SUSAN | Roblox Bloxburg Movie - INBELLA (2024)

SUSAN | Roblox Bloxburg Movie

hey everyone I’m Ro builds and welcome to my fifth movie on this channel before we dive into the film I just want to take a moment to appreciate all the people that helped me bring this project to life there were over 100 of you that helped me create this movie so this was truly a community effort and I could not have done it without you all but after 6 and 1 half months of working on this project I am so excited to finally present to you Susan the Roblox bloxburg movie I hope you guys enjoy [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] h [Music] [Music] I love it thank you so much you’re very welcome it’s what I do and that color looks wonderful on you one burger with medium fries please special order special order this ain’t R to here bro we only sell Burgers oh come on let me have some fun uh again I’ll let him know those annoying kids are out graffitiing the parking garage again G really let’s go get our supplies these kids are the death of me wow the line is never ending I know it this day is going to zoom by why does every other store get so many customers and then there’s nobody here fancy furniture deserves some attention too what’s this I’ve never seen this before oh come on I was just about to purchase that snooze you lose wow you have that whole side of the board now too all a part of my plan all right time to turn the tables watch out for my next move your next move I’d like to see you try if I land on aila’s property it’s game over for me prepare for bankruptcy it’s almost out of HP but we both have one life left we need a plan oh you just wait I’ve got a special move I’ve been holding on to oh wow you weren’t kidding yeah let’s go the last owner didn’t say anything about this come on anex get those gains get those gains I’m trying one more rip you got this okay buddy now you sound like you’re constipated how much did he lift this time 15 lbs phw that was intense French roses you should join us sometime it’s a great workout annex did better this week he could only lift 10 last time I’ll consider it but lifting 15 lbs doesn’t seem too challenging oh so you think you could do better absolutely let me know when you’re ready for a real workout a real workout huh don’t you just do yoga sometimes yes you should try it sometime might help with that constipation told you follow me come try what is this place [Music] interesting what sort of Secrets do you hold ancient tomb so much power so much [Music] potential did anyone else feel that rumbling [Music] that’s not normal is it an [Music] earthquake okay this is definitely not normal what’s happening to bloxburg okay that was pretty cool we’re unbeatable let’s see if we can beat the next level whoa that was weird did you feel that my light suddenly flickered uh same here something feels off what the heck is this a power surge I don’t like this Peta hello you there hello regain I guess yoga is kind of cool I feel Zen that means it’s working I’m going to try to do a handstand this will be interesting oh [Laughter] you pushed me edxs no I didn’t I swear I think it was just an earthquake bloxburg hasn’t had one of those in a [Music] while Aftershock hm I’m not sure I don’t think these are aftershocks they feel kind of different agreed there’s something weird about these should we check the news hello everyone tonight we beginning of discussing a series of mysterious earthquakes that have left our town of bloxburg in shock just a few minutes after one another we received three earthquakes it is confirmed that none of them are aftershocks residents have reported power surges causing lights to flicker this repeated activity has left many residents to wonder is it over yikes authorities are working diligently to access the situation to ensure the safety of all residents this is your reminder to stay informed and we’ll be keeping you all updated from Channel 5 our priority is your safety this is so strange we don’t get earthquakes like ever I hope it’s nothing to worry about really hoping this isn’t some kind of disaster I should probably get going I’m sure August is fast asleep on the couch while the kids are panicking I’ll catch up with you guys later see you later Aila be careful bye Akila this is all just strange I know what if it gets worse we’re just going to have to hope it doesn’t I guess all we can do right now is stay informed and look out for each other you’re right but what if these earthquakes are just the beginning of something bigger then we face it together hey guys hm this earthquake stuff is all over the news it’s not normal for bloxburg to get so many earthquakes this often in a row whoa dang so this is pretty legit stuff I really hope this is just one of those exaggerated stories on the news we should all head back home okay but let’s stay in [Music] touch did you guys sleep okay not really I couldn’t stop overthinking just so many what ifs you know same here I just don’t know what to expect and it’s freaking me out and now there’s this weird fog what is this a horror movie The Fog is at your house too what do you mean too the fog isn’t only at your houses it’s at mine as well really hoping this is just some freaky coincidence gosh I sure hope so hey Ashley hi Panda did you feel the earthquakes last night yes I did everyone’s talking about it literally every conversation I walked by and maybe he dropped on was talking about them I hope it’s nothing serious same here it’s in the local newspaper as well I was just reading about it mysterious earthquake rattle bloxburg residents concerned yikes and the fog now too it’s lingering have you noticed I know I’m crossing my fingers it’s just a coincidence it’s like the whole town is under some mysterious spell imagine that we should find out more if we can I’m no scientist but it would be neat to connect the dots and Trace them back to whatever happened yeah agreed I’m here hey capto you missed out on her big battle last night did your hotel get hit by the earthquakes too while you were visiting Brook Haven no nothing happened there why what happened we’re all going to die wait what just kidding but there is something weird going on around here yeah we had multiple earthquakes and the lights kept flicking in town apparently it was happening everywhere in the town of bloxburg waa sound serious but also sounds kind of cool wish I had experienced it I mean I guess it was cool but it wasn’t normal either yeah so earthquakes power flex and a mysterious Vibe that’s like something out of a sci-fi movie exactly I don’t trust it we’re still trying to figure out what’s going on it feels like whatever is going on is just lingering waiting