Discover Koinly: Your Ultimate Guide to Crypto Tax Solutions (2024)

Koinly is a powerful and user-friendly tool designed to simplify cryptocurrency tax reporting for both beginners and seasoned traders. By offering features like automated transaction tracking, precise tax calculations, and integration with numerous exchanges and wallets, Koinly helps users manage their crypto portfolios efficiently.

This platform supports a wide range of cryptocurrencies and provides various reporting options tailored to different countries' tax regulations. Whether you are dealing with purchases, sales, mining activities or staking profits, Koinly ensures accurate documentation and compliance with tax laws.


Crypto Tax Tools

  • Koinly automates the calculation and creation of tax-compliant reports for your crypto transactions.
  • The platform supports a wide range of crypto exchanges, wallets, and blockchains for seamless data import.
  • You receive detailed insights into your portfolio's performance, including gains, losses, and historical price data.
  • With advanced algorithms, Koinly provides precise calculations for capital gains, losses, and cryptocurrency income.
  • The intuitive interface makes it easy to manage your transactions and generate reports without needing extensive technical knowledge.

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Koinly also offers a real-time portfolio tracking feature, allowing users to monitor the value and performance of their crypto assets continually. The service is designed to save users significant time and effort by automating many aspects of crypto tax preparation, making it an invaluable tool for anyone involved in the crypto space.

Why Use Koinly for Crypto Taxes?

Managing cryptocurrency taxes can be daunting due to the sheer volume and complexity of transactions. Koinly addresses this challenge by offering a streamlined solution that automates the tracking and calculation of crypto taxes.

Here are some key reasons to use Koinly for your crypto taxes:

  • Automated Data Import: Koinly allows you to import transaction data from over 300 exchanges and wallets via API keys, saving you the hassle of manual entry.
  • Accurate Calculations: The platform ensures precise tax calculations by considering various transaction types such as trading, mining, and staking. It supports multiple calculation methods, including FIFO and LIFO.
  • Compliance: Koinly generates tax reports that are compliant with the tax regulations of multiple countries, including the USA, UK, and Australia. This helps you stay on the right side of the law.
  • Time Efficiency: By automating data tracking and report generation, Koinly saves you a significant amount of time compared to manual calculations.
  • Comprehensive Reporting: Koinly offers detailed reports on capital gains, income from mining or staking, and portfolio performance, ensuring that all aspects of your crypto activities are covered.
  • User-Friendly Interface: The platform is designed to be intuitive, making it accessible even for those who are new to cryptocurrency.

Using Koinly for your crypto taxes not only ensures accuracy and compliance but also frees up valuable time, allowing you to focus on trading and investing rather than paperwork.

Key Features of Koinly

Koinly offers a robust suite of features designed to make cryptocurrency management and tax reporting easier. Below are some of the standout features that set Koinly apart.

Automated Data Import

Koinly supports seamless data import from over 300 exchanges and wallets. You can use API keys for automatic data synchronization or manually upload CSV files for a customized setup.

Comprehensive Tax Reports

Koinly generates extensive tax reports that are tailored to meet the requirements of various countries. These reports include:

  • Capital gains and losses
  • Mining and staking income
  • Transaction history

Portfolio Tracking

With Koinly, you can monitor your portfolio in real-time. The platform offers a detailed view of the value and performance of your crypto assets, helping you make informed decisions.

Support for Complex Transactions

Koinly can handle more than just basic trades. It supports:

  • DeFi activities such as lending and borrowing
  • Margin trading
  • P2P trades and OTC transactions

Various Calculation Methods

Koinly allows you to choose from different methods for calculating your capital gains and losses, including FIFO (First-In-First-Out) and LIFO (Last-In-First-Out). This flexibility ensures your tax reports can be as accurate as possible.

Security and Privacy

Your data's security is a top priority for Koinly. The platform uses advanced encryption techniques to protect your data. Two-factor authentication (2FA) is also available for additional security.

Customer Support

Koinly offers excellent customer support to help you navigate any issues or questions you may have. Support is available via live chat and email, helping you get quick solutions to your queries.

With these key features, Koinly provides an all-in-one solution for managing your cryptocurrency holdings and ensuring your tax compliance.

Supported Cryptocurrencies and Exchanges

One of Koinly's most compelling features is its extensive support for a wide range of cryptocurrencies and exchanges. This makes it a versatile tool for all types of crypto investors, regardless of the platforms they use or the assets they hold.

Supported Cryptocurrencies

Koinly can track over 17,000 different cryptocurrencies, from mainstream options like Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH) to lesser-known altcoins. This broad support ensures that almost any asset in your portfolio can be accurately tracked and reported.

