Cards!" That's bad. But...I was able to beat Manek at this, twice no less! I'll do it again, this time against Reiji! "I place two cards and pass it over to you."

"Watashi no turn." Reiji took hold of the top card of his deck. "Draw! I discard a card to activate the Spell Card Twin Twisters. I destroy your two set cards!"

"What!?" I gasped as a miniature cyclone enveloped my backrow, shattering them. Dammit, I didn't even get the chance to use Minerva's Tactical Forecast and The Final Problem. They would've been great for this occasion! "If it's destroyed on the field and sent to the Graveyard, Minerva's Tactical Forecast allows me to draw a card and inflict 500 damage to my opponent!"

A spear-shaped beam shot down from the ceiling, striking Reiji and making him frown in pain.

Reiji: LP 4000 - 500 = 3500

"I activate the effect of the card I sent to the Graveyard,D/D Profit." The spectral image of a Spell Card, which depicted a continuation of D/D/D Human Resources, appeared. The cloaked figure was putting several pouches of coins on top of the table—maybe because he lost the game?—while the king was inspecting a coin he held between his fingers. "By banishing this card, I can Special Summon a 'D/D' Monster from my Graveyard. Be reborn, Genghis!"

The said Monster leaped out of the card, prompting the crowd to cheer at his return.

"Coward, you said?" Oh, he was still around to hear that? Balor raised his head, as if proud of his insult. "You're in no place to say such things, either. You, who fell victim to the trope 'I'll lose to my own grandson in battle'."

"Why you...!" He seethed, clutching his spear so hard I got afraid he'd snap it in two.

"The roasting is real!" Seth wasn't making fun of our comrades, he was simply stating a fact in his usual excited manner, and DAMN WAS HE RIGHT!

"I summon the Tuner Monster, D/D Nighthowl!" Reiji snapped me to reality once again.

The fiendish Monster whose body only consisted of a fanged mouth and two eyes appeared.

D/D Nighthowl: Tuner /ATK 300 / DEF 600 / LV: 3

"That servant as well?" Yamatochi asked no one in particular. It's like a replay of his last Duel!

"When this card is Normal Summoned, its effect activates," Reiji stated. "I Special Summon one 'D/D' Monster from my Graveyard by lowering its Attack and Defense to 0. Be reborn, Berfomet!"

His not-actually-Baphomet flew out of the fiendish mouth with a battle cry.

D/D Berfomet:Dark / Fiend / Effect /ATK: 14000/ DEF: 18000 / LV: 4

"I tune the Level 4 Berfomet with the Level 3 Nighthowl!" As Nighthowl's body morphed into three green rings that surrounded Berfomet and turned him into four stars, Reiji chanted. "Howls that tear through the night. Gain the swiftness of a gale and become the cries of a newborn king! Synchro Summon! Be born, Level 7! D/D/D Gust King Alexander!"

The D/D/D that bore Alexander the Great's name and had an affinity for wind landed on his field, brandishing his sword at us.

D/D/D Gust King Alexander: Wind / Fiend / Synchro / Effect / ATK: 2500 / DEF: 2000 / LV: 7

"Alexander...!" Camazotz hissed out while stomping the ground, anxious to fight him.

"Yes, me. Slow on the uptake now too?" The windy king sounded annoyed. He then added in a lower tone, "Not that your speed was ever praiseworthy."

"Genghis no kōka hatsudō!" Reiji declared, not giving my god the time to reply. "If another 'D/D' Monster is Special Summoned to my field, I can target one 'D/D' Monster in my Graveyard and Special Summon it. Be reborn for the second time, Berfomet!"

Genghis aimed his sword at us, conjuring a GY Portal and reviving the said Monster.

"Alexander no kōka hatsudō." The wind surrounding Reiji's other king picked up. "If another 'D/D' Monster is Normal or Special Summoned to my field, I can target one Level 4 or lower 'D/D' Monster in my Graveyard and Special Summon it. Be reborn, Swirl Slime!"

The weird slime-like being also returned to his field through a GY Portal.

D/D Swirl Slime: Dark / Fiend / Effect /ATK: 200 / DEF: 200 / LV: 2

"By targeting Swirl Slime and declaring the Level 4, I activate Berfomet's effect." The said Monsters gained purple outlines. "Until the end of this turn, Swirl Slime's Level becomes 4!"

"Two Level 4 Monsters." Obviously, what comes next is...

"I overlay the Level 4 Berfomet and Swirl Slime!" The two turned into purple beams and entered a swirling galaxy, from which a pillar of light shot out. "In order to subjugate all that resides in this world, now, descend onto the peak of the world! Be born, Rank 4! D/D/D Wave King Caesar!"

To emerge from the portal was the D/D/D that bore Julius Caesar's name and had an affinity for water. Needless to say, the crowd was going crazy for his consecutive Extra Deck summons.

D/D/D Wave King Caesar: Water / Fiend / Xyz / Effect / ATK: 2400 / DEF: 1200 / RK: 4

"The usual line-up, whoopee doo!" By his sarcastic tone, I was sure Demiurge just rolled his eyes. "Too bad your Attack Points are lower than my servants'."

"You said the same thing in our last battle, 'weak' instead of 'Attack Points', yet we still won." Caesar commented as he slung his claymore over his shoulder, earning a loud growl from the god inside me. They...lost to the D/D/Ds in the past!? No wonder they hated them so much!

"Couldn't have said better myself." Genghis chuckled in response to the other king's words.

"Battle!" Reiji aimed his pointer and middle finger in my direction. "Genghis attacks Balor! At the same time, I activate the Continuous Trap00 Collapse!"

His set card, which depicted a crumbling D/D/D Zero Laplace flying upwards through two 0-shaped glowing rings, was revealed as our Fusion Monsters clashed in the middle of the field.

"With this card, if my D/D/D attacks your Monster, I can prevent my Monster's destruction and reduce any battle damage I would take to 0. Also! After damage calculation, the attacked Monster is sent to the Graveyard!"

My god's face paled. "What!?" A non-destruction effect!? He couldn't protect himself from that!

With a swing of his sword, Genghis overpowered Balor and sent him stumbling backward with a groan. He glanced in my direction, and he gasped in fear. He was going to lose a second time to the same foe, in the presence of his master. I myself felt the threatening vibe Demiurge wasn't bothered to hide, making his reaction understandable.

"E-Even if I lose this battle," Balor turned his head away from me, trying to sound brave and devoted. "Demiurge-sama will—"

He didn't get the chance to finish as Genghis leaped forward and pierced Balor's chest with his flaming sword, silencing the god and causing the crowd to cheer.

He then moved his head closer to Balor's, and said, "I'm not interested in your words, either." He removed his sword and stepped to the side, letting the god fall to the ground and explode into particles.

"B-Balor...!" I whispered his name in shock, not expecting such a one-sided victory.

"Battle!" Reiji wasn't bothered by it one bit. "Alexander attacks Camazotz! I activate 00 Collapse's effect again! Gale Cutter!"

With a defiant snarl, the winged god launched at Alexander and readied his claws to strike. To his surprise, however, the windy king vanished from sight and reappeared seconds later above him, kicking him in the back of his head and sending him plummeting into the ground.

"Even Camazotz...!" My eyes widened as the said god exploded into particles as well. I was never a huge fan of those two, but...to be manhandled like this...

"Battle!" Reiji adjusted his spectacles. "Caesar attacks you directly, Vince! Tidal Torrent!"

Copying our opponent, I sprinted to gain momentum and jumped into the air, landing on a platform where I found an Action Card. I decided to stay there and play it. "By targeting Caesar, I activate Miracle! The battle damage is halved!"

With a swing of his claymore, the king unleashed a wave of water in my direction, knocking me against the cage's steel bars and leaving me soaking wet. I quickly shook myself dry, not wanting to catch a cold.

Vince: LP 4000 - 1200 = 2800

"One usually targets their own Monster with that type of effect, but you targeted mine." Reiji's impressed tone betrayed his stoic expression. "Impressive."

"Why thank you." I allowed myself to answer boldly. Good thing I saw that Zexal episode where Yuma did the same thing with his iconic Half Unbreak.

"At the end of my Battle Phase, 00 Collapse's effect activates," Reiji explained as the said card left his field in a shower of particles. "I destroy it and draw cards equal to the number of times its other effect was used this turn, in this case two!"

After doing so, "I set a card and end my turn."