to strike well hopefully we will get some information soon but Count Me In I love a good mystery maybe the local news has some more information for us good afternoon blocksburg we continue to receive reports about the strange things happening in our town flickering lights follow the earthquakes but some have reported strange noises and even unusual lights in the sky who knew I’d come back to a light show just what we need an alien invasion on top of everything else authorities urge residents of blocksburg to remain calm and stay indors until things are solved wow this is getting serious bad or good we’re in it now what’s our next move cuz I don’t know about you guys but personally I’m not waiting inside we need information it’s time for us to get some answers you think anyone in the town could know anything doesn’t hurt to ask maybe we can check the library too we’re going to be in that area sure sounds like a plan but let’s be careful we don’t want to end up in the middle of some kind of government coverup or something agreed but cracking open a few books wouldn’t hurt anyone they’re public ones anyways I demand to talk to your manager ma’am I promise you the manager will have the same answer it happened all at once this is insane don’t you know I have a family to feed what’s going on I don’t know everyone everyone please calm down I’m sure there’s a logical explanation for this we just need to figure out what happened please be patient with us what’s wrong what happened all of our food went bad the fruits are bananas are rotten milk is expired at least all the dads will come back from the store it happened just all of a sudden out of nowhere almost like magic uh-oh like magic this has to be tied with the earthquakes wao this is definitely no joke you guys were concerned about this too yeah we want to solve whatever is going on so do we okay so what’s the plan I guess we should just look around maybe look for anything out of place what the heck hey uh guys what’s up did you find something kind of what in the world the poor fish I don’t think it’s normal to see this many Al together they’re over here too I wouldn’t be surprised if they were all over the ocean the earthquakes must have caused this are we sure it’s even the earthquakes I mean what else could it be it seems like all this chaos is all weather related Panda texted me she’s at the supermarket all of the food is expired okay yeah so this isn’t weather related especially since all the ice cream at BS is melted okay well the nice thing about that is you don’t have to stir your ice cream to make it a milkshake anymore no you guys have never done that I thought that was something everyone did should we meet Panda there yeah we probably should I’ll let her know this is all so boring I hate sitting around same here I’ve been trying to reach regain but I haven’t heard anything maybe we just head out and see what’s going on I’m sure that’s what everyone is doing so it might be busy but we might get some answers at this point I’ll do anything if it doesn’t involve sitting around and doing nothing it’s from regain they’re outside the supermarket he said to meet them there oh looks like everyone’s here they’re here called the whole search party I see I don’t think any of us just wanted to wait for police results yeah this needs to get figured out we just have to be careful we don’t want anybody getting hurt so what’s going on in the store do I hear yelling yeah the whole store is filled with expired and rotting food even the new stock they opened more boxes and it’s already gotten moldy it smells disgusting in there oh so that’s that horrible putrid smell I thought it was just Annex BR so what’s the plan does anyone know what’s causing this not yet but we know it’s not just the weather especially after hearing about the food we also saw a bunch of whirl pools in the ocean and all the ice cream was melted at Bends ooh that means you don’t have to mix your ice cream anymore it’s already a milkshake ha I told you so what now Panda and I were planning on checking all the other shops around town to see if anything else is happening and then check the library for any possible information well since there’s more of us we can split up into groups and check out each shop meet up at the front of the library in an hour all my scissors are dull I’ve tried sharpening them and it doesn’t do anything and don’t get me started about the dyes they aren’t the colors that I choose I’m losing clients left and right we have been trying to paint our vehicles all day and the beain just slides right off it’s like it’s water how am I supposed to get any work done the food food is all rotten my only job is to clean and every time I try to wipe something it just gets sturdier yeah bro I like can’t play my cool Tunes at all it’s like not cool allthough came in is bending and the weights aren’t their actual weight some old lady just picked up a 50 pounder lifted it with ease and I just tried out the one pounders and they weigh like 100 lb I don’t know what’s going on man the protein drinks are making people go berserk well that got us absolutely nowhere yeah it just shows that everyone in bloxburg is having issues it’s like the whole town is under some sort of spell hey did anyone check fancy furniture it was closed probably for the better I’m surprised other places are still open the owner must have known to just lock up and not risk it I don’t blame them not like that place gets customers anyway let’s try the library oh you guys are the first people to come in today every book seems to have swapped its contents the history books are talking about the future fiction books are non-fiction it’s chaos does that mean we don’t have to be quiet I suppose so yay so we’re dealing with a town that’s a living breathing Twilight Zone episode great but why maybe bloxburg offended a wizard or something figuring out whatever caused this is going to be like finding a needle in a Hasta this is power I could have never imagined I cannot wait to figuring out whatever causes this is going to be like finding a needle in a hay stack what is going on the searching is getting us nowhere what in the name of bloxburg are they doing they have no idea who they are dealing with [Music] I couldn’t even tell you how many books I’ve looked through oh there’s nothing here when the ancient words are spoken the veil between the worlds shall thin what does that mean I’m not sure but it seems like there’s some sort of incantation or spell that could be said to stop what’s going on in bloxburg so someone released a weird ancient spell I think we need to find some more information on how the spell even came to be I wonder where it