1332 Waiver Application - Montanareinsurance.mt.gov/Portals/212/MT 1332 Waiver Application_FINAL2.pdfMontana seeks a Waiver of Section 1312(c)(1) under Section 1332 of the ACA for - [PDF Document] (2024)

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1332 Waiver Application

June 19, 2019

Submitted by:

Montana Governor, Steve Bullock

Montana State Auditor, Commissioner of Securities and Insurance

Matthew Rosendale

Montana Reinsurance Association Board of Directors

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Table of Contents

Table of Contents .......................................................................................................................................... 1

Executive Overview ...................................................................................................................................... 3

I. Montana 1332 Waiver Request ................................................................................................................. 6

II. Compliance with Section 1332 Guardrails ............................................................................................... 7

A. Scope of Coverage Requirement (1332(b)(1)(C)): .............................................................................. 7

B. Affordability Requirement (1332(b)(1)(B)): ........................................................................................ 8

C. Comprehensiveness Requirement (1332(b)(1)(A)): ............................................................................. 8

D. Deficit Neutrality Requirement (1332(b)(1)(D)): ................................................................................ 8

III. Description of Montana’s 1332 Waiver Proposal ................................................................................... 9

A. Authorizing Legislation ....................................................................................................................... 9

B. Federal Pass-Through Funding .......................................................................................................... 10

IV. Draft Waiver Implementation Timeline ............................................................................................... 10

V. Additional Information and Reporting ................................................................................................... 13

A. Administrative Burden ....................................................................................................................... 13

B. Impact on Residents Who Need to Obtain Health Care Services Out-of-State .................................. 14

C. Ensuring Compliance and Waste, Fraud, and Abuse Requirements ...................................................... 14

D. State Reporting Requirements and Targets ........................................................................................ 14

VI. Supporting Information and Miscellaneous .......................................................................................... 15

A. 45 CFR 155.1308(f)(4)(i) – (iii) ......................................................................................................... 15

VII. Public Comment and Tribal Consultation ........................................................................................... 15

A. Public Comment ................................................................................................................................. 15

B. Tribal Consultation ............................................................................................................................. 16

VIII. Alignment with Section 1332 Principles ............................................................................................ 17

IX. Attachments...........................................................................................................................................19

A. Wakely Economic and Actuarial Report ................................................................................. 20

B. Letters of Support from the Montana Governor, Insurance Commissioner, and Reinsurance

Association .............................................................................................................................. 63

C. Reinsurance Legislation (SB 125) ........................................................................................... 67

D. Public Comment Opportunity Posting on State Calendar ....................................................... 77

E. Affidavits of Public Notices .................................................................................................... 79

F. Public Notice in Montana Newspapers .................................................................................... 84


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G. Reinsurance.MT.Gov Website Content ................................................................................. 93

H. Tribal Consultation Invitation Letters .................................................................................... 98

I. Summary of Public Comments Received ............................................................................ 116

J. Summary of Comments Received at the Tribal Consultation ............................................. 125


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Executive Overview


The State of Montana, through its Governor, Commissioner of Securities and Insurance

(Commissioner) and Montana Reinsurance Association Board of Directors (Board), submits this

Section 1332 State Innovation Waiver request to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

(CMS), a division of the United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), and

the Department of the Treasury. This request seeks the Waiver of Section 1312(c)(1) under

Section 1332 of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) for a period of five years beginning in the 2020

plan year to develop a state reinsurance program. This Waiver will not affect any other provision

of the ACA but will result in a lower market-wide index rate, thereby lowering premiums and

reducing the federal cost of the premium tax credit (PTC) and advance payments of the PTC


Basis for Request and Goal of Reinsurance Program

During the last few years, Montana’s individual health insurance market has experienced

substantial instability. Since 2014, individual health insurance premiums have increased

significantly. The average monthly premium cost of the second lowest cost silver plan for a

40-year-old non-smoker increased from $253 in 2014 to $561 in 2019. The U.S. average

second-lowest cost silver rate for a 40-year-old in 2019 is $477. 1 The rate increases started

in 2016. In 2014 and 2015, Montana’s premiums were below the average U.S. rate. Insurers

experienced significant losses in 2014 and 2015, and as a result, had to raise premiums

significantly in 2016. The largest increases occurred in 2017, because of continuing losses in

2016, but also because the federal transitional reinsurance program ended. When the federal

reinsurance program ended, premiums increased by an estimated 7% because of that factor

alone. 2 In 2018, premiums increased significantly for silver plans because the federal

government stopped reimbursing insurers for the cost-sharing reduction benefit. Individuals who

do not qualify for significant tax credits are now struggling to pay those premiums.

Experts have identified some of the causes of these premium increases, in addition to those

mentioned above, including 2014 premiums that were set too low; pent-up demand from the

previously uninsured; more enrollees with high-cost conditions than originally predicted; and

high health care costs, especially rising prescription drug prices.

The individual health insurance market in Montana covers a small percentage (in 2019,

approximately 5 %) of the population in comparison to other types of health care coverage, but it

1 https://www.kff.org/health-reform/state-indicator/marketplace-average-benchmark-

premiums/?currentTimeframe=0&sortModel=%7B%22colId%22:%22Location%22,%22sort%22:%22asc%22%7D 2 https://www.actuary.org/content/drivers-2017-health-insurance-premium-changes-0


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provides a critical safety net.3 This population generally consists of early retirees, the self-

employed, part-time employees or employees of small employers that do not offer a health plan

and young adults aging-off of their parents’ plan. Many people find themselves needing

individual health insurance coverage at some point in their life, but sometimes only for a short

period of time when they are transitioning from or to another type of coverage. This means that a

certain percentage of the individual market will always be transitory and that constant churn also

creates pricing uncertainty.

Approximately 33% of Montanans are 55 or older.4 Health insurance premiums spike at that age.

An individual who is 55 pays a premium that is 2.23 times higher than a 21-year-old, and at 64,

the rate increases to 3 times the 21-year-old rate.5 Montana has an aging population and is among

the top ten states with the oldest population. By age 55, most individuals do not have dependents

and therefore often have a higher Federal Poverty Level (FPL) and are less likely to qualify for

PTCs. In the individual market in Montana, the 55 to 64 age category continues to have the

largest number of enrollees.6 Montanans age 50 to 64 are often the ones who feel the full impact

of individual market premium increases. Because they do not usually have dependents, their

income level is often higher, and therefore, they do not qualify for premium assistance.

Montana is fortunate to have three health insurers offering coverage in the Exchange; the same

three insurers offered Exchange coverage in 2014. Montana has an administrative rule that

requires Exchange insurers to sell across the whole state. However, enrollment in the individual

market has dropped 35.5 percent between 2016 and 2019. Even more significant, the “off”

exchange enrollment where individuals do not receive PTC dropped 64 percent between 2016

and 2019. 7 If enrollment continues to drop, it will be difficult to maintain this level of

competition in the individual health insurance market because the “pie” will be too small to

carve up. Less competition generally leads to higher rates. Many Montanans are finding

coverage unaffordable, and some are forced to drop coverage.

The creation of a state reinsurance program through a section 1332 Waiver will bring more

stability to Montana’s individual health insurance market through state-based innovation. By

reimbursing insurers for high-cost claims, the reinsurance program will spread risk across the

broader Montana health insurance market, thereby lowering premiums and increasing access

3 https://www.kff.org/other/state-indicator/total-

population/?currentTimeframe=0&sortModel=%7B%22colId%22:%22Location%22,%22sort%22:%22asc%22%7D 4 https://www.kff.org/other/state-indicator/distribution-by-



states%22:%7B%7D%7D%7D&sortModel=%7B%22colId%22:%22Location%22,%22sort%22:%22asc%22%7D 5 https://www.valuepenguin.com/how-age-affects-health-insurance-costs#nogo 6 2018 and 2019 Reports on Health Coverage and Montana’s Uninsured; http://reinsurance.mt.gov/ 7 2018 and 2019 Reports on Health Coverage and Montana’s Uninsured; http://reinsurance.mt.gov/


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to affordable private coverage. Increased enrollment will assist with maintaining

competition and stabilizing the risk pools, which will lower rates.

Operation, Funding, and Impact of the Montana Reinsurance Program

Senate Bill (SB) 125 authorized the Waiver and was signed into law on April 30, 2019. It

establishes a reinsurance program to be administered by the Montana Reinsurance

Association Board of Directors (Board) and the Commissioner of Securities and Insurance

(Commissioner). Total funding for the reinsurance program for 2020 is estimated to be

approximately $34.5 million. The program will be funded through a 1.2% assessment on

major medical health insurance premiums, as authorized by Section 8 of SB 125. Section 18

of the bill makes the operation of the reinsurance program contingent on approval of this

Waiver request. Through this Waiver request, Montana seeks federal pass-through funds to

partially offset state expenditures.

The reinsurance program will reimburse qualifying individual health insurers for a

percentage of an enrollee’s claims between an attachment point and a cap , subject to

coinsurance. Section 9 of the bill provides that the attachment point cannot be less than

$40,000, the coinsurance must be between 50% and 80%, and the cap cannot be more than

$1,000,000. The Board has set the program’s reinsurance parameters in the Plan of Operation

that must be established by June 15, 2019. In 2020, the program will likely reimburse 60%

of claims between the attachment point of $40,000 and the estimated $101,750 cap. Based on

final funding and reinsurance claims submitted, Montana reserves the right to alter the cap

and/or coinsurance. Montana estimates that the reinsurance program, as part of the Waiver

proposal, will result in a net premium decrease of 8.0% in 2020 with similar or higher

impacts in future years.

Compliance with Section 1332

Montana’s Waiver, if approved, will reduce premiums and increase affordability of health

insurance in Montana’s non-group health insurance market. We estimate that, as a result,

enrollment in the individual market will increase by approximately 1% in 2020 and in each

future year of the program. The Waiver will not impact the comprehensiveness of coverage in

Montana, except insofar as individuals with coverage have more comprehensive coverage than

those without. The Waiver will have no material impact on premiums, comprehensiveness, or

enrollment in group coverage or public programs. The reduction in individual health insurance

premiums, including premiums for the second-lowest-cost silver plan, will reduce net federal

spending by an estimated $22 million in 2020 and $295 million over the ten-year window. The

state requests federal pass-through funding for each year in the amount of the federal savings.

Accordingly, the Waiver will not increase the federal deficit in any year of the Waiver. In

addition, the Waiver will advance several of the principles described in the section 1332


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guidance released in October 2018, including expanding access to private coverage and

supporting and empowering those in need.

2020 High-Level Guardrail Results

Guardrail Effect of Waiver

Coverage Increase in enrollment

Affordability (2020) Relative premium decrease of 6.4% to 9.0%

Comprehensiveness No change to EHBs

Deficit Neutrality (2020) Federal savings of $16.5 million to $25.8 million

Deficit Neutrality (10-year) Federal savings each year of 10-year window

I. Montana 1332 Waiver Request

Montana’s individual health insurance market, like others across the country, has been through

significant changes and challenges in the past few years. Montana’s health insurance market

continues to be relatively competitive, but premiums have risen substantially and enrollment is

decreasing every year, despite the state’s efforts to work collaboratively with Montana’s health

insurers to ensure a stable and adequately priced market with multiple plan options offered

throughout the state.

Montana seeks a Waiver of Section 1312(c)(1) under Section 1332 of the ACA for a five-year

period beginning in the 2020 plan year to develop a state reinsurance program. The Waiver is

intended to further stabilize the individual market, reduce rates, and encourage insurance

companies to continue offering more plan choices throughout the entire state.