Here are some of the popular cryptocurrencies that Koinly supports:

  • Bitcoin (BTC)
  • Ethereum (ETH)
  • Ripple (XRP)
  • Litecoin (LTC)
  • Cardano (ADA)
  • Polkadot (DOT)

Supported Exchanges

Koinly integrates with over 300 different exchanges, both centralized and decentralized. This allows you to import your transaction data seamlessly and ensures that all your trading activities are accounted for.

Some of the popular exchanges supported by Koinly include:

  • Binance
  • Coinbase
  • Kraken
  • Bitfinex
  • Uniswap
  • Balancer

Easy Integration

Integrating Koinly with your preferred exchanges and wallets is straightforward. You can use API keys for automatic synchronization or manually upload CSV files if you prefer. This flexibility allows you to choose the method that best fits your needs.

Koinly's extensive support for a wide range of cryptocurrencies and exchanges ensures that no matter how diverse your crypto portfolio is, you'll be able to manage it effectively and comply with tax regulations.

Free Version and Pricing Plans

Koinly offers various pricing plans to suit different needs, including a free version for those who want to try the service with limited features. Here’s a detailed look at the options available:

Free Version

The free version of Koinly is an excellent starting point for newcomers. It offers the following features:

  • Track up to 10,000 transactions
  • Access to basic portfolio tracking
  • Preview of capital gains and losses

While the free version is robust, it lacks some advanced features found in the paid plans.

Paid Plans

For users requiring more comprehensive features, Koinly offers several paid plans. Each plan is designed to accommodate different transaction volumes and advanced needs. Below is a comparison of the available plans:

Plan Price/Year Transaction Limit
Hobbyist €39 Up to 100
Trader €89 Up to 1,000
Pro €169 Up to 10,000

Each paid plan includes additional features such as:

  • Detailed tax reports
  • Enhanced portfolio tracking
  • Priority customer support

Payment methods for the paid plans include credit card and cryptocurrency, offering flexibility for users.

Choosing the Right Plan

When deciding which plan to choose, consider the number of transactions you typically make in a year and the level of detail you need for your portfolio tracking and tax reporting. The free version is excellent for getting started, but as your transaction volume increases, upgrading to a paid plan will provide more comprehensive support.

With a variety of pricing plans, Koinly ensures that both casual investors and professional traders can find a suitable option to meet their crypto tax reporting needs.

Integration and Data Import

One of Koinly's standout features is its streamlined integration and data import process. This capability ensures that your cryptocurrency transactions are accurately tracked and reported. Here’s a closer look at how Koinly handles integration and data import:

API Integration

Koinly supports API integration with over 300 exchanges, making it simple to automatically import your transaction data. By providing Koinly with your API keys, your transaction history is synchronized in real-time, reducing the need for manual entry. APIs ensure that all your trades, deposits, and withdrawals are captured accurately.

Manual Import

For platforms or wallets that do not support API integration, Koinly allows you to manually upload your transaction data. You can upload CSV or Excel files containing your transaction history, ensuring comprehensive coverage of all your crypto activities. The manual import process is straightforward and user-friendly.

Hardware Wallet Integration

Koinly also supports direct integration with popular hardware wallets like Ledger and Trezor. By connecting your hardware wallet, Koinly can automatically import your transactions, providing an additional layer of data security and convenience.

Steps to Import Data

Importing your data into Koinly is a simple, three-step process:

  • Connect Your Exchange: Use API keys or manually upload CSV files from your exchange to Koinly.
  • Sync Your Wallet: Connect your hardware or software wallet to automatically import transactions.
  • Review and Reconcile: Once the data is imported, Koinly will help you review and reconcile any discrepancies for accurate reporting.

Supported File Formats

Koinly supports several file formats for data import, including:

  • CSV (.csv)
  • Excel (.xls, .xlsx)

Koinly's robust integration and data import capabilities ensure that you can track all your cryptocurrency transactions easily, whether you prefer automatic synchronization or manual uploads. This flexibility helps ensure complete and accurate tax reporting.

Portfolio Tracking and Performance Analysis

Effective portfolio tracking and performance analysis are crucial for any cryptocurrency investor. Koinly excels in these areas by providing detailed insights into your crypto holdings. Let’s explore how Koinly helps you stay on top of your investments.

Real-Time Portfolio Tracking

Koinly offers real-time tracking of your cryptocurrency portfolio, allowing you to monitor the value and performance of your assets continuously. This feature gives you a comprehensive view of your holdings, helping you make informed investment decisions.