came from I agree is there anything else in there that could be important Ashley that’s all I found so far but I’ll keep [Music] reading jeez another one that’s not good excuse me I couldn’t help but overhear what you were searching for you’re trying to find the reason behind the strange occurrences correct Yes actually we are do you know anything well I don’t know much but we do have a vault full of bloxburgs most ancient stories I’m unauthorized to do this but considering the dire circ*mstances I’ll take you to it that would be amazing follow [Music] me are these books going to be mixed up just like the ones in the library I’m not sure but I would have to guess not because of their importance to this town and its history I hope this serves you well wa [Music] thank you you’re very welcome dear Echo all that work in the library and she’s just now telling us about this no for real maybe it was out of trust she wanted to make sure we weren’t going to ruin anything there’s so much in here there has to be something here to help us let’s get to work the ancient bloxburg Chronicles let’s see what secrets you hold in times of great unbalance words of power must be spoken to restore Harmony When the ancient words are spoken the veil Between Worlds shall thin it must be connected to what I found but we still don’t know what caused this or who hey guys I think I just found something well someone knew it this book has a drawing of someone and in fine print Sabrina that name sounds familiar you mean the girl who dresses as a witch every year for Halloween except it’s not actually a costume she is a powerful sorceress who was known for her spells and enchantments things like no other hold on a second we’re looking through the ancient part of the library How old could Sabrina be yikes no cuz for real how is she still alive um duh powerful sorceress I need her skincare routine I think I found a map of ancient bloxburg bloxburg used to be much smaller so because of how small the population was it seems like they were able to document where everyone lived I found Sabrina’s house but that’s an ancient map she might not even live there anymore only one way to find out it literally looks like a witch lives here you’d think she’d be more discreet she’s powerful I’m sure she’s safe true so what’s the plan we just knock on her door and ask if she knows anything I found the map so not it not it not it I’ll do it I’ll go with you uh can I help you uh hi we were wondering if you had any ideas about what’s going on with bloxburg the stranger occurrences are you assuming I did it no uh no not at all we just hoped you might be able to give us some information on why it could be happening I might have some answers for you and by the way I can see your friends come on in Balance has been disrupted like any town bloxburg has its balance of magical energy something you don’t want to mess with and you’re not involved with this why would I disrupt the balance bloxburg is my home I may be powerful but I respect the natural order I don’t tamper with magic anymore why not I didn’t find the need or want to anymore I wanted to live a regular life well as normal as it can be I’m getting older and I want to enjoy life as it is how old are you Peter what I’m just curious so do you know who could be responsible to be quite honest I think I do can you tell us when I practiced magic I had a secret chamber where I would practice all of my spell workor that chamber still exists to this day along with my spell book but why would someone mess with this type of magic there are always those who seek power without understanding the consequences they would face magic is a force that can easily take control and corrupt a person’s mind so you left your Spellbook in a supposedly secret chamber but someone found it and is now using the power why didn’t you take it with you when you stopped practicing I thought it would be better somewhere else than with me I didn’t want to become a Target why didn’t you destroy it I’d like to know that as well but I think we should focus on the fact that someone is is now in possession of a powerful spell book and we need to stop them right here’s what we found when the ancient words are spoken the veil between World shall thin and in times of great unbalance words of power must be spoken to restore Harmony ah yes you are on the right track they are similar in meaning but are both important so what do we do you must find where the spell was cast and who cast it along with the phrase that guides us to the next step of freeing bloxburg do you have the phrase you seem to know a lot about this I do not but that is because I never had the need to use it the phrase is the puzzle of course it is there are five words hidden throughout bloxburg you must find them and put them in the correct order this will be fun a while back I sold an old building to a woman there is something strange about the way she spoke but the sale of the old place was a necessity did you not do a background check that must be why her shop was closed I almost forgot that’s also where my secret entrance to the chamber was kept what how secret was it apparently not secret enough they’re starting to make me feel sick if it’s her then she’s becoming more powerful as the days progress where can the hidden words be found each word is connected to an important location in bloxburg I only know the locations not the exact spot you need to go to Styles Hair Salon The Observatory the top of the mountain the mining cave and the lumber yard we have have a lot of work ahead of us we can split up into groups to get it done good idea time is of the essence remember you must decipher the correct order there’s so many bottles the word must be on one of them we’re in here we go hello sir hello my dear what can I help you with we’re trying to figure out all the strange occurrences going on around bloxburg yeah maybe you have a book on it strange you say space is a strange thing it’s normal it’s just the cosmos we’re talking more Supernatural Supernatural B nonsense the universe follows its own strict rules we’re just hoping to find some information can you show us anything that might help us learn about m magic no no but I can show you the books on the cosmos yeah yep definitely want to learn about the universe not magical at all can you direct us of course my dear I swear if this word is hidden in the blades of grass that would be super convenient not a drop of daylight you’d never find me working here agreed I need my vitamin D according to Sabrina the word should be hidden somewhere around here hey what are you folks doing here this place is off limits sorry we don’t mean to intrude but we’re