Section 1312(c)(1) requires “all enrollees in all health plans . . . offered by [an] issuer in the

individual market . . . to be members of a single risk pool.” This application calls for waiving the

single risk pool requirement to the extent it would otherwise require excluding expected state

reinsurance payments when establishing the market-wide index rate. A lower index rate will

result in lower premiums for Montana’s second lowest-cost silver plan, resulting in a reduction

in the overall APTC that the federal government is obligated to pay for subsidy-eligible

consumers in Montana. The Waiver does not require changes to any other ACA provision.

Without a reinsurance program, individual health insurance premiums will continue to rise at an

unsustainable rate. Consequently, more Montana residents will choose or be forced to go without

health insurance, further driving up rates due to adverse selection and provider cost shifting. By

implementing a reinsurance program, Montana will reduce the potential for further market

disruption, lower the cost of individual premiums, and decrease federal subsidy obligations.


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Table 1: Summary of Waiver Scenarios

Scenario 1 – Best Estimate

2 3 4 5 6

Baseline Enrollment Decrease Medium Minimum Large Minimum Medium Medium

OTA Assumptions Align with Issuers' Assumptions

Yes Yes Yes No (Lower) Yes No (Higher)

SLCP Impact Lower than Market Average

No No No No Yes No

Total Funding For Reinsurance claims (millions)

$34.5 $33.6 $35.9 $29.3 $28.9 $38.2

Total Reduction in Premiums -8.0% -7.5% -8.6% -6.4% -6.5% -9.0%Estimated Net Federal Savings (millions)

$22.1 $21.2 $23.5 $16.9 $16.5 $25.8

Estimated State Funding (millions)

$12.4 $12.4 $12.4 $12.4 $12.4 $12.4

By mitigating high-cost individual health insurance claims, the reinsurance program will help to

stabilize Montana’s individual market and make premiums more affordable. Table 1 above

shows that, with the Waiver and reinsurance program in place, individual market premiums,

including premiums for the second lowest cost silver plan, are expected to be 5% and 10% lower

in 2020 than they would be absent the Waiver. This premium reduction will reduce federal

APTC and PTC cost. As the actuarial and economic analysis shows, absent the Waiver, 2020

federal APTC and PTC spending in Montana will be an estimated $16.5 million to $25.8 million

higher. Similar and higher savings are estimated for each year of the 10-year budget window.

To establish the state’s reinsurance program, Montana seeks federal pass-through funds in the

amount of the federal savings for APTC and PTC, subject to the cap imposed by the statutory

deficit neutrality requirement. Table 1 shows that, taking into account the Waiver’s impact on

federal revenues, including the Federal exchange user fee, Montana requests pass-through

funding between $16.5 million and $25.8 million in 2020.

II. Compliance with Section 1332 Guardrails

A. Scope of Coverage Requirement (§1332(b)(1)(C)):

As previously noted, the Waiver will reduce the cost of coverage in the individual market. The

lower cost of coverage will allow more Montana residents to purchase or maintain coverage in

the individual market than without the Waiver. Enrollment in the individual market is expected

to increase by approximately 1% in 2020, with similar increases in later years. The Waiver will


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have no material impact on the availability of other types of coverage, such as Medicaid, CHIP,

and employer-based insurance, so no impact is expected on the number of individuals with those

types of coverage. The Waiver will have a positive impact on vulnerable populations who buy

coverage in the individual market, since premiums will be lower.

B. Affordability Requirement (§1332(b)(1)(B)):

As noted above, the reinsurance program will make the premium cost of individual coverage up

to 9% lower in 2020 than it would be absent the Waiver, and the premium will continue to be

lower than it otherwise would have been during each subsequent year of the Waiver. Other out-

of-pocket spending such as deductibles and co-insurance will not increase and federal protections

against excessive out-of-pocket spending will remain the same. The Waiver will not affect the

premiums or cost-sharing for coverage obtained through other means, such as Medicaid, CHIP,

and employer-based coverage. Although employer group health insurers will be subject to a

1.2% annual assessment to fund the Waiver, employer contributions and employee wages are not

expected to be affected by the Waiver. The Waiver will have a positive impact on populations

who buy coverage in the individual market, especially individuals who do not have access to

employer coverage or other forms of premium assistance, since premiums will be lower. The

individual health insurance market will continue to be an affordable safety net for individuals

who leave employer coverage and other forms of public coverage.

C. Comprehensiveness Requirement (§1332(b)(1)(A)):

The Waiver will have no material effect on the comprehensiveness of coverage for Montana

residents. Regardless of whether the Waiver is granted, all Montana ACA-compliant individual

market and small employer group plans will be required to provide coverage of essential health

benefits within the meaning of section 1302 of the ACA. Similarly, the scope of benefits

provided by other types of coverage such as Medicaid, CHIP, and grandfathered plans will not

be impacted. The Waiver is expected to increase the number of individuals with health

coverage. Individuals gaining health coverage under the Waiver will have coverage for more

comprehensive health benefits than they would absent the Waiver.

D. Deficit Neutrality Requirement (§1332(b)(1)(D)):

As stated above, Montana anticipates that individual premiums, including premiums for the

second-lowest-cost silver plan, will be lower under the Waiver by 6.4% to 9% in 2020 and lower

by similar amounts each year over the ten-year window. Because federal APTC and PTC cost are

tied to the second-lowest-cost silver plan, these lower premiums will result in lower federal

spending net of revenues in each year of the Waiver. Lower premiums in the individual market

will also result in a small reduction in revenues from the federal exchange user fee in each year

of the Waiver.8 Combining these factors, the Waiver will produce net federal savings of about

8 Montana uses the Federally-facilitated Exchange and therefore pays a user fee to the federal government, like other

states that participate in the Federally-facilitated Exchange.


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$22 million in 2020 and similar amounts in later years. Montana requests pass-through funds in

each year equal to the expected APTC/PTC savings, not to exceed net expected savings under

the Waiver. As will be shown in the actuarial and economic analysis, we believe that the

program would result in federal savings of $16.5 to $25.8 million in the first year of the program

and comparable, if not larger figures for each subsequent year of the waiver. Granting pass-

through funding in these amounts will not result in the Waiver increasing the federal deficit in

any year, over the 5 years of the Waiver, or over a 10-year budget window.

III. Description of Montana’s 1332 Waiver Proposal

A. Authorizing Legislation

Montana Senate Bill 125,9 which establishes the reinsurance program and gives the Montana

Reinsurance Association Board (Board) and the Commissioner of Securities and Insurance the

authority to implement a section 1332 Waiver for a reinsurance program, was signed into law by

Montana’s governor on April 30, 2019. The goal of SB 125 is to stabilize premiums for health

insurance in the non-group market and provide greater financial certainty to health insurers and

health insurance consumers.

SB 125 requires the Board and CSI to establish reinsurance program requirements, including the

reinsurance program attachment point, coinsurance rate, reinsurance cap, and payment processes,

in the plan of operation for the Montana Reinsurance Association and by administrative rule. The

bill also gives the Board, the Commissioner, and the Governor the joint authority to apply for a

federal Waiver to carry out the reinsurance program.

The reinsurance program will reimburse qualifying individual market health insurers for a

proportion (coinsurance amount) of high-cost enrollee claims between a lower bound

(attachment point) and an upper bound (cap). For 2020, Montana estimates that the reinsurance

cap will be $101,750, the coinsurance 60%, and an attachment point of $40,000. The

reinsurance parameters will be set so that total estimated reinsurance payments match the

funding available. If 2020 experience is worse than expected and the funding is not sufficient,

Montana will change the reinsurance parameters (the cap and/or the coinsurance) in a way that

will decrease reinsurance payments. If the 2020 experience is better than expected, Montana will

retain the funds in reserve for future payouts.

SB 125 also creates a funding source consisting of a 1.2% annual assessment on major medical

health insurance premiums. This funding source is contingent on Waiver approval.

9 A copy of SB 125 can be found at http://reinsurance.mt.gov/.


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B. Federal Pass-Through Funding

The Waiver is designed to improve Montana residents’ access to affordable and comprehensive

coverage. The goals of the reinsurance program are to spread the risk of high-cost claimants

across the broader health insurance market, thereby lowering premiums for the individual

market. In doing so, the reinsurance program will incentivize individual enrollees to join or

remain in the market, encourage insurer participation, and reduce overall instability.

Because the amount of PTC available for eligible consumers is tied to the second-lowest-cost

silver plan available through the federally-facilitated Exchange in Montana, the Waiver will

reduce net federal expenditures due to APTC and PTC. Through this Waiver request, Montana

seeks the amount of these federal savings, net of other costs that result from the Waiver.

Montana will use these funds to help pay for the reinsurance program.

IV. Draft Waiver Implementation Timeline

The Board and the Commissioner will be responsible for implementing the reinsurance program.

The Board will promulgate the program’s operating processes, requirements, payment

parameters, and procedures through the Montana Reinsurance Association’s Plan of Operation,

and the Commissioner will approve the Plan of Operation and promulgate administrative rules, if

necessary. The Commissioner will collect program funds from assessments on insurers.

04/30/19: Legislation authorizing the Waiver application is signed into law and is effective.

The Act applies retroactively to premiums collected by health insurers on or after

January 1, 2019 for the purpose of determining the 2020 assessment amounts.

04/30/19: The Board members are appointed.

05/08/19: As required by statute, the Board meets for the first time to review the draft

Waiver application, make decisions regarding their organizational structure and

discuss initial reinsurance parameters for the Plan of Operation and costs relating

to the 1332 Waiver application.

05/15/19: The draft Waiver application is posted. The public hearing dates are announced

and the public comment period begins. Invitations to the Tribal consultation are

delivered to tribal leaders.

06/04/19: First public hearing is held.

06/10/19: The Board levies an initial “seed money” assessment on the three individual

market health insurers to pay for costs associated with submission of the Waiver.


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06/15/19 Adopt Plan of Operation, including reinsurance parameters for 2020.

06/17/19: Second public hearing is held.

06/17/19: Separate tribal consultation occurs.

06/17/19: The public comment period ends.

06/19/19: The final 1332 Waiver application is submitted to the federal government.

07/01/19: The federal government determines that the Waiver application is complete. *

30- day federal public notice and comment period begins per 45 CFR 155.1316.

08/01/19: End of federal public notice and comment period per 45 CFR 155.1316.*

08/15/19: The federal government approves the Waiver. *

08/15/19: The Board hires an administrator for the reinsurance program. *

01/01/20: The 1332 Waiver is in effect. *

04/01/20: The Board submits its first quarterly report for 2020 to the federal government

under 45 CFR 155.1324(a).

04/30/20: Federal funds under the Waiver become available.

05/01/20 Deadline for amending reinsurance parameters and Plan of Operation for 2021.

06/10/20: The Board, the Governor, and CSI hold a six-month public forum required by 45

CFR 155.1320(c). *

06/30/20: Annual solvency and compliance review of Montana Reinsurance Association

and reinsurance program must be submitted to the Commissioner and the

economic affairs committee of the Legislature for review.

Annual report on operations and finance must be submitted to economic affairs

interim committee of the Legislature and the Commissioner.

07/01/20: The Board submits its second quarterly report for 2020 to the federal government

under 45 CFR 155.1324(a).


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11/01/20: The Board submits its third quarterly report for 2020 to the federal government

under 45 CFR 155.1324(a).

12/15/20: Insurers pay assessments to the state to fund the reinsurance program for 2020,

based on 2019 premium volume, no later than 12/15/20.

01/01/21: The 1332 Waiver is in effect for 2021.