"You need my power to achieve victory." Demiurge proclaimed out of the blue. He was in a good mood when the Duel started, but now he was back to his usual self. He was itching to punish the opposing Monsters for insulting him and for defeating him in the past.

"Actually..." To my luck, I had a good hand. As things stand, I won't need his help.

However, Demiurge wasn't interested in my opinion. "It wasn't a query."


In an instant, I lost control of my body. All I could do now was watch through my eyes as my own body acted at the whim of someone else. Someone who's been in my body ever since I came to this isekai: Demiurge.

He did say I won't faint if he takes control of my body again. So this was how he's been seeing things for all this time? It's like...being under the effect of sleep paralysis. Not something I would recommend to my friends, that's for sure.

"I hate needlessly wasting my energy, but this is a special occasion." Demiurge raised his—no, my?—head high, mimicking Genghis from before, and stared down at our opposition through half-lidded eyes. "Those who invoke my wrath must be punished, after all."

"You're finally showing yourself, Demiurge." Caesar glared at him—um, me? You know what, I won't bother—and the three kings assumed their battle stances. Damn, were they even taking me seriously...?

"Ah, you must be...Demiurge, yes?" Reiji was surprised, but he quickly collected himself. From the god's manner of speaking, he must've understood I wasn't at the wheel anymore. "What a pleasure to speak to you for the first time."

"Enough with your forced kindness." He waved his hand to stop him. As always, straight to the point. "I'm not like my vessel or you; you'll get none from the great me, so zip it! Instead, make sure to uphold your end of the bargain when I'll win. There are many things I want you to answer, things the idiots around us already forgot of."

Eh? What did that mean? "Vessel? An unusual way to address your other self, but whatever floats your boat." I internally blushed at that. Demiurge could seriously learn to restrain himself. "And what 'things' are you talking of?"

He lazily raised two fingers. "The first: why does that trio of yours think Kurosaki Shun has been a part of LDS from the start? The second: if Prophecy boy chose not to fight Academia after that pathetic Tag Duel, then what? You would've forced him into this battle? Or alter his memories like it appears you did to your trio?"

Wait, that's right! How could those things slip my mind so easily!? "You're amazing, your Majesty!" Sidonia congratulated him. "Thinking so far ahead...this is the perfect chance to unveil the truth."

"...I see." Reiji didn't panic when faced with his questions. "Then what are you waiting for? Win, and I will indulge you and Vince."

I felt my lips curl upwards into a wide grin. "I'll enjoy breaking you, toy of the Different Dimension Daemons." The god snickered.

"Only over our dead bodies, arrogant freak." Alexander huffed.

"Consider that your death wish." Demiurge snickered again. He gripped the top card of my deck, and I felt a spark of energy in that hand as the card flashed purple. So this was...his cheating ability in action! "My omnipotence will dye the future of this world in darkness. Even the cards I draw are proof of my eminence! Dark Draw!"

WAIT, DARK DRAW!? It had the same name as Dark Zexal's own special draw!? It must be a simple coincidence, but I liked it nonetheless!

"Dark Draw?" Reiji's eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Just a flashy move I made up." Demiurge said dismissively to avoid revealing his real status. He then revealed two cards from his hand, one of which was the one he had just drawn. "I, using the Scale 1Mythorror Gnostic Heveliusand the Scale 9 Mythorror Huldra, set the Pendulum Scales!"

He placed the cards on the ends of the energy blade, causing the word [PENDULUM] to flash between them and two pillars of blue light to appear on his left and right. The first pillar contained a young man with fair skin, piercing yellow eyes, and medium-length, curly, brown hair, wearing a steampunk-esque monocle on his right eye and a form-fitting black jumpsuit decorated with yellow trims and silver rings intertwined around his waist.

Mythorror Gnostic Hevelius: Dark / Fiend / Pendulum / Effect / ATK: 2400 / DEF: 0 / LV: 7 / SC: 1

The second pillar contained the pine tree Mary, who placed her hands together in a praying manner as she rose to the top.

Mythorror Huldra: ATK 1400 / DEF 1600 / LV: 4 / SC: 9

"Your Majesty! After so long, I'm fighting by your side once again...I'm honored!" The young man exclaimed, giving us a full display of his pearly whites. "And what joy it brings to my soul to see you again, Sidonia, Howard! Everyone else, too!"

The mentioned Magi gave a long and loud groan in return, irked by his extroverted personality already. The other Magus simply laughed, not insulted by their reaction at all. So this was his third and last Magus, huh? I could see the two of us getting along quite nicely with that personality, just as Demiurge had said!

"I activate Huldra's Pendulum Effect! When she's activated, I can add one Mythorror from my Graveyard or face-up Extra Deck to my hand. I choose Baphomet, who I then summon!" The said Monster reappeared. "And his effect activates, letting me resurrect my army's leading hunter and assassin!"

After returning to the land of the living, Camazotz didn't waste a second to prostrate himself before his lord.

"I-I-I amtrulygrateful for your kindness, Demiurge-sama!" He stuttered in fear, not daring to look the other god in the eyes. "Th-That human...if that human hadn't interfered, I could've won! Give me another chance, and I vow to—"

I unconsciously gulped when Demiurge's eyes widened in anger, his threatening vibe doubling in intensity. "You have the courage to boss me around?" Camazotz gasped and lowered his head even more, his crown now touching the ground. "I don't care about the details. You lost to that king for the second time, andthat's that. Learn your place before addressing me, you incompetent worm!"

Camazotz continued to lower his head with each word. His forehead was now pressed to the ground, and his crown had fallen off. Demiurge should cut him some slack; he wasn't at fault for losing in that situation. Demiurge's other followers thought the opposite however, proud of their master for putting a fool in his place.

My Mythorrors, on the other hand, stayed silent, not knowing what to do or to say. It's like when you're at your friend's house and they're getting scolded by their parents in front of you. It was an awkward moment...especially for Reiji, who couldn't hear Duel Spirits.

"I see your bond with your Monsters is different from Vince's." The CEO remarked.

"Thanks for pointing out the obvious." Demiurge rolled his eyes while Camazotz collected himself and his crown. "With my set Scales, I can now simultaneously summon Monsters from Levels 2 to 8. Battalion of mythical creatures and gods! Obey my commands, and let my power become the supreme authority which repels the light! Pendulum Summon! Be reborn, Yamatochi, Tindalos, and Lindworm!"

A portal opened between the two pillars, and three beams shot out of it before landing on his field.

"Five Monsters..." Reiji's eyes narrowed at his line-up.

"You're as annoying as during the Great War, Demiurge." Alexander groaned in frustration.

"You'll be the first to die." Was the god's obvious reaction to the insult. "I activate the Spell Card Pendulum Rising. By sacrificing Yamatochi, I can Special Summon a Pendulum Monster with the same Level from my Deck! Serve me, Mythorror Willauk!"

Yamatochi left the field through a GY Portal, from which the giant demon with blue skin, white irises, a bald head, pointy ears, and tribal tattoos decorating his face, wearing a skirt made of serrated wrack and a necklace with a skull strapped to it, and holding a kanabo half his size jumped out, basking in the crowd's cheers with a goofy grin.

Mythorror Willauk: ATK 2400 / DEF 1900 / LV: 7 / SC: 2

"Battle! Willauk, crush Alexander and Akaba Reiji with your effect!"

Camazotz wasn't too happy he didn't get the chance to attack him, but he didn't dare utter a word. The giant demon gained a purple aura as he ran towards the windy king.

"Only once during this Duel, if he attacks a Monster, I can make him gain the Attack of the attacked Monster until the end of this turn!" Demiurge grinned wide. "Also! Hevelius's Pendulum Effect! Since you would take damage from the attack of a Mythorror, I can double that amount!"

Double!? That meant—"Checkmate!" Hevelius exclaimed and yellow energy covered his hands, which he then concentrated around my Monster's kanabo for a one-hit finisher.

(Willauk: 2400→4900 ATK)

"Torappu hatsudō: Zero Potential!" Reiji abruptly declared. "We both excavate the top card of our Decks and add that card to our hands. Depending on the card I get, an effect will be applied. Let's see what the results will be."

While the two Fiend Monsters clashed, the two Duelists revealed their respective cards.

"I got a 'D/D/D' card, namely Oblivion King Abyss Ragnarok. Per Zero Potential's effect, the damage I would take becomes 0!"

"What?" Demiurge gritted his teeth at Reiji's words.

