MOND’s acceleration scale as a fundamental quantity (2024)

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Preface: Towards New Paradigms: Proceeding of the Spanish Relativity Meeting 2011

Jiménez, José Beltrán / de la Cruz Dombriz, Álvaro / González, Antonio Dobado / Maroto, Antonio López / Cembranos, José Alberto Ruiz et al. | 2012

Elektronische Ausgabe


Large scale peculiar velocities from clusters of galaxies: Is the universe tilted?

Atrio-Barandela, F. / Kashlinsky, A. / Ebeling, H. / Kocevski, D. / Edge, A. et al. | 2012

Elektronische Ausgabe


Black holes: Combinatorics and the thermodynamic limit

Barbero G., J. Fernando et al. | 2012

Elektronische Ausgabe


Observational CMB predictions from warm inflation

Bastero-Gil, M. et al. | 2012

Elektronische Ausgabe


Is the Concordance model the only game in town?

Dunsby, Peter K. S. et al. | 2012

Elektronische Ausgabe


Hydrodynamics and viscosity in the Rindler spacetime

Eling, Christopher / Chirco, Goffredo / Liberati, Stefano et al. | 2012

Elektronische Ausgabe


On f(R) spacetime thermodynamics and viscous cosmology

Elizalde, Emilio et al. | 2012

Elektronische Ausgabe


Black hole entropy in LQG: Recent developments

Frodden, Ernesto / Ghosh, Amit / Perez, Alejandro et al. | 2012

Elektronische Ausgabe


Black holes in Supergravity and Superstring theories

Galli, Pietro / Meessen, Patrick / Ortín, Tomás / Perz, Jan / Shahbazi, C. S. et al. | 2012

Elektronische Ausgabe


Covariant accelerating holography

González-Díaz, Pedro F. et al. | 2012

Elektronische Ausgabe


Correlators in deSitter spacetime, cosmic quantum-no hair, and the 'heat death' of the universe

Hollands, Stefan et al. | 2012

Elektronische Ausgabe


Towards a cross-correlation approach to strong-field dynamics in black hole spacetimes

Jaramillo, J. L. / Macedo, R. P. / Moesta, P. / Rezzolla, L. et al. | 2012

Elektronische Ausgabe


The sound of strongly coupled field theories: Quasinormal modes in AdS

Landsteiner, Karl et al. | 2012

Elektronische Ausgabe


The Planck mission and the cosmological paradigm

Martínez-González, Enrique / Planck Collaboration et al. | 2012

Elektronische Ausgabe


Cyclic, ekpyrotic and little rip universe in modified gravity

Nojiri, Shin'ichi / Odintsov, S. D. / Sáez-Gómez, D. et al. | 2012

Elektronische Ausgabe


Cosmology in Palatini theories of gravity

Olmo, Gonzalo J. et al. | 2012

Elektronische Ausgabe


Gravity as an emergent phenomenon: Conceptual aspects

Padmanabhan, T. et al. | 2012

Elektronische Ausgabe


The MAGIC cosmology

Satalecka, Konstancja / MAGIC Collaboration et al. | 2012

Elektronische Ausgabe


Experimental tests of general relativity: Where are we?

Tartaglia, Angelo et al. | 2012

Elektronische Ausgabe


Observational probes of dark energy

Wang, Yun et al. | 2012

Elektronische Ausgabe


Cosmological dynamics of fourth order gravity: A compact view

Abdelwahab, Mohamed / Goswami, Rituparno / Dunsby, Peter K. S. et al. | 2012

Elektronische Ausgabe


Simultaneous expansion and rotation of shear-free universes in modified gravity

Abebe, Amare / Goswami, Rituparno / Dunsby, Peter K. S. et al. | 2012

Elektronische Ausgabe


Observing other universes through ringholes and Klein-bottle holes

Alonso-Serrano, Ana / Gonzalez-Díaz, Pedro F. et al. | 2012

Elektronische Ausgabe


The matter power spectrum as a test of cosmological models

Atrio-Barandela, F. / Durán, I. / Pavón, D. et al. | 2012

Elektronische Ausgabe


Noncanonical phase-space noncommutative black holes

Bastos, Catarina / Bertolami, Orfeu / Dias, Nuno Costa / Prata, João Nuno et al. | 2012

Elektronische Ausgabe


MOND’s acceleration scale as a fundamental quantity

Bernal, T. / Capozziello, S. / Cristofano, G. / De Laurentis, M. et al. | 2012

Elektronische Ausgabe


Constraints on single entity driven inflationary and radiation eras

Bouhmadi-López, Mariam / Chen, Pisin / Liu, Yen-Wei et al. | 2012

Elektronische Ausgabe


Classification of a class of conformally flat pure radiation metrics with cosmological constant