trying to solve the mystery of all the strange stuff going on around [Music] bloxburg speak of the devil strange occurrences caves are always doing weird things nothing has happened here besides the earthquakes just being a little more dirt in the air from the earthquakes how long have you been down here uh well my first day was January 6th I think so probably just a few days ago I would say it’s January 30th oh are you sure you haven’t seen anything well there was one thing that was kind of odd I was mining and came across a weird dent in the Rock but we put caution tape over it because we thought it might be something toxic can you take us to it sure follow me just watch your step let’s look around maybe it’s in those crates I’ll check hey Peter did you find it do you see that you’ve got to be kidding me find anything yet no not yet um what’s up I can’t pick this bottle up maybe it’s a lever go for it wa do we touch it is it like some sort of Indiana Jones thing I don’t know is there anything we can use just in case um do scissors work worth a shot I’ll grab the hairspray and you replace it with the scissors okay okay ready [Music] now woo hire me Indiana Jones open it up weave that’s ironic I’m just so tired of just looking through books library after Library same here I’m getting impatient come on Universe show us a sign help us get over this that is not what I [Music] meant Akila I found something there’s a phrase carved on the globe looking through the glass I Spy the knight’s Embrace a cosmic dance of light and space that sounds fancy I think it’s a riddle Looking Through the Glass I Spy the knights Embrace a cosmic dance of light and Space Telescope yes and they have a giant telescope here look through it maybe looking through the glass I Spy the knight’s Embrace got that part a cosmic dance of light in space a cosmic dance of light in space Stars yes it has to be I mean it could also be constellation it’s definitely Stars we have to tell the others maybe it’s in a tree H maybe in a crevice in the Rocks I really feel like we’re looking for nothing same here I’ve got no idea what we’re supposed to be searching for maybe it’s on the ramp or under hey faulty isn’t there a ramp near you yeah why take a look under [Music] it oh snap did you find something uh yeah yeah it says let fate decide is there something under your ramp too no it was just a lucky guess the word must be fate it must be this is it strange right we’re not sure quite how it got there we where is everyone else I’d rather not talk about that I kind of want to open it same if you guys want to open it I had nothing to do with it I’ll leave you all be what if we just touch it see if it reacts go for it [Music] Annex really hope that’s just bad timing is anything happening [Music] I think it’s a door I’m guessing we push on it for it to open wow I can’t believe that actually worked you think the ward is hidden in there it has to be so who’s going to be the one to go near the moving saw I don’t want to become slices of bread I don’t either rock paper scissors seems fair enough rock Rock papiss Scissors Shoot ha rock beats scissors I win I choose to survive H I knew we should have flipped a coin be careful oh [Music] gosh Peta look out a I think something is glowing at the end of this [Music] path magic all of our hard work for that that was quite the journey yep [Music] [Music] I got it that was close dude I thought you were done for oh trust me I did too a line a line what no that’s it I think that’s the word interesting everyone got their words we’re meeting at robil house so what did everyone find Ash and I found the word Stars we got weave magic reain and I discovered the word fate a line and I almost died from a saw what we almost suffocated from dirt jeez so some of these were more dangerous than others mhm so now we just got to put it in the right order Stars weave magic fate align that doesn’t sound right what about this hm it kind of makes sense but I think it could be better fate aligns magic weaves Stars it doesn’t sound just right I don’t think it’s that either wait I got it stars align weave Magic’s fate that sounds so ominous but it works but what next in Shadows deep where Secrets hide a whisper chant a Mystic guide Moonlight weaves its Silver Thread grant me power in words unsaid elements dance and Cosmic rhyme a spell of old from distant time stars align in the Velvet night gret me strength and ancient bright with shis sped words and Shadow spell In This Moment Darkness shall compel bloxburg shall be mine we’re back I had a feeling you would be you found the phrase stars align weave Magic’s fate what does it mean exactly well when these stars align it is a tapestry woven by the hands of fate and Magic it’s during these Cosmic alignments that the veil Between Worlds thin this is a time when Magic’s fate can be tampered with the world’s magic can be so thin that sometimes these worlds can rip open portals to other dimensions wao that was not expected so is there anything we can do with this information I almost died getting this I was the witness well this has opened the door to a realm of possibilities quite quite literally the stars of bloxburg a line in 3 days time you must declare the words before midnight hits on the third day otherwise you must wait another year for it to happen again and unfortunately I don’t know much about this situation that I know of this has never happened before this my friends is a Spellbound codex it has something that can help you I’m giving you all new found abilities Powers you could say but be warned these powers come with great responsibility Achila you shall command the essence of the earth your power will be the ability to shape and manipulate the very ground beneath you oh heck yeah Earth’s strength and Aila now resides by soil and Stone ancient power abides Ro builds I’m granting you control over the air and winds ooh Whispers of air grant power so Grand in row builds let the winds might expand Ashley your power lies in Illusions Bend and create mesmerizing realities to confound your challenge veils of Illusion weave in Ashley sight Grant the power to conjure Visions Sprite Annex you’re bestowed with a gift of telepathy connect Minds share thoughts and strengthen the bonds between your comrades Minds entwined thoughts unite Grant Annex telepathic Insight a come on Annex I didn’t need to see that what did he show you my worst fear which is I’m not saying Panda your power is ability to communicate with animals and list the help of the creatures around you they can be powerful allies makes sense I am Panda after all Nature’s language Panda shall know with animal kin a bond to se simply bubbly your power