Alexander attempted to use his sword to block Willauk's attack, but it shattered like glass upon touching the kanabo, and the king was defeated by the demon's heavy blow. I secretly expected Reiji will survive the attack, but it's still frustrating it actually happened.

"Will I be able to defeat a Duelist someday...?" Willauk groused.

"Quit your whining." Demiurge scolded him, which further annoyed him. As a matter of fact, none of my Mythorrors were happy the god was taking my place. Unlike with me, they couldn't voice their opinions or act freely...well, as freely as allowed by the game. In layman's terms, playtime was over.

That said, what the Hell was he doing, using that tone withmyWillauk? "Oi, he's my Monster. You worry about yours." I interjected, surprising even myself. Did I just...talk? Phew, I thought I'd need to learn a way to do that, but it's the same as talking and thinking while being in control of my body, except this time, I was doing it inside my head.

"Good. Fewer things to waste my patience on." Demiurge sighed before focusing back on the Duel. "Battle! Tindalos, attack Genghis!"

The fiery king tried to slash my Hound of Tindalos with his sword, but they dodged each swing and bit him on the neck. Genghis exploded with a pained gasp, but the shock waves didn't even make his user blink.

Reiji: LP 3500 - 400 = 3100

"Next, Camazotz attacks Caesar! Death's Dive!"

"As you wish, Demiurge-sama!" The bat god spread his wings and took off, flying to the watery king fast as lightning and slashing him across the chest with his sharp claws. Caesar left the field like his comrades, and Reiji didn't blink this time either.

Reiji: LP 3100 - 400 = 2700

"As it was sent from the field to the Graveyard, Caesar's effect activates." Reiji stated. "I add Dark Contract with the Swamp King from my Deck to my hand."

"Lastly, Lindworm attacks you directly, Akaba Reiji!" Demiurge threw an arm forward.

The oversized snake rushed forward with an eager roar, prompting Reiji to act. He jumped up and up on the platforms, eventually finding an Action Card.

"Evasion!" He declared and jumped down, avoiding Lindworm's teeth from covering his body in holes. He landed on a platform that was on the same level as Demiurge's. "Your attack is negated."

The Duelist god's right eyebrow twitched, but he didn't let that ruin his mood. "Very well. Prolong your demise if that's what you want. I enter my second Main Phase and activate Lindworm's effect, fusing him with Camazotz!"

The Monsters turned into red and blue energy respectively, which then spiraled into a portal as he chanted.

"Poison of the greedy one. Hunter lurking in the darkness. Become one in the mystic whirlpool and give rise to my new servant! Fusion Summon! Fly down, apex predator armed with jet-black wings! Mythorror Gnostic Valravn!"

A purple beam shot out of the portal and formed a circle in the air. Purple stars lit up one by one on it, followed by a purple line which connected them all, revealing the Corvus constellation. The half-wolf and half-raven knight then fell out of it and landed on his field with an ear-piercing scream.

Mythorror Gnostic Valravn: ATK 2800 / DEF 1700 / LV: 8

"The Fusion Monster that won you your last two Duels." Reiji calmly adjusted his spectacles, unfazed by the newly summoned servant. "I'm interested in seeing how far it will get you against me."

"Let's find out, shall we?" Demiurge suggested. "I activate the Spell Card Folklore Fusion! With this card, I can Fusion Summon one Fusion Monster from my Extra Deck by using Mythorrors from my hand or field as Fusion Materials. I'll fuse Baphomet and Tindalos!"

The Monsters turned into red and blue energy respectively, which then spiraled into a portal as he chanted.

"Overseer of balance. Relentless pursuer of time travelers. Become one in the mystic whirlpool and give rise to my new servant! Fusion Summon! Appear, canine deity of heavenly fire! Mythorror God Xolotl!"

The canine-headed god who wielded two broadswords of stone with flames and lightning bolts carved on them landed on his field.

Mythorror God Xolotl: ATK 2200/ DEF 1300 / LV: 6

"The effect of Tindalos activates, giving Xolotl 300 Attack and allowing me to draw a card." The god's ATK rose to 2500. "I place one card face-down and end my turn. During the End Phase, Willauk who was summoned by the effect of Pendulum Rising is destroyed."

"See ya later, boss." The giant demon addressed me, raising his fingers to form the V sign before leaving the field in a shower of particles. Heh, he was happy I defended him from Demiurge earlier.

"Watashi no turn." Reiji narrowed his eyes ominously. "Draw! I activate the Continuous Spell Dark Contract with the Swamp King! As you already know, this card inflicts 1000 damage to me during my Standby Phase."

"You said it yourself I already know that, so why say it again?" Why did Demiurge have to be such a bitc—"So!? Which Daemon will you summon next?"

"No need to be in such a rush." Wait, that tone and smirk—was Reiji teasinghim!? Demiurge was taken aback, too. "I activate the Spell Card Card of Demise, whose effect enables me to draw until I have five cards in my hand. As I currently hold two, I draw three new cards."

After doing so, he revealed two cards from his hand. "I, using the Scale 1 D/D Savant Galilei and the Scale 10 D/D Savant Kepler, set the Pendulum Scales!"

He placed his cards on his energy blade, causing the word [PENDULUM] to flash between them and the two pillars to appear around him, containing his mechanical Monsters named after the famous astronomers.

D/D Savant Galilei: ATK 0 / DEF 0 / LV: 10 / SC: 1

D/D Savant Kepler: ATK 0 / DEF 0 / LV: 1 / SC: 10

"There's his own Pendulum." Succubus remarked calmly yet anxiously.

"I can now simultaneously summon Monsters from Levels 2 to 9." The crowd's cheers grew in volume following Reiji's words. "Grand power that shakes my very soul! Arise within me and become a new light that rends the darkness! Pendulum Summon!"

A portal opened between the two pillars, and a single beam shot out of it before landing on his field. This feeling...I knew this feeling. I also felt it during his Duel against Yuya when he summoned this specific Monster!

"Appear, the supreme deity that passes judgment upon the twilight of gods, D/D/D Oblivion King Abyss Ragnarok!"

The king who was sitting on a large throne and was covered from head to toe in armor with orange highlights, horns jutting out of his head and shoulders, and belt-like tentacles thrashing from his back was revealed.

D/D/D Oblivion King Abyss Ragnarok: Dark / Fiend / Pendulum / Effect / ATK: 2200 / DEF: 3000 / LV: 8 / SC: 5

I couldn't keep eye contact with Abyss Ragnarok for more than a few seconds—huh, in this state, I still had 'eyes' I could close?—his stare was too...menacing? No, that wasn't the right way to put it. It was something...instinctive. There was a shift in Demiurge's and Xolotl's postures, too, meaning I wasn't the only one who felt this way.

"What's the deal with that Monster?" I inquired, confused by my own reaction to this king's presence.

"We, gods, can't help but feel repulsive towards a being like that," Ereshkigal explained with a strained voice. "That's someone on the same level as gods, but not actually one, making his chant a bit incorrect. He's...a God Killer."

What? "That's an ability that can be possessed by living entities and inanimate objects alike." Seth continued for her. "It gifts the holder the authority to negate the powers of gods...and kill them."

I gasped. Abyss Ragnarok...was a nemesis of gods? No wonder they were acting this way in his presence! But...why could I feel this? Oh! It must be because I was hosting Demiurge inside my body!

Then I realized something crucial. "Wait, wouldn't you guys...die from fighting him!?" I shouted in concern, immediately regretting my decision to come here.

"Rest at ease,mymaster. That will not happen." I sighed in relief at Xolotl's words. "We would have to be fighting the actualAbyss Ragnarok in our actual bodies to die at the hands of his ability. Worst case scenario...his attacks will hurt more than usual."

Reiji used Abyss Ragnarok's effect to revive Genghis and he Normal Summoned D/D Necro Slime while we were talking.

D/D Necro Slime: Dark / Fiend / Effect / ATK: 300 / DEF: 300 / LV: 1

"Now I activate Abyss Ragnarok's other effect, releasing Necro Slime to target and banish one Monster you control!" Reiji gestured in our direction. "Vanish, Xolotl!"

"I activate the Quick-Play Spell Solemn Command!" Demiurge interjected. "This negates a card or effect that targets exactly one Mythorror I control, and as a bonus, increases its Attack by 600!"

The God Killer's belt-tentacles grasped Necro Slime and threw it at Xolotl, but a lightning bolt shot down from the ceiling and pulverized the slime creature. At the same time, the god gained an eerie aura as his strength increased.