04/01/21: The Board submits first draft annual report (for 2020) to the federal government

per 45 CFR 155.1324(b) and (c). *

Federal funds under the Waiver for 2021 become available.

04/01/21: The Board submits its first quarterly report for 2021 to the federal government per

45 CFR 155.1324(a).

04/30/21 The Board publishes draft annual report for 2020 on its website under 45 CFR


05/01/21 Deadline for amending reinsurance parameters and Plan of Operation for 2022.

05/15/21: The eligible insurers submit all 2020 claims to the reinsurance board for

reimbursem*nt by this date.

06/09/21: The Board, CSI, and the Governor hold annual public forum required by 45 CFR

155.1320(c). *

07/01/21: The Board submits its second quarterly report for 2021 to the federal government

per 45 CFR 155.1324(a).

The Board submits final annual report for 2020 to federal government per 45 CFR


08/15/21: The Board pays all applicable reinsurance payments for 2020 to each eligible

insurer by this date.


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08/31/21: The Board publishes final annual report for 2020 on its website per 45 CFR


11/01/21: The board submits its third quarterly report for 2021 to the federal government

per 45 CFR 155.1324(a).

12/15/21: Insurers pay all (or remaining) assessments to the state to fund the reinsurance

program for 2021, based on 2020 premium volume, no later than 12/15/21.

• Dates marked with an * are estimated dates.

V. Additional Information and Reporting

A. Administrative Burden

Waiver of Section 1312(c)(1) of the ACA will cause minimal administrative burden and expense

for Montana and for the federal government. The Waiver will cause no additional administrative

burden to employers and individual consumers because Section 1312(c)(1) does not relate to the

administrative functions or requirements typically undertaken by employers or individuals.

Major medical health insurers will experience some administrative burden and associated

expense as a result of the reinsurance program; however, the benefit to the overall health

insurance market from the program will far exceed any resulting administrative expense.

The Montana Reinsurance Association and the state of Montana have the resources and staff

necessary to perform the following administrative tasks that the Waiver will require the state to

complete, including:

• Administer the reinsurance program

• Distribute federal pass-through funds to eligible issuers

• Monitor compliance with federal law

• Collect and analyze data related to the Waiver

• Perform reviews of the implementation of the Waiver

• Hold annual public forums to solicit comments on the progress of the Waiver

• Submit annual reports (and quarterly reports if ultimately required) to the federal


The Waiver will require the federal government to perform administrative tasks, including:

• Review documented complaints, if any, related to the Waiver

• Review state reports

• Periodically evaluate the state’s section 1332 Waiver program

• Calculate and facilitate the transfer of pass-through funds to the state


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Montana believes that the above administrative tasks are similar to other administrative functions

currently performed by the federal government, so that their impact is minimal. Waiver of

Section 1312(c)(1) does not necessitate any changes to the federally-facilitated Exchange or to

IRS operations and will not impact how APTC and PTC payments are calculated or paid.

B. Impact on Residents Who Need to Obtain Health Care Services Out-of-State

Because Montana shares borders with North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming and Idaho, insurer

service areas and networks that cover border counties generally contain providers in those states,

especially in areas where the closest large hospital system is located in the border state. Granting

this Waiver request will not impact insurer networks or service areas that provide coverage for

services performed by out-of-state providers.

C. Ensuring Compliance and Waste, Fraud and Abuse Requirements

The Commissioner is responsible for regulating and ensuring regulatory compliance and

monitoring the solvency of all issuers; performing market conduct analysis, examinations, and

investigations; and providing consumer outreach and protection. The Commissioner investigates

all complaints that fall within the agency’s regulatory authority.

The Board will prepare comprehensive financial accounting statements annually. Financial

statements for the reinsurance program will be reviewed annually by the Commissioner and

audited as needed by the Legislative Auditor. The Board will administer the reinsurance program

in accordance with its existing accounting, auditing, and reporting procedures. Auditing and

reporting obligations of participating insurers will be established in the Plan of Operation.

The Montana Reinsurance Program will be examined annually by the Commissioner. The

reinsurance program will also be subject to audit by the Legislative Auditor. The federal

government is responsible for calculating the savings resulting from this Waiver and for ensuring

that this Waiver does not increase the federal deficit.

D. State Reporting Requirements and Targets

The Board will assume responsibility for the reporting requirements of 45 CFR 155.1324,

including the following:

• Quarterly reports (45 CFR 155.1324(a)): To the extent required, the Board will submit

quarterly reports to the federal government, including reports of ongoing operational

challenges, if any, and plans for, and results of, associated corrective actions.

• Annual reports (45 CFR 155.1324(b)): The Board, with the assistance of the

Commissioner, will submit annual reports to the federal government documenting the



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(1) The progress of the Waiver.

(2) Data, similar to that contained in Attachment 1, on compliance with Section

1332(b)(1)(B) through (D) of the ACA.

(3) Modifications, if any, to the essential health benefits for compliance with Section

1332(b)(1)(A) of the ACA.

(4) The premium for the second lowest-cost silver plan under the Waiver and an estimate

of the premium as it would have been without the Waiver for a representative

consumer in each rating area.

(5) A summary of the annual post-award public forum required by 45 CFR 155.1320(c),

together with a summary of action taken in response to public input.

(6) Any additional information required by the terms of the Waiver.

To the extent that quarterly reporting to the federal government is required under 45 CFR

155.1324(a), such reporting will commence as outlined in the state’s terms and conditions of the

waiver approval. The Board will submit and publish annual reports by the deadlines established

in 45 CFR 155.1324(c) or the deadlines established by the terms of the Waiver.

The Board will submit and publish annual reports by the deadlines established in 45 CFR

155.1324(c) or the deadlines established by the terms of the Waiver.

VI. Supporting Information and Miscellaneous

45 CFR 155.1308(f)(4)(i) – (iii)

The supporting information required by 45 CFR 155.1308(f)(4)(i) – (iii), including the actuarial

analyses and certifications, the economic analyses, the detailed deficit-neutral 10-year budget

plan, and the data and assumptions demonstrating that the proposed Waiver is in compliance

with section 1332(b)(1)(A) – (B) are found in Attachment 1.

VII. Public Comment and Tribal Consultation

A. Public Comment

In the fall of 2017, the Montana Health Care Foundation (MHCF) agreed to fund research,

including Montana specific data analysis to determine the extent to which a state-based

reinsurance program, secured through a section 1332 Waiver, would stabilize the individual

health insurance market in Montana by lowering premiums without eliminating benefits. MHCF

contracted with a health policy consultant to provide information on section 1332 Waivers and to

study Waivers that had already been approved in several other states. MHCF also contracted

with an actuarial firm to collect the 2017 EDGE server data and then write a report that projected

the state share of the cost of the program, the possible federal pass-through dollars that may be

obtained and impact on current premiums. Stakeholders from across the state, including

insurers, healthcare providers, consumer advocates, the insurance commissioner, legislators, and


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other government officials were invited to attend a “data-driven” conversation about reinsurance

on July 23, 2018. Documents and research presented at that meeting can be found on this

website: http://reinsurance.mt.gov/

The state held a tribal consultation in October 2018 and presented data and information about the

reinsurance proposal to tribal leaders. As a result of these meetings, the information and data

presented there, and input from stakeholders around the state, a smaller work group was formed

which met several times in the fall of 2018 to draft legislation that was introduced in the 2019

Montana legislative session.

On May 15, 2019, a notice of the opportunity to comment on Montana’s draft section 1332

Waiver application was posted on the following state government website:

http://reinsurance.mt.gov/ On the same date, emails were sent to interested parties and

stakeholders. In addition, public notices announcing the hearing were placed in the major

newspapers across the state.

On June 4, 2019, from 11:00 AM MDT to 12:00 PM MDT, a public hearing was held at the

Butte-Silver Bow County Building, 155 W. Granite Street, Rm. 103, Butte, MT 59701. No

comments were submitted at that meeting. No members of the public attended. On June 17,

2019, from 1:30 PM MDT to 3:00 PM MDT, a second public hearing was held in the state

capitol, Rm. 152, 1301 E. 6th Avenue, Helena, MT 59601. At the public hearing, relevant

information was presented and one member of the public testified. Three comments were also

submitted in writing. Comments are summarized and attached to this application; also see


B. Tribal Consultation

A “Save the Date” notice was emailed to tribal leaders on May 3, 2019. On May 15, 2019, the

state sent a notice of the opportunity for tribal consultation via email and U.S. postal service to

representatives of all federally-recognized tribes in Montana. Montana’s draft waiver application

and tribal consultation letter were included as attachments to the email. [See:


On June 17, 2019, from 10 AM MDT to 12:00 PM MDT, the state held a tribal consultation in

the State Capitol, Rm. 152, 1301 E. 6th Avenue, Helena, MT 59601. One federally-recognized

tribes participated in the tribal consultation. A summary of the discussion at the tribal

consultation is attached.


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VIII. Alignment with Section 1332 Principles

Montana’s Waiver, if approved, will advance several of the principles described in the October

2018 section 1332 guidance:

• Provide increased access to affordable private market coverage. The reinsurance

program will reduce premiums exclusively for those purchasing private health insurance.

Specifically, it will reduce premiums for private health insurance in the individual market

between approximately 6.4% and 9% for each of the five years the Waiver is in effect.

The reinsurance program will also support competition in the health insurance market,

helping to ensure access to private health insurance coverage.

• Encourage sustainable spending growth. All three marketplace health insurers have

developed initiatives (such as enhanced primary care) with the intention of encouraging

cost-effective utilization of health care for Montanans. Additionally, Montana was

selected by CMS to participate in the Comprehensive Primary Care Plus (CPC+)

initiative, and two of the three exchange insurers participate in that program. Further,

each of Montana’s exchange insurers are continuing to explore additional ways to lower

health care costs. For example, insurers have proposed provider reimbursem*nt

arrangements that reduce or eliminate fee-for-service charges, and some insurers are

executing provider contracts that utilize alternative payment models rather than discounts

off of billed charges. Montana’s reinsurance program will further these efforts by

promoting stability in Montana’s health insurance market by reducing economic

uncertainty, thereby allowing its health insurers to focus more attention on programs

designed to reduce healthcare costs. Reducing the number of uninsured individuals will

also reduce uncompensated care, which will further reduce health care costs.

• Support and empower those in need. By reducing premiums in the individual market,

the Waiver will target its impact to those who are not currently eligible for financial

assistance and therefore generally face the largest premiums for health insurance.

Individuals with incomes under 400% of FPL (and who are not eligible for other

coverage) are eligible for the PTC, which limits their contribution towards individual

market health insurance to a fixed percentage of their income. As a result, they are

somewhat insulated from the impact of premium changes. Individuals with incomes over

400 percent of the FPL are ineligible for the PTC and therefore face the full amount of

their premium, which may be over $10,000 annually for a single individual.

Approximately 33% of Montanans are age 55 or older. Premiums spike at that age. An

individual who is age 55 pays 2.23 times higher premiums than a 21 year old. At age 64,

the rate increases to 3 times the 21-year-old rate. Montana has an aging population and is

among the top ten states with the oldest populations. By age 55, most individuals do not


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have dependents and are generally less likely to qualify for PTCs. Many Montanans find

coverage unaffordable, and some are forced to drop coverage. Uninsured individuals

over age 50 are more likely to incur substantial medical costs which increases the risk of

uncompensated medical costs. Uncompensated care increases costs for the entire health

care system. Lower premiums for everyone in the individual market will make insurance

more affordable for those individuals who are not eligible for PTC and will stabilize and

increase enrollment in the individual market. Montana’s health insurers have a number of

initiatives designed to incentivize providers and enrollees to contain and manage health

care costs and utilization for high-claims-cost individuals. The reinsurance program’s

coinsurance rate ensures that the eligible health insurers will continue to manage health

care costs and utilization.

