The Boston Globe from Boston, Massachusetts (2024)

101111 CifiCULATIO11 AVERAGES CIRCULATI311 AVERAGES Sunday Globe: For year 1910, 321,878. December, 1910, 330,717. Read the advts in today's Gtobe. For year 1910, December, 1910, lead the Daily Globe this week VOL LXXIX: BOSTON SUNDAY MORN ING. JANUARY 1,, 1911-SEVENTY7TWO PAGES: COCTRIGHT, I1O.


Is Nephew of Late 13. W. Parker of Boston and Winthrop. Crowded, Life and Mirth There. in Hobos in All New Orleans, 41 T01111011 Affier lean AVILatOPS' uaugnt ---Tragedies at Los Angeles and 6.viato1is Caught os Auleles and Throngs' Streets.

at filidnight an filly in Jolly Coon Nature', AON, -C 4 Zt 4 paper souvenirs, and the clothes Or most of the people covered with toe little bits of colored paper that were flung freely about In all the hotels and restaurants after midnight. Many carried little tin horns and the air was filled with noise, with laughter, with shouting and with automobile honks, to say nothing of the clanging of the electric Cars OC, V.Q 'IbkE tt! e' At 12 oclock last night the year 1910 went out with a bang and 1911 was tishered in with a yell in that -pert of C.ostou in which the hotels, the restaurants and the clubs are the most thickly strewnbetween Boylston st and the-North End- It was a glorious. New Year'44 eve, end never before on Such aasoCcaSion was there such- erowds of people just befOrel 'midnight oi the down-town Itreets. In the hotels adn. -the EONtql-nrants.

isoon after :12. pelock the 1teete wiro jamme41. -egpeciallY eround Waehington Tremont fit. pi -and, China-- But they were jolly eiowds that emerged from the restaurants and hotels, the men wearing sweaters and picturesque cap. the women carrying tissue (4,," ot Most -f C.

11. ft- 1 .1.,, 1 f' ft 1 tr 'it -i '-'4 1 SI i' 1 l'. r. 'fI 41' THE LATE BENJAMIN NV. 'Li 0014 'lei is 1.1470V4V VI ikAfil MILdmidwir I Us) Testator's- Brother 2 "rze Estate Worth $1,000,000.

Ezrzz, Mr 'Parker died recently and left a fortune of about $1,000,000, mostly in in-red dustrial securities. Bequests of $500 each are made to eight persons. one of whom Is Dr Gay, and the Income of the entire property is to go to the testator's broth 001.110':41..i:jog:,:y1,0)'"Lo9s.:F1'fig.,,f.o.:101j1.1.0-$.:jo...t..:::i01,..0:-,jo.,:'::., John B. Moisant and Arch Hoxsey, aviators extraordinary, were killed yesterday. Both fell out Of treacherous air currents with their machinesneither from a vast hightand Moisant's remaining minutes of life were so few as to count as naught.

Hoksey was killed instantly. Moisant met his death at 9:55 a attempting to alight in a field a few miles from New Orleans. Hoxsey, who went into the air early in the afternoon at Los Angeles, at 2:15 rn, fell a crushed, lifeless mass in view of the thousands Who were watching the aviation tournament. Thus th-e last day pf 1910, in bringing the total number of deaths of aviators to 29, capped the list with two of the most illustrious of those air men who have been writing the history of aviation in the sky of two continents. t1)- 4.4';'''' r7tfr kxxvi A 1111 all the Eighth Page.

Deposits represent borrowing accounts New England" Mi 74L A 1, SPITE OP monoplane, and in addition to the the Eighth Page. Male Help Wanted Money to Lau. Money to Loan 28 siad Mustral Instruments 23 Poultry. rislmmat 23 Real Estate 11 Rea Estate 28 Real Estate 27 Schou le, Colleges, etc 23 Situations Wanted, Female. 28 Situation Wanted.