(Xolotl: 2500→3100 ATK)

But... "3100 isn't enough to opposeCaesar Ragnarok's 3200 Attack." Reynardine muttered my own concern.

"That may be true, however, this pattern is different from before." Snow pointed out. "He didn't resurrectCaesar. There's a high chance he won't call upon that servant."

"What, then?" I guess we'll soon find out, Adaro.

"I activate Necro Slime's effect from my Graveyard." Reiji struck that pose of his to point at the ground. "I banish this card to Fusion Summon one 'D/D/D' Fusion Monster by using Monsters from my field as Fusion Materials."

His kings turned into red and blue energy, which then spiraled into a portal as he chanted.

"Scorch the twilight of gods, and with the force of your raging inferno, open up a new world! Fusion Summon! Come before me, autocratic god of nihility!D/D/D Flame Oblivion King Temüjin Ragnarok!"

At first, the back of Abyss Ragnarok's throne emerged from the portal, which then burst into flames and revealed the king who sat on it. He had the same body as Genghis, but his red armor gained a purplish hue and orange highlights, the appendages attached to his back were replaced by Abyss Ragnarok's spikes, belt-tentacles with flaming tips thrashed from his back, and Genghis's sword was fused to his right arm.

D/D/D Flame Oblivion King Temüjin Ragnarok: Dark / Fiend / Fusion / Effect / ATK: 3000 / DEF: 2800 / LV: 10

"Like withCaesar Ragnarok, the feeling got worse..." I thought out loud, staring at the fused form of the God Killer and the fiery king with instinctive hate, a sentiment shared by the other gods.

"One more." Reiji gestured at his Continuous Spell. No way...will he summon Abyss Ragnarok and Alexander's...!? "Dark Contract with the Swamp King no kōka. If I would summon a 'D/D' Fusion Monster with this card's effect, I can also banish Monsters from my Graveyard and use them as materials!"

Genghis and Alexander briefly appeared on the field before turning into red and blue energy respectively, which then spiraled into a portal as he chanted.

"Blow away the twilight of gods, and with the force of your thunderous war cry, open up a new world! Fusion Summon! Come before me, autocratic god of perpetuity!D/D/D Gust Oblivion King Alexandros Ragnarok!"

The same thing from moments ago repeated itself, but this time, a gale crushed the throne to pieces and revealed Abyss Ragnarok's fourth and final form. He had the same body as Alexander, but his gray armor gained a purplish hue and orange highlights, instead of a cape he had spikes jutting out of his spine, a horn emerged from his forehead and the back of his head, and his right hand was replaced by a tentacle surrounded with raging winds.

D/D/D Gust Oblivion King Alexandros Ragnarok: Dark / Fiend / Fusion / Effect / ATK: 3400 / DEF: 3200 / LV: 10

"Humph! Is copying your opponent all you can bring to the table?" Demiurge mocked the CEO. Amazing, he's completely unfazed by the other's own consecutive Fusion Summons, one of which was a Pendulum-Fusion.

"Are we in a position where you can insult him?" Nattmara had a point though.

"Hardly." Reiji unconsciously answered them both. "Battle! Alexandros Ragnarok attacks Xolotl! The End of Eternity!"

Demiurge clicked his tongue and jumped from platform to platform, eventually finding an Action Card. "You humans and your games of chance...!" But he growled upon finding out it won't help him in this situation.

The winds surrounding Alexandros Ragnarok's tentacle shot forward, washing over the canine-headed god and shredding him to pieces with a pained cry. That ensued an explosion, which almost knocked Demiurge off the platform.

Vince/Demiurge: LP 2800 - 300 = 2500

"Alexandros Ragnarok's effect activates." Reiji pushed up his spectacles. "If this card destroys an opponent's Monster in battle, I can target one other card on the field and destroy it! I target Gnostic Hevelius with this effect!"

"Ah, the perks of having a good ability." Hevelius shrugged with a dejected smile.

"You believe that will tip the scales in your favor!?" Demiurge exclaimed dismissively. "I activate the effects of the destroyed Xolotl and Carpo's Benevolence from my Graveyard! Since you destroyed a 'Mythorror' Monster under my control, I can banish Carpo's Benevolence to draw a card! Dark Draw!"

After doing so, "With Xolotl, I will return Baphomet to my hand once again!" A miniature cyclone enveloped his Magus after that, destroying him.

Reiji narrowed his eyes. "Battle! Temüjin Ragnarok attacks Valravn! The End of Purgatory!"

The king's belt-tentacles shot forward, latching themselves to the winged knight's arms, legs, and waist, efficiently trapping him in place. Temüjin Ragnarok then crossed the distance between them and swung down his sword-arm, bisecting Valravn and causing him to explode with a pained scream.

Vince/Demiurge: LP 2500 - 200 = 2300

"Hah! 300 and 200 damage is the best you can do, despite the fact you evolved that obnoxious Abyss Ragnarok twice!?" Demiurge sneered with his arms opened in a gesture of mockery. "Pathetic! You'll need much more to defeat the great me!"

"Really now?" Demiurge raised an eyebrow in irritation at Reiji's calm reply. He had something up his sleeve. "Temüjin Ragnarok's effect! Since its attack destroyed an opponent's Monster, it can declare a second attack in a row! Attack Demiurge directly, my Monster! The End of Purgatory!"

"Don't underestimate me, you mongrel!" He revealed the card he got through his Dark Draw. "I pay half my Life Points in order to activate the Counter Trap Divine Mercy from my hand! This turn, all battle damage I would take involving direct attacks becomes 0!"

Vince/Demiurge: LP 23001150

A transparent barrier appeared around Demiurge, intercepting Temüjin Ragnarok's sword-arm that was aimed at him. Phew, that was close—

"Do you honestly think you're worth our time?" That voice...Genghis? No, it was a mix...of Genghis and Abyss Ragnarok! As he talked, Temüjin Ragnarok continued to press his sword-arm on the barrier, causing sparks to fly everywhere.

"I wish I could say that myself, but I despise the idea of having a losing record against your lot." Demiurge scoffed calmly.

"The words of an arrogant fool." Temüjin Ragnarok began furiously slashing the barrier, although his tone remained calm. "Your nitwit brain doesn't allow you to understand that, to us, you're hardly an opponent. You haven't changed from the Great War."

"Bold words! You can't do so much as touching me!" Demiurge laughed, albeit anger was slowly creeping into his voice.

The Fusion Monster growled in exasperation. "Do I have to repeat myself?" He thrust his weapon against the barrier and caused a crack to appear on it.

My heart skipped a beat. "What...!?" Demiurge's eyes widened in surprise.

"You insist you're the strongest, but your nitwit brain is incapable of fathoming what horrors we've seen over the eons in other, parallel universes." More and more cracks started to appear on the barrier. "The true enemy of all existence does not hide in your palm which holds all that you know. Nor in your other palm which holds all knowledge unknown to you. Instead, it constantly watches you..."

With the second thrust of his weapon, the barrier finally shattered, leaving Demiurge defenseless. The god stared at the king in shock; the other looked down on him like he was filth on the side of a road.

"From above your head." Temüjin Ragnarok concluded with a creepy whisper, and one of his belt-tentacles coiled around Demiurge's neck.


"Agh!" I gasped for air, clawing at the appendage in vain. I couldn't...breathe! On top of that, it was also hot, dammit! Was he trying to kill me, too!? What's his problem with me!?

Wait. I was in control again? What happened to—I didn't have the chance to finish that thought as I was suddenly tugged forward by the belt-tentacle, sending me flying into the air before throwing me to the ground with a pained cry.

WHAT WAS THAT FOR, YOU IDIOT!?I thought as I started coughing like there was no tomorrow, sprawled on the ground like an idiot.

"V-Vince-sama! Are you alright nya~!?" Nekomata screamed in concern, sounding on the verge of tears. Each one of my Mythorrors, some more, others less, shared her concern, which helped me focus back on my surroundings. Right, I was still Dueling...I must stand up and continue!

Demiurge's Mythorrors, on the other hand, were worried about their master, who was gasping for air as well and snarling like a mad dog.

"He thinks he'll get away with this!?" He all but screamed, prompting me to flinch. Damn, this was the first time he was thisangry... "That annoying, know-it-all, conceited, obnoxious, second-rate demon thinks he can just toss me to the side like I'm nothing!?ME,the great Demiurge!?"

The sound of his enraged howling played in the background as I slowly stood up with a grunt and glared at the opposing Monsters. I'll make sure to give them a piece of my own mind in my next turn.