• Foster state innovation. The Waiver is a state-run approach to making coverage more

affordable that is suited to the specific needs of Montana. States across the country have

pursued innovative approaches to strengthening their health care systems. After

considerable research and study,10 a reinsurance Waiver was identified by Montana as the

approach that meets its needs while allowing it to take control of its own health care


10 http://reinsurance.mt.gov/


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State of Montana

Section 1332 State Innovation Waiver

Actuarial and Economic Analysis

June 10, 2019

Prepared by:

Wakely Consulting Group, LLC

Julie Peper, FSA, MAAA Principal

Michael Cohen, PhD Senior Consultant, Policy Analytics

www.wakely.com µJekel~



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Table of Contents

Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 1

Analysis Results ......................................................................................................................... 3

Coverage, Affordability, and Comprehensiveness .................................................................. 3

Deficit Impact .......................................................................................................................... 3

Data and Methodology ............................................................................................................... 4

Scenario Testing....................................................................................................................10


Appendix A Data and Methodology ...........................................................................................12

2020 Baseline Enrollment and Premium Estimates ...............................................................13

2020 Waiver Effects ..............................................................................................................14

Alternative Scenarios .............................................................................................................16

Beyond 2020 .........................................................................................................................21

Appendix B Reinsurance Parameters ......................................................................................24

Reinsurance Parameters .......................................................................................................25

Appendix C Guardrail Requirements ........................................................................................27

Scope of Coverage Requirement ...........................................................................................28

Affordability Requirement ......................................................................................................28

Comprehensiveness of Coverage Requirement ....................................................................28

Deficit Neutrality ....................................................................................................................28

Appendix D 5 and 10 year Projections .....................................................................................32

Appendix E Reliances ..............................................................................................................36

Appendix F Disclosures and Limitations ...................................................................................39



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The individual health insurance market in the state of Montana (“Montana”) has had stable issuer

participation but experienced significant enrollment decreases and higher premium increases.

The state wishes to strengthen its individual market and provide greater access through lower

premiums to its citizens. In order to increase access through lower premiums, Montana is

submitting a Section 1332 State Innovation Waiver (“1332 waiver” or “waiver”). The Affordable

Care Act (ACA) permits states to waive certain provisions of the ACA in order to increase access

to affordable coverage. However, in order for both of the Secretaries of Health and Human

Services (HHS) and Treasury to approve of the waiver, the state must complete an application in

which it demonstrates that it has met the regulatory requirements.

Pursuant to 45 CFR 155.1308(f)(4)(i)-(iii), in order for Montana’s 1332 waiver to be approved, the

state must demonstrate that the waiver does not interfere with the four “guardrails”. The four

guardrails are coverage, affordability, comprehensiveness, and deficit neutrality.

The waiver, as proposed, would reduce premiums through the introduction of a state-based

reinsurance program starting in 2020. The reinsurance program would operate similarly to the

Federal Transitional Reinsurance program under the ACA that existed from 2014 to 2016 in that

it would reimburse insurers for a proportion (coinsurance amount) of high-cost enrollee claims

between a lower bound (attachment point) and an upper bound (cap). For 2020, Montana

estimates that reinsurance parameters are as follows: the attachment point at $40,000, the

reinsurance cap at $101,750, and the coinsurance at 60%. Based on final funding, Montana

reserves the right to alter the cap and/or coinsurance.

The reinsurance program will be funded, contingent on approval of the 1332 waiver, through a

1.2% premium assessment on the health insurance market. It is assumed that $500,000 of the

reinsurance fund will be used for operational costs in the first year. Based on the best estimate,

the total program funding would be $34.5 million, with the state funding representing an estimated

$12.9 million. The estimated state funding portion is $12.9 million in 2020, regardless of the

Federal funding amount. If the reinsurance program, in operation, has higher than expected

funding due to higher collections or federal pass-through funds, the state will alter the reinsurance

parameters to result in a higher pay out. If the reinsurance claims costs are lower than expected,

additional funds will be rolled to the following year(s). If the reinsurance claims costs are higher

than expected, the state will alter the coinsurance rate.

The goals of the reinsurance program are to remove the volatility of high cost claimants from

being solely the risk of any one insurer as well as to lower premiums for the individual market in

total (as the reinsurance funding will come from sources outside the individual market). In doing

so, the reinsurance program would incentivize enrollees to join or remain in the market while

simultaneously maintaining incentives for carriers to control cost. In addition to providing lower



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premiums to residents of Montana, the reinsurance program would also reduce federal outlays

through lower premium tax credits.

As part of its 1332 waiver, Montana is requesting federal funds as a way of offsetting some of the

costs incurred by the reinsurance program. Montana’s reinsurance program will reduce premiums

for those purchasing insurance coverage in the individual market. It will also reduce federal

government outlays via reduced Premium Tax Credits (PTCs). The amount of PTCs spent by the

federal governments is benchmarked to the second lowest cost silver plan (SLCSP) available on

the Exchange. If premiums are reduced (including the SLCSP), then the amount the Federal

Government will be required to pay in PTCs will also be reduced.

This report demonstrates that the savings on aggregate PTC amounts exceed lost federal

revenue that may result from the reinsurance program. Furthermore, the reinsurance program will

not reduce but rather would improve Montanans’ access to affordable and comprehensive

coverage. The waiver requests that Montana receive the amount of federal savings from PTCs,

net of other costs, as a result of the reinsurance program.

The Montana Reinsurance Association Board (“Board”) retained Wakely Consulting Group, LLC

(“Wakely”) to analyze the potential effects of a state-based reinsurance program on the 2020

individual ACA market. This document has been prepared for the sole use of Montana. Wakely

understands that the report will be public and used in the 1332 waiver process. This document

contains the results, data, assumptions, and methods used in our analyses and satisfies the

Actuarial Standard of Practice (ASOP) 41 reporting requirements. Using the information in this

report for other purposes may not be appropriate.

This actuarial report is a supplement to Montana’s 1332 waiver report. It addresses section 45

CFR 155.1308(f)(4)(i)-(iii) of the checklist for the 1332 waiver, including actuarial analyses and

actuarial certifications, economic analyses, and data and assumptions. Other sections of the

waiver contain the non-actuarial portions of the 1332 waiver requirement. Reliance on this report

should include a review of the full report by qualified individuals.



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Analysis Results

As described previously, the four guardrails of an approved 1332 waiver application are:

1) Coverage Requirement, 2) Affordability Requirement, 3) Comprehensiveness Requirement,

and 4) Deficit Neutrality.

Wakely’s analysis estimated that the waiver meets each of the four guardrails not only in 2020

but in each subsequent year over the 10-year window. The high-level 2020 guardrail results are

shown in Table 1.

Table 1: 2020 High-Level Guardrail Results

Guardrail Effect of Waiver

Coverage Increase in enrollment

Affordability (2020) Relative premium decrease of 6.4% to 9.0%

Comprehensiveness No change to EHBs

Deficit Neutrality (2020) Federal savings of $16.5 million to $25.8 million

Deficit Neutrality (10-year) Federal savings each year of 10-year window

Coverage, Affordability, and Comprehensiveness

The reinsurance program will decrease premiums in the non-group market. The reduction in

premiums should increase overall coverage. Existing research from the Congressional Budget

Office (CBO)1 and the Council of Economic Advisors (CEA)2 has noted that premium decreases

should result in enrollment increases. As the reinsurance program has no impact on other cost-

sharing, the decreased premiums also improves affordability for consumers. Similarly, the

reinsurance program would have no effect on the comprehensiveness of coverage. The

reinsurance program does not affect EHB requirements. Individuals purchasing coverage in the

non-group market would have the same benefits with the reinsurance program as they would

without it.

Deficit Impact

The following tables display the impact of the reinsurance program on Montana’s individual

market both for 2020 and for the 10-year deficit window. Based on the best estimate assumptions,

1 http://www.cbo.gov/sites/default/files/cbofiles/ftpdocs/87xx/doc8712/10-31-healthinsurmodel.pdf 2 https://obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/sites/default/files/page/files/201701_individual_health_insurance_market_ce




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in 2020, the waiver reduces premiums,3 increases non-group enrollment, and creates millions in

federal savings (which incorporates PTC savings net of other federal revenue). These results are

shown in Table 2. The results are similar for years 2020 to 2029, although impacts on premium

and enrollment decrease over time, as is shown in Appendix C.

Table 2: 2020 Impact of Waiver on Premium, Enrollment, and Federal Deficit

Premiums Non-Group

Enrollment Federal Savings

Effect of Reinsurance -8.0% +1.0% $22.1 million

Over the 10-year window, the reinsurance program provides savings to the Federal Government

due to PTC savings net of other federal revenues. The details of the federal savings over the 10-

year window are shown in Table 3.4

Table 3: 10-Year Deficit Impact of Reinsurance Program

Category of Impact Impact to Federal

Deficit ($ millions)5

Difference in APTCs6 $314.0

PTC Adjustment -$8.8

Difference in User Fees -$10.1

Estimated Net Federal Savings $295.1

Data and Methodology

The following steps were taken to estimate the impact of a state-based reinsurance program on

Montana’s individual market both for 2020 and for the 10-year deficit window.

1. Wakely’s model incorporates 2016, 2017, 2018 and emerging 2019 experience as base

data, which the Montana insurers provided.

3 The premium impacts shown throughout the report represent how much lower premiums would be due to reinsurance relative to what they otherwise would have been in 2020. They do not show 2020 premium changes relative to 2019. 4 Insurers that utilize the Healthcare.gov platform are assessed a fee by the Federal government. This fee is calculated as percent of Exchange premium. The HIT is a fee imposed on each covered entity that provides health insurance for US health risks. Based on the construction of the HIT, Wakely assumes that the reinsurance program would not impact the national collection of HIT. Individual mandate penalties were set to $0 effective for the 2019 benefit year. 5 Numbers may not add up due to rounding. 6 Note PTC savings is the APTC amounts times the PTC ratio, estimated at 97.2%.



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Wakely sent data calls to all Montana insurers that offered individual market ACA-

compliant plans in 2016, 2017, 2018 or 2019. The data calls requested full year 2016 to

2018 and emerging 2019 enrollment, premium, and Advanced Premium Tax Credit

(APTC) information, which was used to inform the baseline estimates. The 2018 premiums

and enrollment were summarized to create a baseline picture of Montana’s market. The

2019 enrollment, APTC, and premium data were adjusted to account for expected attrition.

The summarized amounts are shown in Table 4.

Table 4: 2018 to 2020 Baseline Average Enrollment and Premium Data / Estimates7

Baseline 2018 2019 2020

Average Annual Enrollment

Total Non-Group Enrollment 52,793 48,865 46,422

Exchange Enrollment 41,165 39,367 37,690

APTC Enrollment 35,558 33,728 32,506

Non-APTC Exchange Enrollment 5,607 5,639 5,184

Off-Exchange Enrollment 11,628 9,498 8,732

Total Non-APTC Enrollment 17,235 15,137 13,915

Per Member Per Month (PMPM) Amounts

Total Non-Group Premium PMPM $632.43 $673.26 $730.61

Exchange Premium PMPM $635.40 $679.61 $737.50

Gross Premiums PMPM for APTC

Members $653.20 $693.36 $752.42

Net Premiums PMPM for APTC

Members $105.05 $97.64 $99.59

APTC PMPM $548.15 $595.72 $652.83

Total Annual Dollars

Total Non-Group Premiums $400,650,000 $394,780,000 $406,990,000

Total APTCs $233,890,000 $241,110,000 $254,650,000

2. The 2020 enrollment, premium, and APTC amounts were estimated using 2018 and 2019

insurer information submitted to Wakely, as well as 2018 data from the Center for Medicaid

and Medicare Services (CMS) and other publicly available information.