Comprehensive Performance Reports

With Koinly, you can generate detailed performance reports that cover various aspects of your portfolio. These reports include:

  • Asset Allocation: Breakdown of your investments across different cryptocurrencies.
  • Profit and Loss Statements: Detailed summary of your gains and losses over specific periods.
  • Historical Performance: Charts and graphs showing the performance of your assets over time.

Customizable Metrics

Koinly allows you to customize the metrics you want to track. Whether you are interested in the market value, cost basis, or unrealized gains, Koinly provides the flexibility to tailor the reports according to your preferences.

Example Performance Report

Here is an example of what a typical performance report from Koinly looks like:

Metric Value
Total Investment €10,000
Current Market Value €12,500
Total Profit €2,500
Percentage Gain 25%

Trend Analysis

Koinly’s trend analysis features help you identify patterns and trends in your portfolio's performance. By analyzing these trends, you can make more informed decisions about when to buy, sell, or hold your assets.

Tax Implications

Understanding the tax implications of your trading activities is essential. Koinly automatically calculates the tax liabilities associated with your transactions, showing your capital gains or losses for accurate tax reporting. This feature ensures that you are aware of the tax impact of your investment decisions.

With Koinly’s advanced portfolio tracking and performance analysis tools, you can gain a deeper understanding of your investments and make data-driven decisions to optimize your portfolio.

Tax Reports and Export Options

One of Koinly’s most valuable features is its ability to generate accurate tax reports that meet the regulatory requirements of various countries. Whether you’re an individual investor or a business, Koinly ensures that your tax obligations are met with precision.

Comprehensive Tax Reports

Koinly generates detailed tax reports that cover several key areas to ensure your records are complete:

  • Capital Gains and Losses: Summarizes your gains and losses from crypto trading, accounting for both realized and unrealized positions.
  • Income Reports: Documents income from activities like mining, staking, and airdrops.
  • Transaction History: Provides a chronological record of all your crypto transactions.

Country-Specific Tax Compliance

Koinly supports tax regulations for multiple countries, including:

  • USA (IRS-compliant reports)
  • UK (HMRC-compliant reports)
  • Canada (CRA-compliant reports)
  • Australia (ATO-compliant reports)

This ensures that your tax reports meet the specific requirements of your country’s tax authority, reducing the risk of non-compliance.

Export Options

Koinly offers various export options to make it easy to share your tax reports with your accountant or tax professional. The supported formats include:

  • PDF: Ideal for printing and physical record-keeping.
  • CSV: Suitable for manual review and import into other tax software.
  • Excel: Perfect for detailed data analysis and manipulation.

Specific Tax Forms

Koinly generates specific tax forms that are crucial for filing your taxes:

  • Form 8949: For US taxpayers reporting capital gains and losses.
  • Schedule D: Summary of capital gains for US tax returns.
  • HMRC Capital Gains Summary: For UK taxpayers.
  • CRA Schedule 3: For Canadian taxpayers reporting capital gains.

How to Generate a Tax Report

Creating a tax report with Koinly is straightforward. Here are the steps:

  1. Import Your Data: Ensure all your transaction data is imported from exchanges and wallets.
  2. Select the Tax Year: Choose the tax year for which you need the report.
  3. Customize Report Settings: Adjust any settings to match your specific needs (e.g., accounting method).
  4. Generate Report: Click the generate button to create your tax report.
  5. Export the Report: Export the report in your preferred format (PDF, CSV, Excel).

With these comprehensive reporting and export features, Koinly ensures that your cryptocurrency tax reporting is accurate, compliant, and hassle-free.

Security Measures

Security is a paramount concern when dealing with sensitive financial data, especially in the volatile world of cryptocurrencies. Koinly implements robust security measures to ensure that your data remains safe and confidential. Here’s how Koinly keeps your information secure:

Advanced Encryption

Koinly uses advanced encryption techniques to protect your data. This includes:

  • Data Encryption: All data transferred between your browser and Koinly’s servers is encrypted using SSL (Secure Socket Layer) technology.
  • Database Encryption: User data stored on Koinly’s servers is encrypted to prevent unauthorized access.

Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

To add an extra layer of security, Koinly offers two-factor authentication. Enabling 2FA means that in addition to your password, a second form of verification is required to access your account, such as a code sent to your phone.

Secure API Keys

When you connect your exchanges and wallets to Koinly using API keys, the platform ensures these keys are securely stored and used only for the intended purpose. API keys are encrypted and protected, reducing the risk of unauthorized access.