Bradley, M. / Edgar, S. B. / Machado Ramos, M. P. et al. | 2012

Elektronische Ausgabe


Matching a static cylindrically symmetric elastic spacetime

Brito, I. / Carot, J. / Mena, F. C. / Vaz, E. G. L. R. et al. | 2012

Elektronische Ausgabe


New tools for Loop Quantum Gravity with applications to a simple model

Borja, Enrique F. / Díaz-Polo, Jacobo / Freidel, Laurent / Garay, Iñaki / Livine, Etera R. et al. | 2012

Elektronische Ausgabe


CMB tensor anisotropies in metric f(R) gravity

Bourhrous, Hassan / de la Cruz-Dombriz, Álvaro / Dunsby, Peter et al. | 2012

Elektronische Ausgabe


Conformal frames and the validity of Birkhoff's theorem

Capozziello, S. / Sáez-Gómez, D. et al. | 2012

Elektronische Ausgabe


Linear perturbations of a Schwarzschild blackhole by thin disc - convergence

Čížek, P. / Semerák, O. et al. | 2012

Elektronische Ausgabe


Renormalisation group improved early universe cosmology and transition to classicality

Contillo, Adriano / Hindmarsh, Mark / Rahmede, Cristoph et al. | 2012

Elektronische Ausgabe


Characteristic structure of the resistive relativistic magnetohydrodynamic equations

Cordero-Carrión, Isabel / Ibáñez, José María / Aloy, Miguel Ángel et al. | 2012

Elektronische Ausgabe


Hawking radiation as perceived by different observers

Barbado, Luis C. / Barceló, Carlos / Garay, Luis J. et al. | 2012

Elektronische Ausgabe


Mathisson's helical motions demystified

Costa, L. Filipe / Natário, José / Zilhão, Miguel et al. | 2012

Elektronische Ausgabe


Comparison of metrics obtained with analytic perturbation theory and a numerical code

Cuchí, J. E. / Molina, A. / Ruiz, E. et al. | 2012

Elektronische Ausgabe


Thermodynamic analysis of black holes supported by nonlinear electrodynamics

Diaz-Alonso, J. / Rubiera-Garcia, D. et al. | 2012

Elektronische Ausgabe


On noncentral collisions of Reissner-Nordström shock waves in AdSD

Dueñas-Vidal, Álvaro / Vázquez-Mozo, Miguel A. et al. | 2012

Elektronische Ausgabe


Thin shells in Einstein-Born-Infeld theory

Eiroa, Ernesto F. / Simeone, Claudio et al. | 2012

Elektronische Ausgabe


Baryon acoustic oscillations in a cosmic void

February, Sean / Clarkson, Chris / Maartens, Roy et al. | 2012

Elektronische Ausgabe


Singularities around w = −1

Fernández-Jambrina, Leonardo et al. | 2012

Elektronische Ausgabe


Solving systems of transcendental equations involving the Heun functions

Fiziev, Plamen / Staicova, Denitsa et al. | 2012

Elektronische Ausgabe


Oscillating localized objects formed by a scalar field coupled to gravity

Fodor, Gyula / Forgács, Péter / Grandclement, Philippe et al. | 2012

Elektronische Ausgabe


Turbulence models of gravitational clustering

Gaite, José et al. | 2012

Elektronische Ausgabe


Non-extremal black holes in Supergravity and String Theory

Galli, Pietro / Ortín, Tomás / Perz, Jan / Shahbazi, C. S. et al. | 2012

Elektronische Ausgabe


Indirect constraints to branon dark matter

Gammaldi, V. / Cembranos, J. A. R. / de la Cruz-Dombriz, A. / Maroto, A. L. et al. | 2012

Elektronische Ausgabe


Decoupling between torsion and magnetic fields in bouncing cosmology

Garcia de Andrade, L. C. / Ferrández, A. et al. | 2012

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Core-crust transition pressure for relativistic slowly rotating neutron stars

González-Romero, L. M. / Blázquez-Salcedo, J. L. et al. | 2012

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Almost Birkhoff theorem

Goswami, Rituparno / Ellis, George F. R. et al. | 2012

Elektronische Ausgabe


Non-relativistic extended gravity and its applications across different astrophysical scales

Hidalgo, J. C. / Mendoza, S. / Hernandez, X. / Bernal, T. / Jimenez, M. A. / Allen, C. et al. | 2012

Elektronische Ausgabe


Conformal null Einstein-Maxwell fields

Hruška, Jakub et al. | 2012

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Hawking tunneling and boomerang behaviour of massive particles with E < m