7 Note total premiums and APTCs were rounded.



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a. The state average premium was based on the 2018 and February 2019 insurer

information. The 2019 average premiums were increased by the average

estimated 2020 rate increase, which would include increases to account for trend,

market morbidity changes, higher premiums due to the reinstatement of the health

insurance tax (also known as the health providers fee or the HIT), and a potential

adjustment for historical financial performance. Further details are included in

Appendix A.

b. To estimate the average 2020 APTC amounts, Wakely used the 2018 and

emerging 2019 APTC information from Montana insurers including APTC

amounts, gross premiums for those with APTCs, and net premiums (gross

premiums – APTCs) for those with APTCs. We also used the CMS reports from

2018 and adjusted the insurer data as necessary. We then inflated net premiums

for APTC enrollees by the estimated 2020 premium increase of 3% for indexing.

The 2020 average gross premium is then reduced by the 2020 average net

premium (since APTC enrollees’ share of premiums is capped based on their

respective household income) to calculate the 2020 APTC PMPM amounts.

c. The 2020 individual market enrollment was calculated using 2018 and emerging

2019 data from CMS and Montana insurers. The emerging 2019 data was adjusted

to account for changes in enrollment due to net attrition throughout the year, as

discussed in Appendix A. Our best estimate for 2020, based on conversations with

Montana issuers and other stakeholders, assumed that enrollment decreases

would continue to be less severe (the rate of decline has decreased in each of the

three years). As a result, 2020 enrollment is expected to have a moderate

decrease of 5% compared to 2019. To the extent that experience deviates from

this assumption, the results of this analysis will be impacted.

The estimated best estimate 2020 baseline information is shown in Table 4.

3. To estimate the effects of the reinsurance program, Wakely assumed that $34.5 million

dollars would be the total funding available to reduce premiums in 2020. This amount

excludes the $500,000 to cover administrative costs for Montana to operate the program.

a. In addition to removing the $34.5 million of claims from the premiums to determine

the estimated premium impact, it is assumed that a portion of non-benefit costs will

reduce. Many non-benefit expenses (NBE), such as taxes, are based on a percent

of premium. To the extent the premiums decrease, the premiums will decrease

further. While this amount will vary by issuer, the current and likely conservative

assumption is that 30% of a 15% non-benefit expense load is variable and would

decrease as a result of the reinsurance program.



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b. Enrollment was re-estimated with the lower post-reinsurance premium, using an

enrollment function (Appendix A contains additional information regarding the

enrollment function), to calculate a final individual market average enrollment per

scenario. The results for the best estimate scenario are shown in Table 5.

c. Given the enrollment with the reinsurance program is estimated to be higher than

without the reinsurance program, Wakely estimated the impact to the morbidity of

the market due to the implementation of the reinsurance program.

i. A health reform study from Massachusetts8 indicated that enrollees who

leave the market have costs that are approximately 73% compared to those

who remain. This relationship was applied to enrollees who remain in the

market due to the lower premiums caused by the reinsurance program but

would have left without the implementation of the reinsurance program.

Wakely further assumed that only enrollees without subsidies would enroll

in the individual market as a result of lower premiums due to the

reinsurance program. Unsubsidized enrollees would have their premiums

decreased due to reinsurance but subsidized enrollees would not. For more

details, please see the Appendix.

ii. The result is an additional 0.3% reduction in average costs due to the

improved morbidity of the covered population from the lower premiums

under the reinsurance program.

iii. No further iterations were done based on the relationship between change

in enrollment and change in morbidity based on the negligible results of

further iterations.

4. The best estimate assumptions resulted in a reduction in premiums of 8.0% due to the

reinsured claims, variable NBE, and resulting improvement in morbidity. This impact does

not include the impact to risk adjustment transfers due to lower premiums. This is expected

to be market neutral but will affect the issuers differently, with issuers with a risk

adjustment payable experiencing lower risk adjustment transfer while those with a risk

adjustment receivable will receive a lower transfer, all else equal.

Table 5: Estimated 2020 Average Enrollment and Premium Amounts After Reinsurance

After Reinsurance

Reinsurance Funding $34,460,000

Reduction in Premiums (Reinsurance Funding and NBE) -8.9%

8 https://obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/sites/default/files/page/files/201701_individual_health_insurance_market_cea_issue_brief.pdf



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After Reinsurance

Reinsurance Assessment 1.2%

Reduction in Premiums (Improved Morbidity) -0.3%

Total Reduction in Premiums -8.0%

Total Non-Group Premium PMPM $672.17

Exchange Premium PMPM $678.51

APTC PMPM $592.64

Change in Total Non-Group Enrollment 1.0%

Total Non-Group Enrollment 46,888

Exchange Enrollment 37,864

APTC Enrollment 32,506

Total Premiums $378,200,000

Total APTCs $231,180,000

5. Wakely calculated the pass-through amounts by taking the difference in APTCs in the

baseline scenario and waiver scenario. Wakely then multiplied the APTC savings amount

by the ratio of total PTC subsidy after reconciliation to APTC based on tax data for benefit

year 2016 (or 97.2%) to arrive at the PTC savings amount.9 This amount was further

reduced by the Exchange user fee differences between baseline and waiver scenarios.

6. The following are the assumptions incorporated for the 10-year estimates:

a. Premiums were trended using National Health Expenditure Data from CMS.10 In

2020, the end of the HIT moratorium was estimated to increase premiums an

additional 2.0% based on 2018 rate filing information and discussions with the


b. The individual market enrollment was assumed to have small decreases as a

function of premium increases as estimated using the Council of Economic

Advisor’s (CEA) take-up function for each year.11

9 This aligns with the methodology for calculating the PTC as noted in the “Method for Calculation of Section 1332 Waiver 2019 Premium Tax Credit Pass-through Hey Amounts” document located at https://www.cms.gov/CCIIO/Programs-and-Initiatives/State-Innovation-Waivers/Downloads/Treasury-Method-Calculation-1332-Pass-through-Amounts.pdf

10 https://www.cms.gov/Research-Statistics-Data-and-Systems/Statistics-Trends-and-Reports/NationalHealthExpendData/NationalHealthAccountsProjected.html- Table 17. Premiums were trended by private health insurance excluding medigap and property and casualty.




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c. In 2020 total reinsurance funding was set equal to $34.5 million based on targeting

state funding at $12.9 million with $0.5 million for operational costs.

d. In 2021, and all future years, total reinsurance funding was solved by taking the

following approach:

i. The $12.9 state funding amount was trended using the same National

Health Expenditure Data from CMS, albeit adjusted to account for the

impact of reinsurance on the ACA individual market, which was used to

increase the premiums.

ii. The trended state funding amount was reduced by the estimated

operational costs, which are set at $345,000 for 2021 and trended at 3%


iii. The total reinsurance funding was set to target the available state funds for

the reinsurance claims.

The results of these assumptions, such as enrollment (both in total and in various

distributions), changes to the SLCSP, and impact on the federal deficit are discussed in

Appendix A and Appendix C.



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Scenario Testing

Wakely performed scenario testing, which primarily involved changing the enrollment, premium,

premium impact of the SLCSP, and Federal modeling differences from issuer expectations for 2020.

These assumptions were chosen as they are significant drivers of the results of the analysis. The

first three scenarios are similar, where the primary difference is the estimated 2020 enrollment and

resulting premium increases (as enrollment decreases, it is assumed that premiums will increase

due to a higher morbidity of the resulting population). Scenario 2 tests for a situation where the

enrollment decrease from 2019 to 2020 is minimal, and premium increases are smaller. Scenario 3

shows the results if the enrollment decrease is more significant, with premium increases also being

higher. Scenario 4 shows a scenario where the actual pass-through amounts are less than issuers

expect, driven by lower APTC enrollment, while Scenario 6 shows a scenario where actual pass-

through amounts are higher than issuers expect, driven by higher APTC enrollment. Scenario 5

shows a scenario where the premium impact for the SLCSPs are lower than the estimated market

average, which lower the pass-through amount. In all of these additional scenarios, amounts for

reinsurance payments may not equal the reinsurance amounts announced for rating setting

purposes since the state funding is assumed constant at $12.9 million but the Federal pass-through

changes. It is expected that the Board will revise the parameters once the Federal pass-through

amount is known.

Further details regarding the scenario testing can be found in Appendix A and Appendix C. The high-

level results of the scenario testing are shown in Table 6. Although a variety of alternative scenarios

was tested, the basic conclusions did not alter significantly from the best estimate scenario.



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Table 6: High-Level Results of Scenario Testing

Scenario 1 – Best

Estimate 2 3 4 5 6

Baseline Enrollment Decrease Medium Minimum Large Minimum Medium Medium

OTA Assumptions Align with Issuers'

Assumptions Yes Yes Yes No (Lower) Yes No (Higher)

SLCP Impact Lower than Market

Average No No No No Yes No

Total Funding For Reinsurance claims

(millions) $34.5 $33.6 $35.9 $29.3 $28.9 $38.2

Total Reduction in Premiums -8.0% -7.5% -8.6% -6.4% -6.5% -9.0%

Estimated Net Federal Savings

(millions) $22.1 $21.2 $23.5 $16.9 $16.5 $25.8

Estimated State Funding (millions) $12.4 $12.4 $12.4 $12.4 $12.4 $12.4



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Appendix A

Data and Methodology



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2020 Baseline Enrollment and Premium Estimates

To create the baseline estimates, Wakely completed the following steps:

1. Wakely sent a data call to all Montana carriers that offered individual market ACA-

compliant plans in 2018 or 2019. The data call requested full year 2018 and emerging

2019 enrollment, premium, and APTC information, which was used to inform the baseline

estimates. For a prior analysis, Wakely had done a data call that requested 2016 and 2017

data and this information was also used.

Wakely used the 2019 insurer data to calculate average enrollment and average

premiums. Wakely used the 2019 insurer data to identify the February experience,

including enrollment, state average premium, average Exchange premium, average APTC

amount, gross premiums for individuals with APTC, and net premium for individuals with

APTC. The data was compared to CMS reports to confirm consistency. February 2019

data points were used since it was the most stable month, although the relative factors

were similar when looking at February and the average of January through March.

The data calls also requested full year 2016 through 2018 enrollment and claims

information by year in continuance tables. The use of this data is discussed in Appendix

B. EDGE data was also collected for 2017. For this analysis, the EDGE data was used as

a reference but the continuance tables for 2017 and 2018 were the primary claim data


2. The relationship between February 2018 and average 2018 experience was studied to

approximate average 2019 experience from February 2019 insurer data. The adjustment

varied by subsidized, non-subsidized on-Exchange, and non-subsidized off-Exchange.

3. Metal level distribution was estimated using 2019 insurer submitted data while FPL

distribution was estimated using 2019 data supplied by CMS’ 2019 Open Enrollment


4. For the best estimate, overall enrollment in 2020 was estimated using Kaiser Survey Data

and modified downward to account for the 2020 environment. Enrollment was distributed

pro rata between on-Exchange and off-Exchange by the share of unsubsidized enrollment

that on-Exchange enrollees represented.13

5. For 2020, premiums were estimated using the 2019 insurer submitted data and data

sources described previously. The average 2020 premium was increased by

12 https://www.cms.gov/Research-Statistics-Data-and-Systems/Statistics-Trends-and-Reports/Marketplace-Products/2019_Open_Enrollment.html

13 https://www.kff.org/health-reform/poll-finding/kaiser-health-tracking-poll-march-2018-non-group-enrollees/



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approximately 8.5% to account for all rating factors such as trend, financial adjustment,

change in morbidity due to enrollment changes, and to account for the health insurance

tax returning for the 2020 benefit year.