is that of aquatic resonance you can manipulate water in all its forms and yes even bubbles yay by rivers flow and oceans swide Grant simply bubbly the power of the tide Peta bread I’m giving you the power of pyrokinesis fire uh you sure about that Embers Dance In Flames inspired and PAB bread give him fire faulty lightning is now within your grasp Thunders Roar and bolts so bright and faulty Lightning’s power ignite capto I’m I endow you with the ability to control the temperature sick in capto control of the heat and cold temperature bends to will so bold regain Riot Shadows obey your command in Shadows deep regain Riot holds sway Darkness Bish to their command each day and lastly French roses the power of light is now yours what am I supposed to do with that blind the eyes of your enemies okay Rose power gets to be taken away like right now in French roses lights Essence pure and bright guiding paths through day and night remember United you stand divided you fall only by combining your powers can you overcome Susan and the dark magic she wields the fate of our world rests on your shoulders the Journey Begins now gather your strength hone your skills and when the time is right face Susan and the impending threat these powers only last until the stars align so be careful with your time again Unity is your greatest strength I feel weird like the blood in my veins is buzzing it might be the residue of the magic Sabrina put on us probably just need time to adjust this place is cool creepy but cool kind of feels like we’re supposed to be here does anyone else feel it yeah I feel it same here I guess we should go inside then it’s eerie and quiet like the forest is holding its own breath already freaked out enough Peta but thanks oops this place has seen better days that’s for sure I wonder what this building was used for like some sort of ancient history or something hey guys come check this out what did you find it’s a trading ground I don’t think we’re the first to be given these Powers I wonder who was here before us look there’s swords and training dummies this is our sign to train here we should move some stuff around lots of tripping hazards always concerned about safety we want to make sure we don’t die before we get to Susan right that’s what I thought clean up clean up everybody clean up oh gosh I forgot about that song let’s do this [Music] [Music] look I can make myself fly my wings finally work I just talked to a bird and trust me you don’t want to fly it said it seen some really interesting things when flying by places but just think of all the traffic I could avoid I made a sappire for tonight peta’s hungry how’ you no oh right here Peta I got you m thank you wait what I can’t eat it it’s an illusion that’s rough even with all this practice the power is still hard to use what am I supposed to use with shadows I’m sure you’ll find a way blind the eyes of your enemies seriously again what you can use Darkness to block their Vision okay good that’s a little more sane than last time I can’t seem to get the whole lightning thing down it’s too hard to control ow faulty oops that was targeted no no I swear it was an accident wait what why am I you same here sorry couldn’t help it the chance was too good good it’s still really cold out here even with the fire on it oo much better thanks still trying to eat that food pea haha very funny hey at least it’s calorie free you trying to say something no no the sky it’s so beautiful tonight almost as beautiful as Peta trying to eat imaginary toast okay we should probably get some rest tomorrow we defeat Susan rest now as we don’t have much time left good night guys good night guys we ready to head out we don’t really have a choice the more we wait the less time we have to defeat Susan where do we find her I guess her shop got to get her attention somehow here we are we don’t have any game plan do we nope go ahead R go inside uh no thanks I’m good french roses not it we’re doing this again Peta you go I guess someone has to do it all right I’ll go good luck Peta I’ll be supporting you but from right over here hello hello moonlight weaves at Silver Thread unravel the Panthers of customer an actual customer hello there what can I help you find today uh hello uh I like uh uh a uh uh yes um I couldn’t help but notice the uh incredible craftsmanship of this uh bookshelf over here truly high in quality well thank you I craft everything here in the store is there anything I can help you with yes uh um your furniture sucks excuse me here she comes that’s one way to get her attention now what is going on you’re destroying bloxburg destroying you mean improving M I don’t think [Music] so you underestimate my power [Music] no it’s time to end this Susan how you really thought you could defeat me imiles [Music] [Music] watch it faulty I’m sorry I couldn’t see French roses you Blinded Me sorry I was a little occupied with the massive power surging towards me uh-oh ow capto do something about the flames it’s too hot I’m burning over here there’s too much I’m not strong enough now I have to put out all your flames oh wait I can’t my water evaporates because of the heat how can I control the wind when it’s so dang hot capto you’re supposed to be regulating the temperature I can’t it’s too overwhelming bti almost electrocuted me with lightning it distracted me I’m sorry okay it was French roses otherwise that wouldn’t have been an issue stop arguing I can’t think this is exactly what I expected from you all you really thought thought you could come here and defeat me your Unity is weak you may be bold but your fate is sealed from Realms veils and shadows deep Powers falter energy sleep Stardust Mist Phoenix’s flight bind and fade diminish their [Music] might what’s happening don’t know but it hurts you think you could use your powers on me amateurs isn’t she an amateur too she just started using that ow shut it chicken wings these Powers don’t belong to you they’re mine the power isn’t yours I’m not so sure about [Music] that it’s gone the power power is meant to be wielded by those who deserve it and what makes you think you do darling it’s about strength and cunning I took your powers because I can and now I have more control unlike you I don’t waste time questioning my entitlement I simply seize what I desire you may have taken our powers but you can’t take our Spirits we’ll find a way to stop you I’d like to see you try weaklings pathetic your feeble attempts only serve to amuse me we won’t be defeated so easily we’ll find a way to stop you no matter what it takes oh please spare me your empty threats you are nothing but insignificant pests to me now you can’t take away our determination I