Male 20 Trans-Oceanic Lines 23 Typewriter, nit. 30 Wines, liquors, eto .28 aebte. Boats 0.0 PA, 23 0 MOISANT'S CAREER AS AN AVIATOR CUT OFF LESS TITIAN A YEAR AFTER HIS ENTRY INTO FLYING WORLD Aloisailt, a by birth, after an adventurous life in Central America, became interested in aviation in France less HOXEY'S YEAR OF FAME AND TRIUMPH ENDS IN DEATH IN SIGHT OF A HORROR-STRICKEN THRONG Arch Ifoxey, after a year of With aeroplane, had gained a name for daring and competence in the air. Only within the week he had set a new altitude -record of 11,474 feet and then; to show his contempt for the earth, had Tables Bring High How sonte- of the peop le. ever got home or anywhere- else is a mystery.

for every conveyance was tilled to its capacity soon after midnight. One thing is certainif this sort of New Year's celebration continues Boston will need more hotels and restauContinued on itteenth Page. 'TODAY'S GLOBE CONTENTS. Page 4. Mayor Fitzgerald wishes people of Boston a happy New Year and names 33 improvements needed by the city.

Boston licensing board to demand larger license fees beginning May Uncle -Sam starts the new year in better shape financially than a year ago. Daughter of Mayor Fitzgerald to be debutante at tea tomorrow evening. Harry H. Brown. clerk in appraisers' office, dismissed.

Counterfeit $.5 bill detected by bare pot in President Harrison's whiskers. Page 5. 33os ton a rcb itectural club formally opens new clubhouse on Somerset Bt. Unrest among Boston city employes shown in 1910. Drawings for places on city eiectibn ballot.

Page 8. -Records of year in flythg. MIss May Hammond spending her first winter In the east at Washington. Brief filed in opposition to increase or class rates in eastern territory. Page IL Five vessels badlY.

damaged by the gale of Friday on the New England coast: schooner Northland in tow of Gresham for Boston. 1 Safety valve on fatal Pittsfield found to 'be correctly set- Russian 'dancers at Boston opera 'L Page 10. Andrew Carnegie founds a hero fund for Germany. Seventeen firemen transferred, eight appointed on probation and new firehouse opened in Dorchester by Commissioner Daly. Page 11.

Police recover' more property alleged to have been stolen by King and Wagenhauser. McCarthy offers to withdraw from speakership contest it Lomasney can show more pledges Monday. Others than Robin may be indicted In the New York bank troubles. Start Right A cut or Slight abrasion Unless properly Attended to May be invaded By some deadly Disease germ. Cold weather may Add to danger.

Cleanse immediately with Cabot's A few drops in warm Water. The security Is well worth The price of Several bottles. 4 Be sure a.136ttle Is your house Get the genuine. I Sold only In yellow parkaeve by druggists grocers 2 tor i 10. 2.6c, I yrse and $1.00.

Never $oul under any other name. Beware of Imita- ....1 Mos. Sulpho-Napthol rainy. 11 Torrey Building. 14 Medford Minnie-- t.4"-........--- turera.

Sawyer Crystal Blue Company. smug agents. lidaalle Fc 1 TODPiY'S GLOBE CONTENTS4 Ateisant and Hoxsey killed in heeldents yesterday; death roll for the year Li Will of Benjamin AV: Parker of Winthrop and Boston a millionaire recluse. Will be contt-stcd. New Teaes- ei'e In Boston unequaled for etithuslasM.

Page DIN-Wends for the year in Fall River taills. John Roy charged with assault with Intent to kilt Henry M. Lytle at Portsmouth, NH. j- Terms of the proposed plan for an international commerce commission. 11 Proventi on PM hat Prevent Pneumonia pIMM Never kills the heart or injures the stomach.

iton's Elo. 3 Will cure a cold, the grip and all diseases resulting from a cold. Incorporated 1861. THE BOSTON PEIIIIY SAVIIISS 13Afill- 137; Washington Street, Boston, Opposite Cathedral. RESOURCES: Over Eight and Ona-Half Million Dollars Money deposited on or before Wednesday.

January IL- 1911. will draw interest from that date. Deposits received from One Dollar to One Thotrand Dollars. All dividends for the last TEN TEARS have been at the rate of 4 per cent. Corn.

pound Interest. free from all taxes. Deposita may be sent by malt Deposit Your Money low INTEREST BEGINS JAlla 10 Our books are audited fivo times yearly by a well-krtown firm of certified public Deposits accepted and payments made by mall. Home Savings Bank 75 TREMONT ST, BOSTON OPP. TREMONT TEMPLE Rabbi Charles Fleischer WILL GIVE ANDbRESS ON MARY LIAGDALEFIE AT TEM SHUBERT THEATRE TUES.

AFTERNOON, Jan. 3, at 3 O'Clock The public. who art Interested In MIA tberae. are cordinlly invited. Commotamon than a year ago.