6. To estimate 2020 APTC PMPMs, we used emerging 2019 Montana insurer data to

calculate the average net premium among APTC enrollees (that is the actual amount

APTC enrollees pay). We increased the 2019 required contribution (i.e., net premium) to

conform with the indexing of the contribution rate. We increased it 3.0% from 2019. We

then inflated gross premiums for APTC enrollees (the 2020 APTC amounts plus net

premiums) by the 2020 estimated premium increase (8.5%). This new gross premium

amount is reduced by the net premium amount (since APTC enrollees’ share of premiums

is capped based on their respective household income) to calculate the 2020 APTC

PMPM amounts. These assumptions, in totality, were used to generate the baseline

estimates shown in Table 4.

2020 Waiver Effects

The starting impact of the $34.5 million in reinsurance funding (as discussed previously) as a

reduction to premiums was estimated by dividing the total reinsurance funding amount of $34.5

million by the total estimated 2020 baseline individual market premium. A reduction in premiums

is also made to the extent non-benefit expenses are a function of premium amounts.

Based on a review of the 2019 lowest and second lowest silver premiums for each rating area, it

is possible that any of the three issuers could have a SLCSP in 2020. In reviewing the continuance

tables of the various carriers, there are differences in the distribution of claims and the impact

could be different but the actual impact of SLCSPs is highly dependent on the issuer rate

increases for 2020. As a result, the best estimate scenario assumes that the premium impact for

the SLCSPs would be similar to the market average.

The decrease in premiums is expected to produce an increase in enrollment relative to what

Montana would experience without the reinsurance program. Enrollment changes were estimated

using the CEA take-up function (as discussed previously). APTC enrollment is assumed to stay

the same as the baseline since these members are generally unaffected by rate changes.14 If,

contrary to our assumption, APTC enrollment were to drop, the deficit savings would be

considered more conservative as the true savings to the Federal government may be higher. New

enrollees are expected to be above 400% FPL or otherwise ineligible for APTC. These new

enrollees were allocated pro rata between on-Exchange and off-Exchange by the share of

14 This assumption does not preclude normal churn that occurs within the individual market. Normal churn, enrollees leaving for employer-sponsored insurance or enrollees joining the individual market who previously had coverage in Medicaid, would continue. The assumption merely assumes in aggregate that a similar number of APTC enrollees would have coverage in 2020 as had coverage in 2019.



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unsubsidized enrollment that on-Exchange enrollees represented. It is likely that enrollees who

stay in the market due to the implementation of reinsurance will be healthier and/or younger than

the enrollees who will be in the market regardless of whether there is a reinsurance program.15

These results were discussed previously and are shown in Table 5.

Federal pass-through amounts were calculated in the following manner, consistent with the

methodology outlined by the Office of Tax Analysis (OTA).16 First, the aggregate amount of

advanced-premium tax credits in the baseline scenario were compared to the aggregate amount

of advanced premium tax credits in the waiver scenario. The difference in advanced premium tax

credits is then adjusted to calculate the total premium tax credit subsidy. To do that Wakely relied

on discussions with OTA and CMS to estimate the PTC ratio as well as using publicly available

IRS tax statistics from the 2016 benefit year.17 The actual data used by OTA for the 2020

calculations will be from 2017 as well as from 1095-A data, which are currently not public at the

time of Wakely completing this report. The ratio of total PTC subsidy after reconciliation to APTC

based on tax data for benefit year 2016 (or 97.2%) was multiplied by the APTC savings. This total

PTC savings are then reduced by potential differences in the Federal Exchange user fee. This

new aggregate amount is the total net Federal savings.

Additionally, we note that a different methodological approach to the application of the premium

tax credit adjustment could result in a different pass-through. According to the OTA

methodology,18 the adjustment to advanced premium tax credits to calculate premium tax credits

is handled at the last step via a ratio multiplied by APTC savings. However, if a different

methodology were applied, such as PTC ratio applied directly to APTC amounts at the baseline,

the result would increase the pass-through of the best estimate, thus increasing total funding and

the premium impact. Changing how the PTC adjustment is applied could add $2.8 million in total

funding, increase the premium impact by 0.7%, and increase the pass-through by 2.7%.

15 https://www.brookings.edu/blog/up-front/2017/02/08/new-data-on-sign-ups-through-the-acas-marketplaces-should-lay-death-spiral-claims-to-rest/ 16 https://www.cms.gov/CCIIO/Programs-and-Initiatives/State-Innovation-Waivers/Downloads/Treasury-Method-

Calculation-1332-Pass-through-Amounts.pdf 17 https://www.irs.gov/statistics/soi-tax-stats-historic-table-2 18 ibid



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Alternative Scenarios

Wakely estimated four additional 2020 scenarios to analyze the robustness of the initial 2020 or

Scenario 1 findings. The following were the scenarios that were modeled:

Scenario 1 (Best Estimate): 2020 enrollment was lower than 2019 estimated enrollment,

using a dampened impact from a Kaiser Family Foundation survey19 that stated that 10%

of members were likely to drop coverage due to the mandate. This amount was decreased

to account for the expectation that 2020 mandate effects will be less than those in 2019.

Those that will leave the market were estimated to have a morbidity of 0.62.20 Average

premium rates are estimated to be 8.5% higher than 2019. The impact to average market

premiums is estimated to be 8.0% with the issuer(s) of the SLCSP plans having the same

average impact as the market average.

Scenario 2: In this scenario, we assume that the effective repeal of the mandate and other

regulatory changes will not affect enrollment in 2020 and any changes in enrollment are a

result of premium increases. Those that will leave the market were estimated to have a

morbidity of 0.73.21 Average premium rates were estimated to be 6.7% higher than 2019.

The impact to average market premiums is estimated to be 7.5% with the issuer(s) of the

SLCSP plans having the same average impact as the market average.

Scenario 3: In this scenario, we assumed that the effects of no mandate and regulatory

changes would have a significant impact on enrollment in Montana in 2020. Additional

enrollment losses due to the mandate are estimated using the Center for American

Progress’ state level estimates of the CBO enrollment losses.22 These losses were

estimated for the 2025 year, so an adjustment, following the CBO’s estimates for 2020,23

was made to estimate Montana specific enrollment attrition in 2020 due to the loss of the

mandate. Additional attrition, again using CBO’s estimated losses due to the changes in

the short-term duration and association health plans regulations were included on top of

the losses due to the mandate.24 Those that will leave the market were estimated to have

a morbidity of 0.62.25

19 https://www.kff.org/health-reform/poll-finding/kaiser-health-tracking-poll-march-2018-non-group-enrollees/ 20The 0.62 morbidity factor was calculated by Wakely using CBO estimated impact of the mandate

https://www.cbo.gov/system/files/115th-congress-2017-2018/reports/53300-individualmandate.pdf 21https://obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/sites/default/files/page/files/201701_individual_health_insurance_market_ce

a_issue_brief.pdf 22 https://www.americanprogress.org/issues/healthcare/news/2017/12/05/443767/estimates-increase-uninsured-

congressional-district-senate-gop-tax-bill/ 23 https://www.cbo.gov/system/files/115th-congress-2017-2018/reports/53300-individualmandate.pdf 24 https://www.cbo.gov/system/files?file=2019-01/54915-New_Rules_for_AHPs_STPs.pdf 25The 0.62 morbidity factor was calculated by Wakely using CBO estimated impact of the mandate




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While initial premium increases correspond to Scenario 1, the additional premium

increases due to the smaller individual market and resulting morbidity increase results in

an overall estimated 10.7% premium increase in 2020. The impact to average market

premiums is estimated to be 8.6% with the issuer(s) of the SLCSP plans having the same

average impact as the market average.

Scenario 4: This scenario models a scenario that has different issuer assumptions and

pass-through methodology assumptions. In this scenario carriers perceive the level of

enrollment in Scenario 2. However, the actual pass-through assumptions would assume

a lower proportion of APTC members, which lowers the ratio of total APTC amounts

compared to total market premiums (a key driver of pass-through amounts). As a result,

the total premium reduction is 6.4% and total funding available for reinsurance payments

would be $29.3 million.

Scenario 5: This scenario shows the impact if the SLCSP has a lower premium impact

from reinsurance than the market average. In this scenario, we assume the impact of the

reinsurance program is 0.5% less than the market average. As a result, the total premium

reduction is 6.5% and total funding available for reinsurance payments would be $28.9


Scenario 6: This scenario models a scenario that has different issuer assumptions and

pass-through methodology assumptions. In this scenario carriers perceive the level of

enrollment in Scenario 1. However, the actual pass-through assumptions would assume

a higher proportion of APTC members, which increases the ratio of total APTC amounts

compared to total market premiums (a key driver of pass-through amounts). As a result,

the total premium reduction is 9.0% and total funding available for reinsurance payments

would be $38.2 million.

For each of the scenarios, the same reinsurance methodology was applied as was used in the

baseline scenario: $12.9 million (less $0.5 million for operational costs) in state funding was

applied to the individual market and total funding was then solved for based on the pass-through

amount. Each scenario produced a decrease in the state average premiums PMPM in 2020

between 6.4% and 9.0%. In each scenario, the lower premiums resulted in more enrollees in the

individual market. Finally, in each scenario, the combined lower premiums (including decreased

APTC PMPMs) resulted in fewer Federal dollars being spent in 2020 as a result of the reinsurance

program relative to the baseline. The detailed results of the scenario testing are shown in Table


Scenario 1 is the best estimate scenario. This scenario was used for the 10-year economic




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Table 7: Summary of Alternative Scenario Results for 2020

Scenario 1 - Best

Estimate 2 3 4 5 6

Baseline Enrollment Decrease Medium Minimum Large Minimum Medium Medium

OTA Assumptions Align with

Issuers' Assumptions Yes Yes Yes No (Lower) Yes No (Higher)

SLCP Impact Lower than

Market Average No No No No Yes No

Solved Total Funding Available

for Reinsurance Payments $34,460,000 $33,600,000 $35,890,000 $29,300,000 $28,940,000 $38,160,000


Total Non-Group Enrollment 46,422 48,487 44,445 48,487 46,422 46,422

Exchange Enrollment 37,690 39,226 36,333 39,226 37,690 37,690

APTC Enrollment 32,506 33,728 31,518 31,518 32,506 33,728

Total Non-Group Premium

PMPM $730.61 $718.23 $742.24 $718.23 $730.61 $730.61

Exchange Premium PMPM $737.50 $725.00 $749.25 $725.00 $737.50 $737.50

APTC PMPM $652.83 $640.08 $664.81 $640.08 $652.83 $652.83

Total Non-Group Premiums $406,990,000 $417,900,000 $395,870,000 $417,900,000 $406,990,000 $406,990,000

Total APTCs $254,650,000 $259,060,000 $251,440,000 $242,090,000 $254,650,000 $264,220,000