But apparently, Demiurge wasn't done yet. "If I was using my own deck, they would've died a long time ago! He shouldthank mefor letting him live for this long! How dare he!? I'll—"

He suddenly stopped, taking a long inhale and exhaling to get hold of himself. Finally, his ranting was starting to get childish... I understood he had his ego to uphold and all that, but he shouldn't make a fool out of himself.

"There's no reason to get so worked up." Demiurge arrived at the same conclusion. "The pain I've suffered from the God Killer's touch made my control over this body slip...oh well. I have no reason to waste so much of my energy here." His next words were quite unsettling, "I'll kill his lot the day I'm free again."

"I set a card and end my turn." Reiji spoke up after his long silence. His eyes betrayed his stoic expression, making me think of a parent who had to teach his children the harsh reality of things against his own will. He mercilessly beat Yuya and planned to do the same with me, yet deep down, he wasn't happy to inflict all this damage. He wanted us to grow stronger; it was his duty as our leader. "Your 'Mythorror' deck is similar to my 'D/D' deck, meaning their strength is on an equal footing. So it all comes down to their user."

His eyes hardened. "Strong emotions aren't enough to survive. In fact, people solely driven by their emotions are easy to read." That's...that's true, but...! "If you wish to save the four Dimensions and make everyone smile, you must learn to keep your emotions in check, to accept the unpleasant truth, and to make harsh decisions. Your current level of strength isn't enough to protect your friends, the innocent, or...your children."

Excuse me?

"Chil...dren?" I tilted my head to the side in total confusion.

"You're Vince, yes?" Following my nod, Reiji couldn't contain a sly smile. He must have understood that from my stance and the fact I wasn't boasting anymore. "Why are you making that face, then? Aren't you the one who called the Mythorrors your children when the Obelisk Force insulted them?"







"R-Really!?" I asked my cards in disbelief. My cheeks were burning, I was sure my face turned red as a tomato! I wasn't embarrassed for calling my Mythorrors my children, don't get me wrong! I...I would be down with treating them as my children! I loved them so much already, and there were so many things I wanted to show and teach them...I wanted them to live a happy life!

Thinking of their reactions to me calling them my children was the problem! Were they happy? Did they like it? Or hate it!? Did they want to abandon me!? Aaah, no, anything but that!

"Yep, you sure did." Adaro giggled, prompting me to grasp my cheeks in an attempt to hide my blush. "Hmm, if I remember correctly, you also called the people of the Fusion Dimension 'children'."

"I DID WHAT!?" I roared, and now I wassuremy face was completely red. I was right...I was right! Being surrounded by all these gods started to rub off on me!

"Do you regret it?" Snow asked playfully. "Calling us your children, I mean."

"E-Eh!?" I was left speechless. I was so confused and embarrassed that I couldn't focus on their emotions to tell if they were joking or not. "N-No! I mean, I didn't—no, I want—I-I mean—"

"Aaw, you broke him." Succubus broke into laughter, followed by the youkai.

"Light-hearted moments like these are what we need to keep our sanity." Amused by my state, Reiji's smile widened. "But aren't you getting too ahead of yourself? We're still Dueling! Weren't you going to defeat me in Yuya's place and grasp the truth!?"

"Right!" I slapped my cheeks twice to calm down. I'll worry about the children-thing later! For now, I must win! Although...how will I do that? My Pendulum Scale was broken, sealing my Pendulum Summons. The cards in my hand weren't enough to make a comeback. "I'll have to bet it on this next draw!"

...What a cheesy thing to say.I snorted at myself before drawing dramatically, waiting a few seconds to glance at it. When I did, I gasped in surprise and smiled wide.

It was Coco. "You came to save me!" He growled faintly, embarrassed by how excited I was to see him, but happy nonetheless. We didn't hear from him for so long I was starting to get worried, but he returned just at the right time! I couldn't hug him, so I rubbed his card to my cheek in glee. "Thank you! Let's go, everyone! I, using the Scale 6 Mythorror Coco, complete my Pendulum Scales!"

The Monster who had a dusty white cloak draped over his body, concealing all of his features and casting a shadow over his face, had a red glow radiating from where his eyes should be and a dark green and sage scaled tail sprouting from his waist, along with a draconic wing from the left side of his back, appeared in the pillar on my left.

Mythorror Coco: ATK 600 / DEF 1900 / LV: 3 / SC: 6

"I can now simultaneously summon Level 7 and 8 Monsters! Battalion of mythical creatures and gods! With our souls on the line, our power becomes the hammer which crushes despair! Pendulum Summon! Return to me, Tindalos, Hevelius!"

A portal opened between the two pillars, and two beams shot out of it before landing on my field, followed by excited cheers and whistles from our crowd.

"I also summon Baphomet!" The overseer of balance reappeared again. "And using his effect, I call back Yamatochi to the stage as well!"

The said god emerged from a glowing pentagram with an inhuman roar.

"Now I overlay the Level 7 Yamatochi and Hevelius!" The two turned into purple beams and entered a swirling galaxy, from which a pillar of light shot out. "Staunch guard dog of the Underworld, under my lead, let none escape the clutches of death! Xyz Summon! Howl, Rank 7! Mythorror Gnostic Kerberos!"

A magic circle suddenly appeared at the tip of the pillar, and black stars lit up one by one on it, followed by a black line which connected them all, revealing the Cerberus constellation. The three-headed, black-furred hound with sharp fangs, a single orange eye and a spiky collar for each of his heads, obsidian claws, and red circuits running along his body emerged from the circle.

Mythorror Gnostic Kerberos: ATK 2900/ DEF 2500 / RK: 7

Reiji jumped down from his platform and started running, already knowing what was coming his way.

"By using an Overlay Unit, I activate Kerberos's effect!" His left head devoured one of the lights orbiting his body. "All Monsters my opponent controls are destroyed, then they take 400 damage for each destroyed card! Infernal Penalty!"

Our opponent collected an Action Card from the ground. "Determination!" A card, which depicted a battered, humanoid silhouette standing firmly on the ground with a spotlight shining on him, appeared. "The destruction of my Monsters caused by your effect is negated! Also, I can draw a card."

"You dodged it...all according to my plan!" I revealed and aimed a finger at the CEO. "I activate Coco's Pendulum Effect, targeting Baphomet and Tindalos for it! The former's Level becomes equal to the latter's, in this case 7!"

Baphomet gained an eerie aura as his Level increased.

"Two Level 7 Monsters..." Reiji muttered. "A god is coming."

"You got it in one! I overlay the now Level 7 Baphomet and Tindalos!" After conjuring a new swirling galaxy and pillar of light, I chanted once more. "Ruler cloaked in death's scent. Gather the army that will defeat those foolish enough to defy me! Xyz Summon! Descend, Rank 7! Mythorror God Supay!"

To emerge from the portal was the tall man with stone blue skin decorated with black tattoos and four-toed feet with gray talons, wearing a black and golden headdress with the Supay-mask Duel Monster on his face, a brown loincloth with blue orbs strapped to his waist, a pair of bracelets made of blue orbs around his ankles, and clawed stone gauntlets.

Mythorror God Supay:ATK 2700 / DEF 1600 / RK: 7

"For invoking Demiurge-sama's wrath...I'll deliver you death!" He threatened the kings, who straight-up ignored him.

"Tindalos's effect activates, letting me draw and increasing Supay's Attack by 300." His ATK rose to 3000. "By using an Overlay Unit, I activate Supay's effect!"

His mask absorbed an Overlay Unit, causing purple flames to envelop his gauntlets.

"This turn, when my gods attack an enemy Monster, that Monster will be destroyed before the damage calculation!" I threw an arm forward, ready to end the Duel this turn. "Battle! Supay, teach Temüjin Ragnarok a lesson!"

"Gladly!" Supay bumped his fists eagerly and leaped forward.

The Fusion Monster threw his belt-tentacles at the god, but he masterfully dodged them all and got behind the king.

"To my realm you go!Ukhu Pacha!" He declared and performed a suplex on Temüjin Ragnarok, who exploded in purple flames upon touching the ground.

"Alright!" A couple of my Monsters and I cheered in tandem with the crowd.

"One more foolish king remains." Sidonia giggled sad*stically.

"Kerberos isn't a god!" Reiji pointed out what he thought was bad news. "And you've already used its effect this turn. You can't defeat Alexandros Ragnarok with it!"