Jannes, Gil / Philbin, Thomas G. / Rousseaux, Germain et al. | 2012

Elektronische Ausgabe


Modified spinning black holes

Romero, P. Jimeno / Cembranos, J. A. R. / de la Cruz-Dombriz, A. et al. | 2012

Elektronische Ausgabe


Generating ζ with non-Abelian vector fields

Karčiauskas, Mindaugas et al. | 2012

Elektronische Ausgabe


Wormhole geometries in modified gravity

Lobo, Francisco S. N. et al. | 2012

Elektronische Ausgabe


Linear and non-linear waves in de Sitter

Costa, João L. / Alho, Artur / Natário, José et al. | 2012

Elektronische Ausgabe


Reconstructing cosmic acceleration from f(R) modified gravity

López-Revelles, A. J. et al. | 2012

Elektronische Ausgabe


Instabilities of the Riemann problem in relativistic hydrodynamics

Mach, Patryk et al. | 2012

Elektronische Ausgabe


On the Penrose inequality for null shells in the n-dimensional Minkowski spacetime

Mars, Marc / Soria, Alberto et al. | 2012

Elektronische Ausgabe


Inclusion of matter in inhom*ogeneous loop quantum cosmology

Martín-de Blas, D. / Martín-Benito, M. / Mena Marugán, G. A. et al. | 2012

Elektronische Ausgabe


Could a foliation by constant mean curvature hypersurfaces cover the existence of most observers in our part of spacetime?

Martin-Moruno, Prado et al. | 2012

Elektronische Ausgabe


Measuring cosmological distances by coalescing binaries

De Martino, I. / Capozziello, S. / De Laurentis, M. / Formisano, M. et al. | 2012

Elektronische Ausgabe


Radiative gravitational collapse to black holes in five dimensions

Mena, Filipe C. et al. | 2012

Elektronische Ausgabe


MOND as the weak-field limit of an extended metric theory of gravity

Mendoza, S. / Bernal, T. / Hidalgo, J. C. / Capozziello, S. et al. | 2012

Elektronische Ausgabe


Spherically symmetric models: Separating expansion from contraction in models with anisotropic pressures

Mimoso, José P. / Le Delliou, Morgan / Mena, Filipe C. et al. | 2012

Elektronische Ausgabe


On the collapse in fourth order gravities

Núñez, B. Montes / Cembranos, J. A. R. / de la Cruz-Dombriz, A. et al. | 2012

Elektronische Ausgabe


Testing a DBI model for the unification of dark matter and dark energy with gamma-ray bursts

Montiel, Ariadna / Bretón, Nora et al. | 2012

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Future non-linear stability of the Einstein-Vlasov system with reflection Bianchi II and VI0 symmetry

Nungesser, Ernesto et al. | 2012

Elektronische Ausgabe


Strong gravitational lensing in f(R) gravity

Nzioki, Anne Marie / Dunsby, Peter K. S. / Goswami, Rituparno / Carloni, Sante et al. | 2012

Elektronische Ausgabe


A complete hybrid quantization in inhom*ogeneous cosmology

Olmedo, J. / Fernández-Méndez, M. / Mena Marugán, G. A. et al. | 2012

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Black holes with electric charge in Palatini theories of gravity

Olmo, Gonzalo J. / Rubiera-Garcia, D. et al. | 2012

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Brans-Dicke wormholes: Possibility for observations and distinction

Rannu, K. A. / Alexeyev, S. O. / Gareeva, D. V. et al. | 2012

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Non-local cosmological evolutions

Carreras, M. Sanfrutos / Cembranos, J. A. R. et al. | 2012

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Recurrence of geodesics in a black-hole-disc field

Suková, Petra / Semerák, Oldřich et al. | 2012

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Geodesic deviation: Useful tool for understanding higher dimensional spacetimes

Švarc, R. / Podolský, J. et al. | 2012

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Conformal infinity in Robinson-Trautman spacetimes with cosmological constant

Svítek, Otakar et al. | 2012

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hom*ogeneous killing spinor space-times

Van den Bergh, N. et al. | 2012

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Modified entropic gravity and cosmology

Zumalacárregui, Miguel et al. | 2012

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Some toy sheet universes

Hamerský, Jaroslav / Langer, Jiří et al. | 2012

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Averaging in GR using Cartan scalars

Kašpar, Petr / Svítek, Otakar et al. | 2012

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The non-linear asymptotic stability of De-Sitter: A perturbative approach

Mena, Filipe C. et al. | 2012

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The effect of the pressure on the deceleration parameter in inhom*ogeneous cosmological models

Vrba, David et al. | 2012

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Front Matter for Volume 1458

| 2012

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Back Matter for Volume 1458

| 2012

Elektronische Ausgabe

MOND’s acceleration scale as a fundamental quantity (2024)


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