After soaring into public recognition by his plucky Hight from Paris across the English channel to London with a pass- enger, Aloisant fearlessness and resourcefulness was exhibited frequently. Finding himself without a machine, he purchased one from a friend for $10,000 and within ten minutes started on his flight from Belmont 'Park, New York, around the Statue of Liberty, winning a prize of $10,000. Today a sudden puff of wind caught him within 100 feet of the earth, turned his machine over and a broken neck terminated his career. sailed majestically more than 4000 feet above Mount Wilson. Today he ran afoul of a boiling, treacherous ind when Some 500 feet from the earth, and a horrified crowd, nessed the fatal descent.

He met death in almost the same 'manner as Ntoisant. Each machine headed for the earth and suddenly seemed to stop, hover in the air, theft "turn over onto its nose" and dive headlonn, to the earthand to destruction. When the wfll of of Winthrop and Boston, a millionaire molasses broker, is offered for Dtobate in the Suffolk county court on Jan Dr Frederick I). Gay of the university of California. a' nephew of Mr Parker, will seek to have It set, TODAY'S GLOBE CONTENTS.

Page 13. Arsociated charities report of 852 cases of nonsupport shows wife to blame in 115. Chairman Brackett urges heavy line to go to family of victim in Maine hunting accidents. Councilor Brand notifies city clerk his firm has sold felt to the city. Page 14.

A promiee of warmer weather today. Dix takes oath of office as governor of New York. Divorce suit filed in San Francisco by wife of First Lieut William Linn Culbertson of the battleship South Dakota. Peter Manning leaps to death from Somerville house. See Moseley of interstate commerce commission in in Washington.

Official report of fight at Mal Paso, Mexico, gets number killed as 27. TWQ dead and several badly hurt at fire in Paterson, J. Nineteen-eleven starts in to learn 911 about swearing off. President 'Taft's New- Year greeting to the people of the United States. Page 15.

New year welcomed at Trinity church. Shortage of $60,000 in the Westfield savings bank discovered and its treasurer, V. W. Crowson, is under arrest. Festive.New Year's eve In New York, Page 10.

Ex-Mayor Peterson of Salem at Essex club dinner says John N. Cole has perpetual political stomach ache and ehould join the democrats; Congressman Madison of Kansas principal speaker. W. F. Clarke high gun in field of 36 at Paleface traps, breaking 155 of 175 targets.

Daughters of Mrs R. W. Sutherland of the Back Bay making effort to establish claims as heirs to estate in, Soot-land. Fowler and Silva win TO-mile relay race at Charlestown. Milton high beats Canton high, 21 to 16, at basket other games.

Page 17. Harvard law school football team beats All-Southern eleven, 5 to 0, at Memphis. Dartmouth hockey team showing up very strong. Pres Johnson of American views 1910 baseball seasen. Cambridge Latin beats Stone, 1 to 0, at hockey; other school games.

Page 18. New schoolhouse dedicated at Houghs Neck. New Year's eve services held in Catholic churches. Children rescued from flames and woman burned In last fires of the old year Frances E. Willard settlement oh'-serves 13th anniversary.

Gen Estrada elected president of Nicaragua. Little Revere girl burned to a crisp in her mother'S ateence. Brockton man asks Rouge to find him a wife. Page 25. Labor's accomplishments In 1910.

Page 20., Real estate transactions Page 32. New Year's a holiday Massachusetts does not observe. Journey or 12,000 miles by W. N. ilartshorn.

Page 11 Foreign trade is booming. Pages; 37 and 3S. Automobiles, their makers and owners. mitt 1, a millionaire for prorate mrt on Jan 1Z, th UniverSity ConOnneit. on Fifteenth Page.

TODAY'S GLOE3E Page 39. Review of the year In real estate. Cyrus Hamlin. who influenced life and thought In Turkey. Local lines.

Page 40. Military and naval. Pages 42 and 43; Household department. Page 44. TOWnSend'S letter.

Boston a big food center. Page 4. News from the labor world. Among the firemen. Page 46.

"Has Society. the Right to 'Punish' Criminals?" Answered by Freeman Tilden, Walter A. Webster. Horace Traubel and Frederick Chamberlin. The Century in its Youth.

by Dudley. Canadian French. by Louis La lande, Page 47. Page 47. Fight for senatorship bitter in New Jersey.

Page 48. The mystic orders. Music and musicians. Page 40. Marchesa Cusani Confaleoniero, wife of the new Italian minister.