I grinned wide, "He can't, butthiscan!" And played the Action Card I got earlier. "Single Destruction! Since you control exactly one Monster, namely Alexandros Ragnarok, I can target and destroy him!"

The Action Magic shot a yellow beam at his remaining Fusion Monster, piercing his chest and making him explode with a sharp gasp.

"Battle! Kerberos attacks you directly! Infernal Ululate!" I've done it...I managed to defeat Reiji!

Kerberos's three heads howled in unison, unleashing several sound waves that washed over our opponent with no trouble—but failed to do him any harm.

Why!? "What gives!?" Willauk whined.

"Because you destroyed the Monsters originally protected by Determination," seeing my confused expression, Reiji began explaining. "Any battle damage I would take from direct attacks this turn is canceled."

Seriously!? I was so close, too! "I place two cards face-down and pass..."

"Watashi no turn. Draw!" Seeing his new card, Reiji's eyes dilated by a fraction. He then smiled, causing me to stiffen. He, too, drew exactly what he needed, didn't he? "My Duels with you and Yuya...were exhilarating. That's why...I'll demonstrate my gratitude by showing you a new power I've recently acquired."

"I wish to decline it. Who else is with me?" A string of agreements followed Adaro's words, amongst which was mine as well. Too bad we didn't really have a choice in the matter.

"During my Standby Phase, Dark Contract with the Swamp King's effect activates." A black miasma surrounded his Continuous Spell. "I take 1000 damage!"

I gasped, knowing the pain he was about to feel. "Reiji!" I cried out in concern as the same miasma oozed from the CEO on the spot where his heart would be, prompting him to grit his teeth to avoid making any pained noises.

Reiji: LP 2700 - 1000 = 1700

"This pain...is nothing compared to that felt by those who've fallen." Oi, that's a cool thing to say—and maybe even true—but you shouldn't accept pain so carelessly! "During my Standby Phase, Galilei's and Kepler's Pendulum Effects also activate, increasing and reducing their Pendulum Scales by 2 respectively."

(Galilei: SC 1→3; Kepler: SC 10→8)

"HAH! Now he can't Pendulum SummonAbyss Ragnarok!" Demiurge laughed mockingly. "Not to mention, you control my Kerberos and have those two set cards! This Duel's as good as over!"

"I activate the Spell Card Scale Up." Reiji declared. "I target and raise Kepler's Pendulum Scale by 2 until the end of this turn!"

"...You were saying?" I sighed in exasperation as Kepler's Scale went back to 10, causing Demiurge to snarl like a mad dog at Reiji.

"I can now simultaneously summon Monsters from Levels 4 to 9." The CEO gestured at the ceiling. "Pendulum Summon! Be reborn, D/D/D Oblivion King Abyss Ragnarok!"

The God Killer reappeared on his field, displaying his 2200 ATK to us.

"Abyss Ragnarok no kōka!" The king stabbed the ground with his belt-tentacles, conjuring a GY Portal. "I target Alexandros Ragnarok in my Graveyard and Special Summon it!"

"Not on my watch! By using an Overlay Unit, I activate Kerberos's other effect!" His middle head devoured the last light orbiting his body. "Until the end of this turn, you aren't allowed to Special Summon Monsters from either Graveyard! Infernal Lock!"

The GY Portal suddenly pulsed like a heart, and it closed without a second of a delay.

"Yet another reversal!" Seth whistled. "Astonishing, my king! I'm curious to see how our opponent will respond to this!"

"That's a remarkable effect." Reiji admitted before his eyes widened. "But, not enough! I activate the Spell Card Pre-Preparation of Rites! I add from my Deck to my hand, one Ritual Spell and one Ritual Monster whose name is listed on the former card!"

My own eyes widened. No way... "Reiji can Ritual—no,Pendulum-Ritual, too!?"

"It's time. I activate the Ritual SpellDark Contract with theTyrant King!" A card, which depicted a humanoid silhouette howling in agony at the night sky on a balcony, appeared. The moon shined brightly in the background, but due to its prominent size, it looked intimidating, as if causing the man pain with its presence. "By releasing Fiend-Type Monsters from my hand or field, I can Ritual Summon a specific Ritual Monster from my hand."

The spotlights that illuminated the battlefield turned off, shrouding us in complete darkness. The moon then rose from behind our opponent, dimly lighting up the field and revealing a coffin of white marble in the center. It must've appeared while we were momentarily blinded...

"I release the Level 8 Abyss Ragnarok!" As his Monster turned into blue particles and was absorbed into the coffin, causing blue lines to light up on its surface and revealing the eerie imagery carved on it, Reiji chanted. "Blood-soaked king of madness. With the moon's love, now, let your power become a legend! Ritual Summon! Be born, Level 8! D/D/D Tyrant King Caligula!"

With an inhuman roar, a new king burst free from the coffin. Reaching the same height as Alexander, the tallest of Reiji's iconic D/D/D trio, this Monster was covered from head to toe in blood-red armor with gold adorning his joints and black painted on his hips, upper arms, and thighs. This king had a mouth, full of long fangs that made it impossible to be closed like my Lindworm, and his eyes were hidden under a crimson scarf. He chose a scythe as his weapon, snath black and blade gold like his armor.

The scenery around us returned to normal once the summon was over, and the crowd cheered for the newly arrived king.

D/D/D Tyrant King Caligula: Dark / Fiend / Ritual / Effect / ATK: 2000/ DEF: 1600 / LV: 8

"The Child Loved by the Moon also makes his debut." Supay mused.

Loved by the moon?Don't make me laugh.That wasn't love. Love wasn't supposed to turn you into a salivating, hunched, snarling mess. This king was once a wise ruler loved by his people, but it all changed when the moon, Diana, made him fall into madness. He's the victim of a goddess's lust!

"It isn't a good idea to stare so intensely at him." Demiurge snapped me out of my thoughts. Now that he mentioned it...something didn't feel right as I stared at Caligula. It was...maddening? Not Caligula himself, but...like an ability, which was driving me insane? "His curse can affect those with weak mental resistance around himself. You can interact with Duel Spirits; watch out for that."

How horrible. "This is the strength of a divine curse..." I muttered, looking away from the king.

"A curse...of the moon." Nattmara was also shocked by this revelation for some reason.

"Now that its effect resolved, Dark Contract with the Tyrant King remains face-up in my Spell & Trap Zone as a Continuous Spell with a new effect." A Ritual Spell that becomes a Continuous Spell!? I've never heard of anything like that... A fitting effect for a Dark Contract. "Caligula gains 500 Attack for each 'Dark Contract' card I control!"

His king roared again as a dark aura surrounded him.

(Caligula: 2000→3000 ATK)

"Dark Contract with the Swamp King no kōka!" Reiji stated. "From my Graveyard, I banish Temüjin and Alexandros Ragnarok and fuse them!"

His Monsters briefly appeared on the field before turning into red and blue energy respectively, which then spiraled into a portal as he chanted.

"Crush the twilight of gods, and with the force of your surging wave, open up a new world! Fusion Summon! Come before me, autocratic god of limits! D/D/D Wave Oblivion King Caesar Ragnarok!"

The fused form of Caesar and Abyss Ragnarok emerged from the portal, crushing his throne in the process like his other counterparts.

D/D/D Wave Oblivion King Caesar Ragnarok: Dark / Fiend / Fusion / Effect / ATK: 3200 / DEF: 3000 / LV: 10

Amazing...he summoned all additional forms of Abyss Ragnarok in the same Duel! On top of that, he revealed he can use all Summoning Methods, just like yours truly! As I expected, this turned out to be my toughest fight yet.

"Battle! Caesar Ragnarok attacks Supay!" Reiji pointed at us. "The End of Judgment!"

"When my Mythorror is attacked, I can activate the Trap Card Andarta's Trial!" I revealed one of my set cards. "All battle damage I would take from this battle is inflicted to you instead! It might seem like a waste to use it now, but thanks to its effect, after damage calculation, all damage you and I would take for the rest of this turn becomes 0!"

"Better be safe than sorry, eh? That's so like you,Master." I chuckled pridefully at Ereshkigal's words.

"I activate the Continuous Trap Dark Contract with Errors!" Reiji abruptly declared, to which I blanched.Thatwas his set card!? "I negate the effect of your Trap Card! With a new Dark Contract, Caligula gains another 500 Attack!"

(Caligula: 3000→3500 ATK)

This was bad... If he chose to negate Andarta's Trial, that meant he planned to settle things this turn!