After Reinsurance

Reduction in Premiums

(Reinsurance Funding) -8.9% -8.4% -9.5% -7.3% -7.4% -9.8%

Reduction in SLCSP

(Reinsurance Funding) -8.9% -8.4% -9.5% -7.3% -6.9% -9.8%

Reinsurance Assessment 1.2% 1.2% 1.2% 1.2% 1.2% 1.2%

Reduction in Premiums

(Improved Morbidity) -0.3% -0.2% -0.3% -0.2% -0.2% -0.3%

Total Premium Impact -8.0% -7.5% -8.6% -6.4% -6.5% -9.0%



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Scenario 1 - Best

Estimate 2 3 4 5 6

Baseline Enrollment Decrease Medium Minimum Large Minimum Medium Medium

OTA Assumptions Align with

Issuers' Assumptions Yes Yes Yes No (Lower) Yes No (Higher)

SLCP Impact Lower than

Market Average No No No No Yes No

Solved Total Funding Available

for Reinsurance Payments $34,460,000 $33,600,000 $35,890,000 $29,300,000 $28,940,000 $38,160,000

Total Premium Impact

SLCSP -8.0% -7.5% -8.6% -6.4% -6.0% -9.0%

Total Non-Group Premium

PMPM $672.17 $664.10 $678.08 $671.95 $682.98 $664.92

Exchange Premium PMPM $678.51 $670.36 $684.47 $678.29 $689.43 $671.20

APTC PMPM $592.64 $584.33 $598.73 $592.42 $607.58 $585.18

Percent Change in Total

Enrollment 1.0% 1.0% 1.1% 0.9% 0.8% 1.1%

Total Non-Group Enrollment 46,888 48,953 44,915 48,942 46,799 46,948

Exchange Enrollment 37,864 39,399 36,509 39,395 37,830 37,886

APTC Enrollment 32,506 33,728 31,518 31,518 32,506 33,728

Total Premiums $378,200,000 $390,110,000 $365,470,000 $394,640,000 $383,550,000 $374,600,000

Total APTCs $231,180,000 $236,500,000 $226,450,000 $224,060,000 $237,000,000 $236,840,000


Estimated APTC Savings $23,480,000 $22,560,000 $24,990,000 $18,020,000 $17,650,000 $27,380,000

Estimated PTC Adjustment -$660,000 -$630,000 -$700,000 -$510,000 -$500,000 -$770,000

Difference in Insurer Fees $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Estimated Federal Savings -$760,000 -$730,000 -$800,000 -$620,000 -$620,000 -$850,000

Estimated State Funds

Available $12,400,000 $12,400,000 $12,400,000 $12,400,000 $12,400,000 $12,400,000



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Scenario 1 - Best

Estimate 2 3 4 5 6

Baseline Enrollment Decrease Medium Minimum Large Minimum Medium Medium

OTA Assumptions Align with

Issuers' Assumptions Yes Yes Yes No (Lower) Yes No (Higher)

SLCP Impact Lower than

Market Average No No No No Yes No

Solved Total Funding Available

for Reinsurance Payments $34,460,000 $33,600,000 $35,890,000 $29,300,000 $28,940,000 $38,160,000

Total Funding Available for

Reinsurance Payments $34,460,000 $33,600,000 $35,890,000 $29,300,000 $28,940,000 $38,160,000

Estimated Pass-Through

(Based on Total Funding

Available for Rein


64.0% 63.1% 65.4% 57.7% 57.1% 67.5%



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Beyond 2020

For years beyond 2020, Wakely made the following assumptions:

Baseline premiums (both total non-group and on-Exchange) as well as Gross Premium

Amounts for individuals with APTC were trended by the Office of the Actuaries National

Health Expenditure spending for each year of the 10-year window.26

APTC Net Premiums were increased 2.5% annually to account for indexing.

Enrollment was reduced by the projected increase in premium using the CEA take-up


The total funding was determined based on a Montana funding amount of $12.9 million

increased by the Office of the Actuaries National Health Expenditure spending, albeit

adjusted to account for the effects of reinsurance on the ACA individual market, for each

year of the 10-year window and the estimated pass-through for the year. The funding

available was reduced by operating costs. An amount of $345,000 was used for 2021 and

this amount was increased in future years assuming 3% inflation.

For each year, the same methodology of applying reinsurance, calculating the change in

premiums and APTC amounts as a result of reinsurance, and calculating the change in

enrollment as a result of lower premiums was used consistently to that described for 2020.

The detailed results are shown in Table 8.

26 https://www.cms.gov/Research-Statistics-Data-and-Systems/Statistics-Trends-and-Reports/NationalHealthExpendData/ Table 17. Premiums were trended by spending per enrollee for direct purchase.



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Table 8: Baseline Data and Detailed Results after Reinsurance, by Year27

2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029


Total Non-Group Enrollment 46,422 46,176 45,946 45,685 45,429 45,183 44,951 44,734 44,511 44,292

APTC Enrollment 32,506 32,506 32,506 32,506 32,506 32,506 32,506 32,506 32,506 32,506

Total Non-Group Premium

PMPM $730.61 $764.78 $798.76 $839.94 $883.18 $927.70 $972.49 $1,017.33 $1,066.39 $1,117.80

Gross Premium PMPM for

APTC Mbrs $752.42 $787.61 $822.61 $865.02 $909.55 $955.40 $1,001.52 $1,047.70 $1,098.22 $1,151.16

Net Premium PMPM for

APTC Mbrs $99.59 $102.08 $104.63 $107.25 $109.93 $112.68 $115.50 $118.38 $121.34 $124.38

APTC PMPM $652.83 $685.53 $717.97 $757.77 $799.62 $842.72 $886.03 $929.31 $976.88 $1,026.79

Total Premiums ($ millions) $407.0 $423.8 $440.4 $460.5 $481.5 $503.0 $524.6 $546.1 $569.6 $594.1

Total APTCs ($ millions) $254.7 $267.4 $280.1 $295.6 $311.9 $328.7 $345.6 $362.5 $381.1 $400.5

After Reinsurance

Reinsurance Funding ($

millions) $34.5 $35.8 $37.9 $39.9 $42.5 $45.2 $48.1 $50.9 $53.9 $57.1

Reduction in Premiums

(Reinsurance Funding) -8.9% -8.8% -9.0% -9.1% -9.2% -9.4% -9.6% -9.8% -9.9% -10.1%

Reinsurance Assessment 1.2% 1.2% 1.2% 1.2% 1.2% 1.2% 1.2% 1.2% 1.2% 1.2%

Reduction in Premiums

(Improved Morbidity) -0.3% -0.3% -0.3% -0.3% -0.3% -0.3% -0.3% -0.3% -0.3% -0.3%

Total Non- Group Premium

PMPM $672.17 $703.88 $733.80 $771.01 $809.24 $848.39 $887.56 $926.64 $969.88 $1,014.74

27 Please Appendix C for total federal savings net of federal losses under the reinsurance program.



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2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029

Exchange Premium PMPM $678.51 $710.52 $740.72 $778.29 $816.87 $856.40 $895.93 $935.38 $979.03 $1,024.31

APTC PMPM $592.64 $622.81 $651.07 $686.78 $723.47 $761.04 $798.55 $835.92 $877.49 $920.65

Change in Total Non-Group

Enrollment 1.0% 1.0% 1.0% 1.0% 1.0% 1.0% 1.0% 1.0% 1.0% 1.0%

Total Non-Group Enrollment 46,888 46,632 46,405 46,139 45,883 45,639 45,409 45,193 44,969 44,750

Exchange Enrollment 37,864 37,805 37,754 37,694 37,637 37,582 37,531 37,483 37,432 37,383

APTC Enrollment 32,506 32,506 32,506 32,506 32,506 32,506 32,506 32,506 32,506 32,506

Total Premiums ($ millions) $378.2 $393.9 $408.6 $426.9 $445.6 $464.6 $483.6 $502.5 $523.4 $544.9

Total APTCs ($ millions) $231.2 $242.9 $254.0 $267.9 $282.2 $296.9 $311.5 $326.1 $342.3 $359.1



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Appendix B

Reinsurance Parameters



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Reinsurance Parameters

As noted previously, the reinsurance program would operate similarly to the Transitional

Reinsurance program under the ACA that existed from 2014 to 2016 in that it would reimburse

insurers for a proportion (coinsurance amount) of high-cost enrollee claims between a lower

bound (attachment point) and an upper bound (cap). For 2020, Montana has estimated that

parameters will be the following: the attachment point at $40,000, the reinsurance cap at

$101,750, and a 60% coinsurance rate.

Wakely used the continuance tables provided from all insurers for the 2017 and 2018 calendar

years to estimate the reinsurance parameters for the program. The two years of data were used

to alleviate any concerns of credibility. Both years were adjusted to 2020 and the resulting

parameters averaged. To obtain 2020 claims data consistent with the best estimate scenario,

various adjustments to the data were performed including enrollment, morbidity, and annual claim


1. The best estimate scenario enrollment decrease of 11.1% from 2018 to 2020 post-

reinsurance was applied to the data.

2. The morbidity changes from 2018 to 2020 were modeled under the assumption that

members leaving the market are healthier than those staying in the market. This resulted

in a morbidity increase of 4.4%.

3. Claims were trended to 2020 by estimating annual medical cost trend and morbidity

increases as described above. These trends were determined based on a combination of

actuarial judgement, review of ACA rate filing documents, expectation of the return of the

HIT fee in 2020, and consideration that the MLR is expected to be lower after the impact

of the reinsurance program.

4. The annual claim increase was then solved for using the preceding three adjustments,

resulting in an annual claim increase of 9.3% annually from 2018 to 2020. This annual

claim increase includes adjustments outside of trend such as metal mix changes.

5. This approach was taken for both 2017 and 2018 to arrive at two sets of projected 2020

continuance tables. Parameters were developed using both sets of data and then


The resulting 2020 data was used to determine the reinsurance parameters. Wakely estimated

the $34.5 million in funding would be spent with an attachment point of $40,000, 60% coinsurance,

and a cap of $101,750. If the reinsurance program has higher/lower than expected funding due

to higher/lower state funds or federal pass-through amounts, the Board will re-adjust the

parameters. If the actual claims for the reinsurance program are lower than expected, any excess

funds will roll over to future years. If the actual claims for the reinsurance program are higher than

expected, the coinsurance percentage will be adjusted accordingly.



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It is important to note that the assumptions in this estimate are inherently uncertain. The resulting

parameters will vary from these estimates to the degree the actual enrollment, morbidity, trend,

and other assumptions vary from those used in this analysis. In addition, if there are significantly

more or fewer high cost claimants in 2020 compared to 2017 and 2018, the results from this

analysis may also vary. Finally, insurers are expected to have differing impacts from one another

due to the reinsurance program based on how they vary from the market average in the

assumptions discussed previously in this section.



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Appendix C

Guardrail Requirements



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Scope of Coverage Requirement

In order for a 1332 waiver to be accepted, the waiver must demonstrate that the changes will

provide coverage to at least a comparable number of residents as would have been provided

coverage without the waiver. Our analysis estimates that the reinsurance program, and resulting

lower premiums, would provide for at least a comparable number of enrollees (and most likely a

greater number of individuals covered).

Affordability Requirement

In order for a 1332 waiver to be accepted, the waiver must demonstrate that the changes will

provide coverage, premiums, and cost-sharing protections that keep care at least as affordable

as would be provided absent the waiver coverage to at least a comparable number of residents

as would have been provided absent the waiver. Generally, we expect premiums to be lower in

2020 and lower than they otherwise would have been each year of the waiver as a direct result

of the reinsurance program. Cost sharing for plans will remain within the federal requirements and

should therefore not impact affordability. Our analysis estimates that the reinsurance program,

and resulting lower premiums, would provide for at least as affordable coverage for residents (and

most likely greater affordability for residents).