Regular Security Audits

Koinly conducts regular security audits to identify and mitigate potential vulnerabilities. These audits are performed by internal teams and third-party security experts to ensure the highest standards of security are maintained.

Data Privacy

Koinly prioritizes data privacy and complies with data protection regulations, including GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). Your data is never shared with third parties without your explicit consent, ensuring your privacy is always respected.

Access Controls

Koinly implements strict access controls within its infrastructure. Only authorized personnel have access to production systems, and all access is logged and monitored to prevent unauthorized actions.

Backup and Recovery

To safeguard against data loss, Koinly maintains regular backups of user data. In case of any unexpected incidents, a robust disaster recovery plan is in place to restore data with minimal disruption.

Security Best Practices for Users

While Koinly takes extensive measures to protect your data, users are also encouraged to follow best practices to ensure their accounts remain secure:

  • Strong Passwords: Use complex and unique passwords for your Koinly account.
  • Enable 2FA: Activate two-factor authentication for an additional layer of security.
  • Monitor Accounts: Regularly review your account activity for any unauthorized actions.

With these comprehensive security measures, Koinly ensures that your data is protected, giving you peace of mind as you manage your cryptocurrency portfolio and tax reporting needs.

Customer Support and Ease of Use

Koinly prides itself on offering exceptional customer support and an intuitive user experience. Whether you're new to cryptocurrency or a seasoned trader, Koinly is designed to be accessible and easy to navigate.

Customer Support

Excellent customer support is integral to any financial tool, and Koinly excels in this area. Here are some key aspects of Koinly’s customer support:

  • 24/7 Live Chat Support: Koinly provides live chat support around the clock with real agents ready to assist you with any inquiries. Whether you face technical issues or need help with complex tax questions, the support team is available to provide timely assistance.
  • Email Support: For less urgent matters, you can also reach out to Koinly via email. The support team typically responds within a few hours, ensuring you get the help you need without long waits.
  • Help Center and Guides: Koinly's extensive help center provides detailed articles and guides on using the platform, addressing common questions and issues. This resource is invaluable for users who prefer self-service solutions.

Ease of Use

Koinly is designed with user experience in mind, ensuring that the platform is accessible even for those who are not tech-savvy. Here are some features that make Koinly easy to use:

Intuitive Interface

Koinly’s user interface is clean and straightforward, making it easy to navigate through various features. The dashboard provides a clear overview of your portfolio, transactions, and tax reports, allowing you to find what you need without any hassle.

Simple Setup

Setting up your Koinly account is quick and easy. The platform offers simple step-by-step instructions to connect your exchanges and wallets, import your transactions, and generate reports. The entire process is designed to be as smooth as possible.

Educational Resources

Koinly provides a wealth of educational resources to help users understand cryptocurrency tax reporting better. This includes:

  • How-to Guides: Comprehensive guides explain how to use different features of Koinly effectively.
  • Webinars and Tutorials: Live and recorded sessions that cover various aspects of using Koinly and understanding crypto taxes.
  • Blog Articles: Regularly updated blog posts that provide insights into crypto tax laws and best practices.
Multi-Platform Support

Koinly is accessible on various devices, ensuring that users can manage their portfolios and taxes whether they are on a desktop, tablet, or smartphone. This flexibility allows users to access their information anytime, anywhere.

User Feedback and Continuous Improvement

Koinly values user feedback and continuously works to improve its platform. Regular updates and new features are driven by user suggestions, ensuring that Koinly evolves to meet the changing needs of its user base.

In summary, Koinly offers robust customer support and is designed to be user-friendly, making cryptocurrency portfolio management and tax reporting a seamless experience for all users.

Alternatives to Consider

While Koinly is a comprehensive tool for cryptocurrency portfolio management and tax reporting, it’s always a good idea to explore other options to find the best fit for your needs. Here are some notable alternatives to Koinly:


CoinTracking is a well-established platform for tracking cryptocurrency transactions and generating tax reports. It offers extensive features and supports a wide range of cryptocurrencies and exchanges.

  • Features: Detailed analytics tools, real-time portfolio tracking, customizable reports
  • Supported Exchanges: Over 10,000 cryptocurrencies and multiple exchanges
  • Pricing: Free version available; Paid plans start at $10/month
“CoinTracking offers robust tools for detailed portfolio analysis and tax reporting, making it a favorite among experienced traders.”


CryptoTrader.Tax is a US-focused platform that simplifies the process of crypto tax reporting. Known for its user-friendly interface and IRS-compliant reports, CryptoTrader.Tax is an excellent option for American crypto investors.