"You just had to attack me with that pest, didn't you!?" Supay grumbled while swinging a foot into the ground, causing large pieces of rubble to fly into the air and form a makeshift barrier to block the blue energy beams released from the tips of Caesar Ragnarok's belt-tentacles and hands.

The beams easily pierced the rubble and struck the god of death, causing him to explode with an angry cry and send me skidding backwards.

Vince: LP 1150 - 200 = 950

"Battle! Caligula attacks Kerberos!" Reiji exclaimed. "Mad Luna!"

Followed by a roar, the cursed king closed the distance between himself and his foe with two leaps and swung down his scythe, bisecting the guard dog and ensuing another explosion that sent me skidding backwards, hitting the ring's bars.

Vince: LP 950 - 600 = 350

"He has no other servants to attack with!" Willauk cheered.

Too bad he was immediately proven wrong. "Dark Contract with the Tyrant King's effect!" Reiji gestured at the said card as it glowed. "Once per turn, during either player's turn, I can target and destroy one 'D/D' card I control to Special Summon one 'D/D/D' Monster from my hand or Deck."

"What!?" So that was his plan...!

"I destroy Caesar Ragnarok to Special Summon D/D/D Doom King Armageddon from my Deck!"

The God Killer left the field in a shower of particles, which then took the shape of his infamous Pendulum Monster.

D/D/D Doom King Armageddon: Dark / Fiend / Pendulum / Effect / ATK: 3000 / DEF: 1000 / LV: 8 / SC: 4

"Battle!" Reiji declared without a second of a delay. "Go, Armageddon! Attack Vince directly and finish this!"

"I still have a card to play! Torappu hatsudō:Narcissus Mirror!" A card, which depicted a narcissus flower next to a pool of water, appeared. A purple aura enveloped the plant's reflection, which possessed two crimson eyes and a crescent-shaped smile, staring at the viewer ominously. "I'll have your Monster fall in love with its reflection, Reiji!"

Water surged forth from my Trap, covering the entire field and drenching our shoes in it. The reflections of his Monsters were extending all the way to my side of the field.

"If I'm attacked directly, this card Special Summons to my field a number of Tokens equal to the number of Monsters you control and to the same columns as those Monsters," I explained as the reflections, transparent replicas of his kings, slowly rose from the water. "Each Token copies all qualities of the original, except for their effects, and for the rest of this turn, your Monsters can only attack their reflections and they must attack, if able of course."

"This will at least help you survive, defeating his king in the process." Reynardine said.

"I beg to differ." We gasped at Reiji's response to my earlier statement. "At this moment, since you activated a card that would Special Summon Monsters, by sending one Dark Contract from my hand or that I control to the Graveyard, Caligula can negate that activation and destroy one card you control!"

You've gotta be kidding me! He had a counter for that, too!?

"I sacrifice Dark Contract with Errors to negate Narcissus Mirror and destroy Mythorror Coco in your Pendulum Zone! Tyrannical Subjugation!"

His Continuous Trap became blood-red energy and enveloped the blade of Caligula's scythe. The king stabbed the ground with it, causing the water to shatter like glass, preventing my replicas from taking shape. He then swung his weapon to the side, firing a crescent-shaped energy slash at Coco and destroying him with ease.

(Caligula: 3500→3000 ATK)

I had no cards in my hand, no effects to use from the GY, and that was my last face-down. There were no Action Cards in sight, either, and I was literally up against the wall, or in this case bars.

My body froze in shock. "I...lost."

Armageddon unleashed a barrage of purple beams from its core, wrapping me up in a series of blasts and making me feel pain all over my body. The crowd cheered loudly as the winner was finally decided.

Vince: LP 350 - 3000 = 0

Winner: Reiji!

My legs gave away, and I fell to the ground with a grunt. The office reverted to normal and the lights automatically turned on since it was already nighttime. I silently stared at my lap in frustration; I didn't achieve anything from coming here. Sure, I learned a thing or two, but I didn't find out the truth, nor did I beat Reiji. Sigh, this was so...infuriating!

A shadow suddenly covered me, and I looked up. Reiji was standing in front of me with his usual, unreadable expression.

"You must grow up, and become an adult," he repeated himself in a soft tone. "All Lancers must, including me. That's why I'm keeping secrets and making you realize the errors of your ways. It's through hardship that one grows, not spoiling or happiness."

I couldn't help but chuckle and look at my lap again in defeat. "A harsh teacher...that's so like you." However...I met his eyes once more, this time frowning. "But...don't keep Yuya in the dark. Not him. He and Yuzu..."

"I know." Reiji nodded and offered me a hand. "Before we depart from this Dimension, I'm going to tell you all what happened to Hiiragi Yuzu. As her friends, you deserve to know it."

He may be harsh, but he wasn't evil. "Reiji...thank you." I smiled in relief and took his hand. He helped me stand up. "And regarding Demiurge's questions..."

"That...is a matter we'll discuss in the future." He promised.

"It appears he doesn't trust you yet that deeply, my master." Seemed so, Yamatochi. Not that Reiji was completely in the wrong about it: simply because we're comrades, that didn't mean he was obligated to tell me all his secrets. And I was sure he wouldn't break his promise.

"Sorry for robbing so much of your time." Reiji apologized after a glance at his Duel Disk's clock. "If you wish, I can have Nakajima escort you home."

I nodded. "Yes, I would love that." Oh, right! "Speaking of Nakajima... He said you're working on new support cards for our decks."

"That's correct. Why?"

"W-Well, you see..." I scratched the back of my neck with a sheepish chuckle, prompting him to raise an eyebrow. "Is it a problem ifIchoose who my Monsters are based on?"

"Considering how your Entertainment Dueling works...I can see why you'd ask that." Reiji remarked while pushing up his spectacles. "Very well. Write me a message tomorrow morning and I'll make it happen."

Sweet! "Thanks!" I said again and turned to leave, just for the CEO to stop me.

"Vince," Reiji stared at me for a couple of seconds before sighing. "I'm not saying you shouldn't listen to your heart. But watch out; compassion can be abused. Optimism has its pitfalls. Flaws don't make them worthless. Even lies can be learned from."

That's...wow. This guy was full of deep words. "I will." I reassured him with a firm nod and smile.

"Good." a ghost of a smile appeared on his face. "Head to the reception. Nakajima will be waiting for you there."


"That was tiring..." I released a long sigh and leaned against a wall in the elevator.

Reiji won, despite the fact Demiurge—I repeat, a god with magical powers—aided me! Now I was really interested in seeing the two of them Duel, Demiurge obviously using his actual deck. Who would win? The god, or the king?

"That was an awesome fight!" I smiled at Willauk's energetic words. At least some of my...chil...ahem. Some of my Mythorrors had fun. I hope I'll get the chance to Duel Reiji again in the future and enjoy the fight myself.

"Indeed! Moreover, new comrades will soon join our ranks!" Seth pointed out. "I can't wait to find out who you'll choose, my king!"

Right, I had to decide on the lucky winners as soon as possible! I, too, shared his excitement at knowing I'll get new...chil...new children. I was still incapable of thinking of them as my children without blushing and feeling all weird inside, but I was sure I'd get used to it soon.

"HAH! As if a human could create strong cards." Demiurge abruptly snorted. "Listen well, my vessel! I'll permit you to use a few of my other cards and servants. Teach Akaba Reiji what true strength looks like."

Well, well, someone's growing desperate to assert his dominance.

"Your Majesty, are you perhaps referring to...!"

"Precisely." Hevelius gasped in awe at Demiurge's confirmation. I guess he'll give me pretty strong cards... "Since we can use the excuse 'a good Duelist doesn't reveal all his cards right away', we won't have to worry about a thing. If the servants already present are such amateurs, it's time to summon ones who'll get the job done."

Camazotz, Balor, and Supay didn't say a word back, staying silent in shame. After everything that happened, I was surprised he could still be so self-conceited... I was hoping he'd calm down, but it turned out Temüjin Ragnarok's words only served to fuel his pride.

Sigh... Why did this journey have no intention of becoming just a tiny bit easier?

Fan-made Cards:

Action Cards:


Action Spell

If a monster(s) you control would be destroyed by an opponent's card effect: That monster(s) is not destroyed, also draw 1 card. If that monster(s) is destroyed and this card was activated this turn (and was not negated): You take no battle damage from direct attacks for the rest of this turn.