promise you we’ll rise again it’s stronger than ever and bring you down how amusing but in the end you’ll all kneel before me begging for mercy and I’ll relish every moment of it all that work she did it with ease too yeah we can’t let her get away with this we can’t give up now now no we’ve come so far already exactly well maybe if capto has been able to regulate the temperature better we wouldn’t have been distracted and I could have put out the Flames hey I was doing my best we didn’t get much time to train and it was never something that big and maybe if faulty had been more focused he wouldn’t have Zapped Peta oh come on that was because of your blinding light French roses I said I was sorry my blinding light was a reaction to Susan’s attack can we stop pointing fingers there’s nothing nothing we can do about that now it’s over yeah blaming each other won’t get us anywhere we need to figure out how to stop Susan without our abilities before she becomes Unstoppable didn’t Sabrina say something about Unity a strength or something Unity is your greatest strength we didn’t worked together our abilities became our weakness we were too focused on our own powers that we forgot teamwork she called me chicken wings sorry but that was kind of funny Peter we have to keep going we can’t let Susan win who knows what she could do with the power we started this journey together we need to finish it together she’s not going to break us what are we waiting for let’s go uh guys no lights are on I mean it is kind of late maybe she’s just sleeping or she’s dead let’s just hope she’s sleeping hello Sabrina it’s us we need your help Sabrina I don’t see any movement me neither should we just break in desperate times call for desperate measures at this point we should do whatever we can stand back Deja Vu whoa where’d you get that I found it on the side of the house hello Sabrina Sabrina are you home I have a bad feeling about this what if she’s not here there has to be something that can help us so are we assuming she’s dead maybe she had to go somewhere I think we should search the house okay guys look for anything that could help us why does she have this in her kitchen we’re in a witch’s Cottage fair enough ew she must not come down here often I think I’ve inhaled a few centuries worth of dust capto come here look what I found do you think it’ll work only one way to find out Bippity pretty sippity red turn Peta into bread gosh everything here is so dusty no way do you think she used to ride this if so that’s pretty cool thought that type of stuff was only in movies ooh what’s that wao Aila are you okay oh I’m okay I I tripped over that wait is that a loose floorboard no way is that what we think it is should we go check on them oh wow that was not what I was expecting we have to tell the others what happened to Peter what do you mean what happened I’m literally Brad don’t worry it doesn’t last long what did you guys find we found a piece of the spell book The spell book yes what does it say it’s how to destroy it why would she have that another Susan must be getting stronger well Sabrina’s gone whether she’s gone gone or just somewhere else she can’t help us anymore but we can’t back down now we may have lost our powers but we can work around that especially now that we have the paper it’s too late to back out now so who’s with me we’re defeating Susan or what all right everyone we don’t have much time left the stars align soon so here’s the plan we’re going to host a party for all the businesses in bloxburg but Susan won’t be invited look for anything in saina’s house that could be used as a disguise we need to look like the workers as much as possible we’ll host the party in the bloxburg dining area and set off some fireworks outside to grab her attention assuming this plan works she’ll come over to see what’s going on after that Ashley myself Regan Peta Annex and Panda will be the distraction we know Susan is strong so be careful proven just now we need to hit her with everything we’ve got water balloons made from Sabrina’s sink should do the trick let’s grab her fire extinguisher as well just in case we need to get her as far away from her furniture store as possible Akila faulty R builds Annie and capto your task is crucial you need to get the spell book out of Susan’s grasp and take it to her layer this is where the spell must be recited in order for the book to be destroyed be swift but cautious we can’t afford to mess this up no pressure remember Unity is our strength let’s use it against Susan we fight for bloxburg let’s show Susan what we’re made of now we wait by Moonlight glow and star array let’s weave a spell to guide our way to blend potions with skill what was that what’s going on over there so how is the business kind sir oh business is doing all right thank you Mike you know just the usual cleaning up after all those kids your hair looks lovely why thank you you’re always welcome to stop by you could trade me some of your fresh fruits what is this is this a business party was I not invited again I knew it you’re always leaving me out never treating me as an equal just because I had less customers that ends today your little schemes of getting rid of my store are over it’s all of you in the flesh Take This Witch what are you doing here to defeat you once and for all to defeat me you weaklings are not worth my time you couldn’t even defeat me with powers we demand a rematch a rematch well that’s surprising considering your massive loss last time last time we didn’t realize our real superpower each other oh how cute attack [Music] stop [Music] it you pests are even more annoying than last time ow roses pest I think you’re the pest that smells awful that means it’s working uh-oh I’m [Music] okay this isn’t going well I think we need a distractor then I can try to grab the Spellbook I’ll be the bait hey Susan over here what do you want come find out I wanted to ask you about your car’s extended warranty what ah capto oops my furniture what have you done Oh you mean this furniture no you want to break something of mine fine I’ll do the same she still has the spell book too she’s too high up now come back down let them go let them go be careful what you wish for no no hold them don’t let them go uh guys the Stars it is time it is finally time ah yes I’ve been waiting their ancient dance for tells the rise of my Dominion from the moment I seized over bloxburg I’ve awaited the celestial convergence bloxburg was just a mere stepping stone for me now Roblox yes all of Roblox shall be next as the stars align so too shall my power by Celestial Dance Let portals unwine when stars unline through Realms our paths intertwine Roblox