  • Features: IRS-compliant tax reports, DeFi and margin trading support, CSV import/export
  • Supported Exchanges: Integration with leading exchanges like Binance, Coinbase, and Kraken
  • Pricing: Plans start at $49 per tax season
“CryptoTrader.Tax makes US tax reporting straightforward with its focus on IRS compliance and easy-to-use interface.”


Blockpit is a European-focused platform that provides legally compliant tax reports for various EU countries. It’s known for its robust security measures and comprehensive reporting capabilities.

  • Features: Real-time portfolio tracking, comprehensive tax reports, compliance with EU tax laws
  • Supported Exchanges: Supports major exchanges like Binance, Bitfinex, and Kraken
  • Pricing: Subscription plans starting at €99/year
“Blockpit’s strength lies in its focus on European regulations, making it ideal for EU crypto investors.”


Accointing is a versatile platform that offers portfolio tracking, tax reporting, and market analysis. Known for its sleek interface and intuitive design, Accointing caters to both beginners and experienced traders.

  • Features: Tax reports for multiple countries, portfolio management, market analysis tools
  • Supported Exchanges: Integration with over 300 exchanges and wallets
  • Pricing: Free version available; Paid plans start at $79/year
“Accointing combines ease of use with powerful features, making it a strong contender in the crypto management space.”

Exploring these alternatives will help you find a platform that best suits your specific needs, ensuring you have the right tools for managing your cryptocurrency portfolio and tax obligations effectively.


Koinly emerges as a robust tool designed to simplify cryptocurrency portfolio management and tax reporting for both beginners and experienced traders. With its extensive feature set, including automated data import, comprehensive tax reports, real-time portfolio tracking, and robust security measures, Koinly ensures a seamless and accurate tax filing experience.

The platform supports a wide range of cryptocurrencies and integrates with over 300 exchanges and wallets, providing flexibility and thorough coverage of all your crypto activities. Its various pricing plans, including a free version, make it accessible to users with different needs and transaction volumes.

Koinly also excels in customer support, offering 24/7 live chat and email support, along with a wealth of educational resources to help users navigate the platform and understand crypto tax laws better. Its user-friendly interface and ease of integration make it an ideal choice for simplifying the complexities of crypto tax calculations.

While exploring alternatives like CoinTracking, CryptoTrader.Tax, Blockpit, and Accointing is advisable, Koinly remains a top contender due to its comprehensive features and strong focus on security and compliance.

Whether you are dealing with basic trades, complex DeFi activities, or mining and staking income, Koinly provides the tools you need to ensure accurate tax reporting and efficient portfolio management. In the rapidly evolving world of cryptocurrencies, having a reliable tool like Koinly can make all the difference in staying compliant and maximizing your investment outcomes.


Crypto Tax Tools

  • Koinly automates the calculation and creation of tax-compliant reports for your crypto transactions.
  • The platform supports a wide range of crypto exchanges, wallets, and blockchains for seamless data import.
  • You receive detailed insights into your portfolio's performance, including gains, losses, and historical price data.
  • With advanced algorithms, Koinly provides precise calculations for capital gains, losses, and cryptocurrency income.
  • The intuitive interface makes it easy to manage your transactions and generate reports without needing extensive technical knowledge.

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“In summary, Koinly offers an all-in-one solution for managing cryptocurrency portfolios and tax obligations, making it an invaluable resource in the world of crypto trading and investment.”

Frequently Asked Questions about Koinly

What is Koinly?

Koinly is a powerful and user-friendly tool designed to simplify cryptocurrency tax reporting. It supports a wide range of cryptocurrencies and provides various reporting options tailored to different countries' tax regulations.

How does Koinly help with crypto taxes?

Koinly simplifies crypto taxes by offering automated transaction tracking, accurate tax calculations, and generating tax reports compliant with the tax regulations of multiple countries including the USA, UK, Canada, and Australia.

What are the key features of Koinly?

Key features of Koinly include automated data import from over 300 exchanges and wallets, comprehensive tax reports, real-time portfolio tracking, support for complex transactions, and robust security measures.

Is there a free version of Koinly?

Yes, Koinly offers a free version that allows you to track up to 10,000 transactions, access basic portfolio tracking, and preview your capital gains and losses. For more features, there are several paid plans available.

How secure is Koinly?

Koinly uses advanced encryption techniques to protect your data. It also offers two-factor authentication (2FA), secure API keys, and complies with data protection regulations like GDPR, ensuring robust security and privacy of your data.

Discover Koinly: Your Ultimate Guide to Crypto Tax Solutions (2024)


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Author: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

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Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.