Page 50. Financial and commercial. review of the year's markets. Page 51. lidurnanes baseball.

Eddie Collins baseball chat. Golfing: Yachts and yachtsmen. Page 52. Attractions at the theatres. Page 53.

The ancient city of -Wittenberg. by William E. Curtis. S. Page 54.

Table gossip. Page 55. The latest in Imgerie. Admiral Dewey and the polite Finn. Page 50.

Political views, reviews and interviews. Rev Edward Eels believes that everybody will be saved. 4, MAGAZINE SECTION. Page 1The Globe mans calendar for 1911. Page 2Good jokes and comic cuts Sunday puzzle.

Page 3Frank G. Carpenter tells of the Samaritans of todayA district of many fire alarms. Page 4The Rings, a distinctly Boston family, on the stage. Page 5Gov-Elect Johnson of California expected to furnish excitementLifelike taxidermy. Page 6Paris fashions described by Walla de VilliersEverybody's column.

Page 7A page of the best things from the Globe's exchangesBric-a-brac. Page 8Vv-18e and Schmart on courage A paper doll and her dresses. Page 9The Good Resolutions clubThe Globes comical toy family. Page10A page for the young people. Page Sumner, the great insurgent of his century.

Page 12A review of the year 1910 Should a girl give up a brilliant stage career. to marry? by Kate Page condensed to newspaper page. Page High Pinancial Adventures of Sir John Kynnersier Two complete short stories. Page of the Circus," music-- For the boys and girlsBowser' cure. Page ISFatty the fire fiend drops everything when he heara the alarm Zig-sag puzzle.

AIOISANT WENT UP IN Moisantts machine was a Bier lot Continued on iKma VAIN ICI glom' MACHINE. ws returnhig from a journey into the clouds. He was about 500 feet above the earth, and cheers were going up to meet the conqueror of the higher air, when his machine seemed to stop. shudder and whirl over and over to the ground. As in the Moisant tragedy, the rear elevator, rendered useless when.

the momentum was gone, flipped around helpless to aid the fated machine. TRIgs IN VAIN. TO RIGHT Continued on The Large in thi5 bank THE WEATHER. lower temperature during the afternoon WASHliCGTOIsr, and night; Tuesday promises to be fair and colder. I for Nriew FEnorgeclaanstd The temperature yesterday at ThompU Fair and 1, lw oa nr md ae yr 1 m9 "1 5' s.

31513pa'mala9. m6 6 ma, a p7'n19 8. ind snow in north, rain 22; average yesterday 15; average one 1 or snow In south year ago 14. I portion; Increasing south winds. INDEX TO CLASSIFIED i For eastern New ADVERTIsem*nTS.

York Increasing cloudiness and Classification rage 1 warmer Sunday; Agents, Partners, etc 20 Apartments and Tenements .27 Monday rain or Apartments and Tenements 28 snow; colder at Auction Sales 29 night; Increasing Automobiles 30 38 Sunda fair For Sale south 10Boosarindesans 30 Local forecast for Belden and vicin- Dogs, Cats. Pets-, ete 29 ity Female Help Wanted' 22 and warmer, mod- Lioatinont 22 Jeweler, etc 22 28 erate to brisk Furniture, 28 southerly winds; Hones, carriages, 29 tf -1111, Monday generally Lost, Found, Ito 29 i ..4 fair. and colder Machinery mina Tools 31 in the afternoon 31als Wanted 20 and night. Maio Help Wanted 21 7, Lost, Found, tto Machinery and Tools Male jlelp Wanted Mal help Wanted 29 St 20 21 over 8500 Active Accounts The healthy growth and progressiveness of this bank are appattnt. Al! the conveniences and em methods offered by any bank can be found here.

We invite the accounts of Trustees, Corporations, Firms and Individuals. A t.f.4tI The temperatures at 8 last night: Al-any 2, Bismarck 10. Boston 20. Chicago 38, Denver 24, Jacksonville 54, Kansas City 40, New Orleans 54. Portland.

Me, 14, St L0111 $8, St Paul 30, Washington 28. Montreal --43, Charleston 48, Des Moines 88, Portland, Or 42, San rrancisco 54, San Diego 56. 'Ile Globe's forecastGenerally fair, cloudy weather is probable Monday, with' 'winds becoming northwest and Interest paid on nbn National Shawmut Bank 1 4 40 Water Street, Boston "Largest Bank In.

The Boston Globe from Boston, Massachusetts (2024)


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