worlds await through Rifts Divine open the gates our adventures and Twine what in the world what is that wao by the cosmos not that one this isn’t good we don’t have much time left all of Roblox shall be mine bloxburg what’s going on oh my gosh bloxburg long time no see since when did adop me have a portal to bloxburg bloxburg I haven’t been to this place in a long [Music] time you all naively coming here was perfect I can take the energy you have brought me from the other Realms and finally gain more power thanks for the heartfelt welcome we’re so fortunate all we needed was a cute little gift basket your sarcasm won’t save you now but your energy will serve me well this was not part of the plan this is bad this is really bad help us all your energy combined from your Realms has made my power grow even stronger than I have imagined let us go this is so messed up man you know what Susan you’re right you do deserve to rule Roblox of course I do are you crazy you’re kidding right no I’m not this is serious she’s insane what have you done continue your praise I mean come on you’re clearly the most powerful in all of Roblox I may not possess magic like you Susan but I do understand something crucial your power isn’t just that spell book it’s within you you’re strong enough and smart enough to rule Roblox without relying on it the spell book is nothing but a crutch holding you back from realizing your true potential you dare suggest I discard my spell book imagine what you could achieve if you freed yourself from his constraints you deserve to rule Roblox but not being controlled by ancient incantations you deserve to lead with your own strength and wisdom oh no not him too shh they’re on to something H perhaps I’ve been too relying on this book very well it doesn’t hurt to try I am strong after all but if this fails you both will suffer the consequences now with that weight gone I can show my true power [Music] we got it let’s test out this power uh-oh no where do you think you’re going with that Ry this is not How This Ends go go go we have to help them hey zombie things over here I don’t think they care about us it’s the book they want we need to hold them off but what about anex panda and the others some of us can stay behind and look for something to get them down check the library to get them down I’m not letting them go until you give me my spell book your spell book well well well look who we have here I saw the loose floorboard and I had a feeling something was going to happen well you’re too late I have control now you may have the spell book but your powers are still weak no Annie catch they want the book we have to keep them away you and Aila run to the store and find the entrance you guys are going to have to do the spell without us roow and I will hold them off as best as we can go Ashley Peta and Regan you guys stay behind and try to get an Mak and Panda down capu and I will help ward off the Players let’s look for a ladder from the library I left that basem*nt behind to make things safer for the people in bloxburg it was never meant to be used as a weapon that Spellbook was made to help the community in bloxburg to create a stronger bond between the people the only bond this Spellbook should be creating is between me and the other Realms I don’t care about the past all I care about is how strong I’m going to be now ew does she ever clean back here there’s no entrance here it’s just walls of storage well it is a secret entrance so it’s got to be a secret door I totally knew that would happen I guess we go in wa not going to lie this is kind of cool stop this Susan you’re going about this all wrong never oh my gosh The Cauldron okay so we need to Splash to the blocksburg river water got it five leaves from a bloxburg tree right there okay well that definitely did something uh one more thing dirt from the park I’ve got a jar of dirt I’ve got a jar of dirt and now it’s time for the incantation you ready mhm by w i call call upon of’s life portals of Roblox I you close seal shut these pathways no room for repose they’re too strong we’re starting to get pushed to the entrance of the store I didn’t want it to end this way but you leave me no [Music] choice holy sh [Music] guys um remember United you stand divided you fall Unity Unity is our greatest strength we need more people I’ll stay with the spell book go see who else can help and hurry this ends now Susan you can’t control the power the power is controlling you you underestimate me I am in [Music] control we need more people so do we [Music] Unity is strength we can’t do the spell with just the two of us if one of us stops this swarm is getting inside this St we can’t let that [Music] [Applause] [Music] happen didn’t think we’d let you do this all alone did you we [Music] don’t worry about us go help them we’re here leave this to us Darlings go save bloxburg oh wow you got everyone we have to recite it all together of digital I call upon a for iyck I this Darkness [Music] Harmony mag the cells no longer inter in Rob balance Resto balance return and Harmony sword ow ow did we do it was that it only one way to find out no no my power whatever you guys did it worked this isn’t over mark my words I will reclaim what is rightfully mine I told you Susan the power controlled you you’re powerless now boy do we have a story to tell when we go back we sure do hurry and go back to your land the Stars will unine soon which means the portals will be closing don’t have to tell me twice come on everyone go through the portal we’re going back you guys really scared us for a second what it was the only way to get her to drop that book and thank you for all your help Sabrina your wisdom helped us immensely e [Music] [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh no okay other FAL away that sounds to mean sorry [Music] oh my god oh wait I’m literally right behind the tree I’m so dumb idle go back idle idle agree refuse talk oh Panda just disconnected Sabrina oh what happened to Sabrina I turned the camera and she’s gone hey Annex I see you what the heck how did you get up there all right so Peta you have a fun line you are going to run around in this floor area go uh I meant this room um come back bro just left and then the librarian turn your body towards Rob builds oh my gosh your hand your hand is um y’all see that right oh whoa stay like that oh shoot wow it’s like insanely dark it just happens to be on the ground over here and you’re going to pick it up in a second okay Peta turn towards her and do confuse shrug go ahead um that’s the vase not real builds oh oh the lightning strike in the background was perfect [Music] oh oh my God oh my God did you guys see that