D/D Profit

Normal Spell

Draw 1 card for each face-up "Dark Contract" card you control. If this card is in your GY: You can banish it, then target 1 "D/D" monster in GY; Special Summon it, but it cannot attack directly this turn. You can only use 1 "D/D Profit" effect per turn, and only once that turn.

00 Collapse

Continuous Trap

If a "D/D/D" monster you control attacks an opponent's monster: You can activate this effect; your monster cannot be destroyed by that battle and any battle damage you would take becomes 0, also, after damage calculation, send that opponent's monster to the GY. At the end of your Battle Phase: Destroy this card, and if you do, draw cards equal to the number of times the previous effect was used this turn. You can only use this effect of "00 Collapse" once per turn.

Zero Potential

Normal Trap

If you would take damage: Both players excavate the top card of their Deck, then they add that card to their hand, also, apply 1 of these effects, depending on your excavated card.

- "D/D" card: Halve the damage.

- "D/D/D" card: The damage becomes 0.

- "Dark Contract", "00", or "Zero" Spell/Trap: Gain that much LP, instead.

You can only activate 1 "Zero Potential" per turn.

[Trivia: Instead of making a new card, I altered this card's effect to make it more...helpful.]

D/D/D Flame Oblivion King Temüjin Ragnarok(Dark/Fiend/Fusion/Effect/ATK: 3000/DEF: 2800/LV: 10)

1 "D/D/D" Fusion Monster + 1 "D/D/D" monster

If this card attacks an opponent's monster: You can negate the effects of all monsters your opponent controls, until the end of the Damage Step. Your opponent cannot activate cards or effects in response to this effect's activation. Once per turn, if this attacking card destroys an opponent's monster by battle: It can make a second attack in a row.

D/D/D Gust Oblivion King Alexandros Ragnarok(Dark/Fiend/Fusion/Effect/ATK: 3400/DEF: 3200/LV: 10)

1 "D/D/D" Synchro Monster + 1 "D/D/D" monster

Once per turn, if this card destroys an opponent's monster by battle: You can target 1 other card on the field; destroy it, and if you destroyed an opponent's monster this way, inflict damage to them equal to that monster's original ATK, or if you destroyed a card you controlled this way, return it to your hand and gain 1000 LP.

Dark Contract with the Tyrant King

Ritual Spell

This card can be used to Ritual Summon "D/D/D Tyrant King Caligula". You must also Tribute Fiend monsters from your hand or field whose total Levels equal or exceed 8. After this effect resolves, this card remains face-up in the Spell & Trap Zone as a Continuous Spell with this effect:

- Once per turn (Quick Effect): You can target 1 "D/D" card you control; destroy that target, and if you do, Special Summon 1 "D/D/D" monster from your hand or Deck. Once per turn, during your Standby Phase: Take 2000 damage.

You can only control 1 "Dark Contract with the Tyrant King".

D/D/D Tyrant King Caligula(Dark/Fiend/Ritual/Effect/ATK: 2000/DEF: 1600/LV: 8)

You can Ritual Summon this card with "Dark Contract with the Tyrant King". Gains 500 ATK for each "Dark Contract" card you control. Once per turn, if your opponent activates a card or effect that would destroy or target a "D/D" card(s) you control, or would Special Summon a monster(s): You can send 1 "Dark Contract" card from your hand or that you control to the GY; negate that activation, and if you do, you can destroy 1 card your opponent controls. You can only control 1 "D/D/D Tyrant King Caligula".


Mythorror Gnostic Hevelius(Dark/Fiend/Pendulum/Effect/ATK: 2400/DEF: 0/LV: 7/SC: 1)

Pendulum Effect: You can only Pendulum Summon "Mythorror" monsters. This effect cannot be negated. If the attack or the effect of your "Mythorror" monster would deal damage to your opponent or make you gain LP: You can double that amount. You can only use this effect of "Mythorror Gnostic Hevelius" once per turn.

Monster Effect: This card is also treated as a LIGHT monster while on the field. Gains 100 ATK for each "Mythorror" monster face-up in your Extra Deck and in your GY. If your "Mythorror" monster destroys an opponent's monster by battle: You can draw 1 card. You can only use this effect of "Mythorror Gnostic Hevelius" once per turn.

[Trivia: this card's a reference toJohannes Hevelius, an astronomer.]

Narcissus Mirror

Normal Trap

If an opponent's monster declares a direct attack: Special Summon to your field, a number of Tokens equal to the number of monsters your opponent controls and to the same columns as those monsters, but destroy them during the End Phase. Each Token has the same name, Type, Attribute, Level/Rank, ATK, and DEF as the other monster in its column, also for the rest of this turn, your opponent can only attack a Token with a monster that is in the same column and all monsters they currently control must attack, if able. You can only activate 1 "Narcissus Mirror" per turn.

[Trivia: this card's a reference toNarcissusand his tale. Concept credit goes tomekyaku.]

So, what are your opinions on this Duel?

Reiji wasn't having an easy time against an opponent like Vince-backed-up-by-Demiurge, revealing Abyss Ragnarok's additional forms and his own Ritual Monster! While Demiurge wasn't able to stay in control for long, he and Vince gave it their all, yet still lost to Reiji and his kings. Would things have played out differently if Demiurge used his deck? Obviously. Would he have won? Hmm, I'll leave that to your imagination.

A quick thank you to Haoh Ryu Z-ARC (the writer, of course) for clarifying my doubt regarding Dark Contract with Errors, namely if it can be used to negate the effects of a Trap Card on top of activation.

Kudos to those who've realized the person Reiji quoted with his final words to Vince.

I think everything that happened was well explained in the chapter itself, so I don't have anything else to add. In the next chapter, the Lancers will get ready to depart to Synchro and we'll hear the thoughts of Vince's Mythorrors at being called "his children".

Reviews really make my day and it's a great way to communicate with you readers, and maybe find out errors I can avoid making. Please review, and with that said, here's the chapter's last scene!

Two cards appeared on the screen before turning around, revealing Mythorror Coco and D/D/D Oblivion King Abyss Ragnarok. They suddenly glowed, and Vince and Reiji emerged from them respectively.

"I'm still surprised by how contradictory you and Demiurge are." Reiji admitted. "He has a superiority complex, while you're the complete opposite, selfless and going as far as addressing your Monsters as 'your children'. It's almost like two different people are trapped inside the same body."

Vince would've blushed at the reminder of the my-children-thing, but hearing how close Reiji got to the actual truth, he chuckled nervously.

"Y-Yeah, we noticed that ourselves..." He pointed out with a weak smile.

"I'm intrigued to know how his Dark Draw works." Reiji continued, causing Vince to choke on air. "Is it a program? Who made it? You, or maybe Demiurge? Do you possess that kind of knowledge? How does it work? Is the glow created from Real Solid Vision or something else entirely?"


"Also, why did Demiurge leave so abruptly? Did something happen to him? And why does he rarely speak up? He isn't shy, so maybe he hates to talk? Or he hates to Duel? Moreover—"

Reiji's talking speed increased with each question, reaching the point where his words seemed to merge into an incomprehensible sound.

"AAAHH! Stop, stop!" Vince frantically waved his hands, snapping Reiji out of his trance. "Is this how I sound when I want to know more details of my opponents' cards!?"

"Ah, pardon me." Reiji quickly apologized while adjusting his spectacles. "That tends to happen when I'm extremely eager to find out something, but my interlocutor doesn't answer right away. Feel free to indulge my curiosity in whatever order you please."

"U-Um...!" Vince started sweating. He couldn't answer all those questions, both because they would give him away and because he didn't knowwhatto answer. "Th-Then let's start with the Secret of the Chapter!"

"Very well." The youth thanked the Heavens when Reiji nodded. "Is it about one of your Monsters like last time?"

"Bingo! For this one, I'll talk about Yamatochi!" Vince turned towards the viewers. "His hairstyle was inspired byHashibira Inosuke, a character of the famousDemon Slayerseries!"

"Yet another particularity inspired byDemon Slayer." Reiji mused.

"Who knows, maybe we'll find even more as the story continues." Vince chuckled. "With that out of the way, it's time for us to go. We'll see you in the next chapter, dear readers!"

"But my questions—"

"I said it's time for us to go!" Vince vehemently shouted in panic, prompting the screen to fade into black, followed by the words [To Be Continued...].

Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V: In a New World Redux - Chapter 13 - SakushiRyu (2024)


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Name: Rubie Ullrich

Birthday: 1998-02-02

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Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.