SUSAN | Roblox Bloxburg Movie

In the small town of Bloxburg lives Susan, the owner of Fancy Furniture. Envy of the other shops in town and their success, she forms a strong desire to be at the top. Rummaging through her store, she finds a secret lair and spellbook that gives her access to a strong power she can’t let go of. Bloxburg residents start to notice a strange amount of power surging through the air and must team up to protect the town they love.

Hi everyone, and thank you for tuning into this movie! This movie took me 6 ½ MONTHS to create, and I hope you all enjoy it!

► Voice Actors
Mads (madsie_rblx)
Robuilds’ Younger Bro
Robuilds’ Grandma
Robuild’s Mom
Robuilds’ Dad

► Body Actors



Fancy Furniture Storage Room: Robuilds
Sabrina’s Cottage: Robuilds & GrandeMochii
Stylez Salon: GrandeMochii
Abandoned Training Grounds: Capdo_roblox
Cave: Robuilds
Ancient Library: Robuilds, GrandeMochii, & Dvexme
Secret Lair: Robuilds & GrandeMochii
PeetahBread’s Bedroom: Robuilds & Dvexme
Regain RiOT’s Bedroom: Robuilds
News Station: Robuilds
Faulty’s House: Capdo_roblox
Regain RiOT’s House: Capdo_roblox

► Robox Games
Welcome to Bloxburg
Adopt Me
Dress to Impress


& some help from

And a thank you to all of you guys for being extras in the background!

► Music Credits
Hitman by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.

Hero’s Theme by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.

Night Runner by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.

Dreams Become Real by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.

Comfortable Mystery 1 – Film Noire by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.

Intense Suspense by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.




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SUSAN | Roblox Bloxburg Movie - INBELLA (2024)


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Name: Mr. See Jast

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