Comprehensiveness of Coverage Requirement

In order for a 1332 waiver to be accepted, the waiver must demonstrate that it will provide access

to coverage that is at least as comprehensive as would be provided absent the waiver. This waiver

will not result in any changes to the EHB benchmark or actuarial value requirements and, as such,

will not have any impact on the comprehensive coverage for residents.

Deficit Neutrality


Since PTCs are benchmarked to the SLCSP, the decrease in premiums (specifically the SLCSP)

will result in lower per person PTC amounts in 2020. Since enrollees who have PTCs are generally

unaffected by changes in gross premiums, due to the subsidies shielding them from premium

increases, the introduction of reinsurance is not expected to decrease the number of enrollees

with PTCs. Due to the combination of a non-decreasing number of enrollees with APTCs and a

decrease in premiums, which is connected to PTC amounts, Wakely’s analysis estimates that the

overall aggregate amount of PTCs will be lower each year over the 10-year window. These results

are shown in Table 9.



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Table 9: Detailed Results of Federal Savings, by Year

2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029


Total Non-Group Enrollment 46,422 46,176 45,946 45,685 45,429 45,183 44,951 44,734 44,511 44,292

Exchange Enrollment 37,690 37,635 37,583 37,525 37,467 37,412 37,360 37,312 37,261 37,212

APTC Enrollment 32,506 32,506 32,506 32,506 32,506 32,506 32,506 32,506 32,506 32,506

Total Non-Group Premium PMPM $730.61 $764.78 $798.76 $839.94 $883.18 $927.70 $972.49 $1,017.33 $1,066.39 $1,117.80

Exchange Premium PMPM $737.50 $772.00 $806.30 $847.87 $891.51 $936.45 $981.67 $1,026.92 $1,076.45 $1,128.34

APTC PMPM $652.83 $685.53 $717.97 $757.77 $799.62 $842.72 $886.03 $929.31 $976.88 $1,026.79

After Reinsurance

Total Non-Group Enrollment 46,888 46,632 46,405 46,139 45,883 45,639 45,409 45,193 44,969 44,750

Exchange Enrollment 37,864 37,805 37,754 37,694 37,637 37,582 37,531 37,483 37,432 37,383

APTC Enrollment 32,506 32,506 32,506 32,506 32,506 32,506 32,506 32,506 32,506 32,506

Total Non-Group Premium PMPM $672.17 $703.88 $733.80 $771.01 $809.24 $848.39 $887.56 $926.64 $969.88 $1,014.74

Exchange Premium PMPM $678.51 $710.52 $740.72 $778.29 $816.87 $856.40 $895.93 $935.38 $979.03 $1,024.31

APTC PMPM $592.64 $622.81 $651.07 $686.78 $723.47 $761.04 $798.55 $835.92 $877.49 $920.65

Federal Savings Calculations

PTC / APTC Factor 97.2% 97.2% 97.2% 97.2% 97.2% 97.2% 97.2% 97.2% 97.2% 97.2%

Exchange User Fees 3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0%

Difference in APTCs ($ millions) $23.5 $24.5 $26.1 $27.7 $29.7 $31.9 $34.1 $36.4 $38.8 $41.4

PTC Adjustment ($ millions) -$0.7 -$0.7 -$0.7 -$0.8 -$0.8 -$0.9 -$1.0 -$1.0 -$1.1 -$1.2

Difference in User Fees ($ millions) -$0.8 -$0.8 -$0.8 -$0.9 -$1.0 -$1.0 -$1.1 -$1.2 -$1.3 -$1.3

Estimated Net Federal Savings ($

millions) $22.1 $23.0 $24.5 $26.0 $27.9 $29.9 $32.1 $34.2 $36.4 $38.9

State Funding ($ millions) $12.4 $12.8 $13.3 $13.9 $14.6 $15.3 $16.0 $16.7 $17.4 $18.2

Pass Through Percent 64.0% 64.3% 64.8% 65.2% 65.7% 66.2% 66.7% 67.2% 67.6% 68.1%



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Offsets to PTC Savings


As part of the ACA, individuals that can afford insurance but forgo insurance are generally

required to pay a fee. However, as part of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, the individual

responsibility requirement was set to $0 for 2019 and future years. Therefore, it will not directly

affect federal savings.


Wakely acknowledges that there may be a loss of revenue to the Federal government for

Exchange user fees (also known as user fees) due to the reduction in premium amounts. To

calculate an estimate of this loss, Wakely estimated the baseline Exchange user fees to be 3.0%

(per the 2020 proposed HHS Payment Notice) multiplied by total Exchange premiums (using the

baseline Exchange enrollment and baseline Exchange premiums). This was then compared to

post-reinsurance scenarios in which enrollment and premiums were re-estimated using the lower

premiums and higher enrollment as a result of the reinsurance payments. In future years, Wakely

assumed that the user fee rate would stay at 3.0%.


The reinsurance program could also impact the health insurance providers’ fee, or HIT. Section

9010 of the ACA requires that a tax on health insurance providers be set at an amount totaling

$14.3 billion in 2018 and increasing thereafter generally at the rate of premium increase. We

estimate that Montana’s reinsurance program will have minimal impact on national premium

growth rate and therefore does not materially impact employer-sponsored insurance premiums

and therefore would not have any impact on HIT amounts. Wakely did not include any adjustment

in deficit calculations to account for the Health Insurance Provider fee. It is Wakely’s

understanding that to date, the Department of Treasury has not adjusted for the Health Insurance

Providers fee.


Wakely did not directly estimate the impact of the proposed waiver on the collections related to

the Cadillac or Excise tax, small business tax credit or income taxes. It is unlikely that any of these

would have a significant impact on the overall savings.28

28 http://mn.gov/commerce-stat/pdfs/mn-1332-actuarial-analysis.pdf



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A detailed analysis of the group markets was not completed. It is not expected that the reinsurance program will have an impact

on the small group, large group, federal employee health benefits program, and other health programs in the state. In particular,

we do not expect enrollment migration from the group market to the non-group market as a result of the reinsurance program.


In addition, Wakely calculated the impact of the federal savings under the alternative 2020 scenarios discussed previously. As

can be seen in Table 10, there is no 2020 scenario in which net federal savings, because of the reinsurance program, would

contribute to the Federal deficit.

Table 10: Estimated 2020 Federal Savings in Alternative Scenarios Scenario 1 - Best

Estimate 2 3 4 5 6

Baseline Enrollment

Decrease Medium Minimum Large Minimum Medium Medium

OTA Assumptions Align

with Issuers' Assumptions Yes Yes Yes No (Lower) Yes No (Higher)

SLCP Impact Lower than

Market Average No No No No Yes No

Solved Total Funding

Available for Reinsurance


$34,460,000 $33,600,000 $35,890,000 $29,300,000 $28,940,000 $38,160,000

Difference in APTCs $23,480,000 $22,560,000 $24,990,000 $18,020,000 $17,650,000 $27,380,000

PTC Adjustment -$660,000 -$630,000 -$700,000 -$510,000 -$500,000 -$770,000

Difference in User Fees -$760,000 -$730,000 -$800,000 -$620,000 -$620,000 -$850,000

Difference in Insurer Fees $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Estimated Net Federal

Savings $22,060,000 $21,200,000 $23,490,000 $16,890,000 $16,530,000 $25,760,000



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Appendix D

5 and 10 year Projections



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Tables 11, 12, and 13 show various information as required under the CMS checklist.

In Table 11, the second lowest cost silver for each rating area is based on the 27-year old non-tobacco premium.

Table 11: Estimated Second Lowest Cost Silver Plan Premium PMPM, with and without Reinsurance by Rating Area and Year

Rating Area 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029


1 $439 $476 $498 $520 $547 $575 $604 $634 $663 $695 $728

2 $474 $514 $538 $562 $591 $621 $653 $684 $716 $750 $786

3 $439 $476 $498 $520 $547 $575 $604 $634 $663 $695 $728

4 $472 $512 $536 $560 $589 $619 $650 $682 $713 $748 $784

After Reinsurance

1 $438 $459 $478 $502 $527 $553 $578 $604 $632 $661

2 $473 $495 $516 $542 $569 $597 $624 $652 $682 $714

3 $438 $459 $478 $502 $527 $553 $578 $604 $632 $661

4 $471 $493 $514 $541 $567 $595 $622 $650 $680 $711



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Table 12: Estimated Enrollment by FPL, with and without Reinsurance, by Year

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024


Total Non-Group Enrollment 48,865 46,422 46,176 45,946 45,685 45,429

Total Non-Group APTC Eligible 33,728 32,506 32,506 32,506 32,506 32,506

<100% of FPL - - - - - -

≥100% to ≤150% of FPL 4,135 3,985 3,985 3,985 3,985 3,985

>150% to ≤200% of FPL 8,732 8,415 8,415 8,415 8,415 8,415

>200% to ≤250% of FPL 7,016 6,762 6,762 6,762 6,762 6,762

>250% to ≤300% of FPL 5,787 5,577 5,577 5,577 5,577 5,577

>300% to ≤400% of FPL 8,059 7,767 7,767 7,767 7,767 7,767

>400% of FPL 15,137 13,915 13,670 13,440 13,179 12,923

After Reinsurance

Total Non-Group Enrollment 46,888 46,632 46,405 46,139 45,883

Total Non-Group APTC Eligible 32,506 32,506 32,506 32,506 32,506

<100% of FPL - - - - -

≥100% to ≤150% of FPL 3,985 3,985 3,985 3,985 3,985

>150% to ≤200% of FPL 8,415 8,415 8,415 8,415 8,415

>200% to ≤250% of FPL 6,762 6,762 6,762 6,762 6,762

>250% to ≤300% of FPL 5,577 5,577 5,577 5,577 5,577

>300% to ≤400% of FPL 7,767 7,767 7,767 7,767 7,767

>400% of FPL 14,382 14,126 13,898 13,632 13,377



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Table 13: Estimated Enrollment by Metal Level with and without Reinsurance, by Year 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024


Total Non-Group Enrollment 48,865 46,422 46,176 45,946 45,685 45,429

Catastrophic 392 373 371 369 367 365

Bronze 32,156 30,548 30,387 30,235 30,063 29,895

Silver 13,495 12,820 12,752 12,689 12,617 12,546

Gold 2,821 2,680 2,666 2,653 2,638 2,623

Platinum - - - - - -

After Reinsurance

Total Non-Group Enrollment 46,888 46,632 46,405 46,139 45,883

Catastrophic 379 377 375 373 371

Bronze 30,911 30,741 30,592 30,416 30,248

Silver 12,876 12,806 12,743 12,671 12,600

Gold 2,723 2,708 2,695 2,679 2,665

Platinum - - - - -



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Appendix E




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The following is a list of the data Wakely relied on for the analysis:

Issuer submitted premium and enrollment information for 2016, 2017, 2018, and for

January/February/March 2019

Insurers submitted APTC information, including enrollment and premiums, for 2018 and

January/February/March 2019

Insurer submitted paid claim continuance tables for 2016, 2017 and 2018 as well as

2017 EDGE data

The 2016, 2017, and 2018 Open Enrollment Report PUF produced by HHS29 30 31

Effectuated Enrollment Reports released by CMS32

CBO Analysis on Impact of Repeal of the Mandate33

Wakely made some assumptions in working with the available data. These assumptions may

impact the results of the analyses and were reviewed by Montana for reasonability.

Any impact due to private commercial reinsurance was not reflected in the analyses but the

parameters were set to minimize overlap with private reinsurance.

The following are additional reliances and caveats that could have an impact on results:

Data Limitations. Wakely received data submissions for full year 2016, 2017, and 2018

and emerging 2019 experience from insurers offering individual market ACA-compliant

plans. The majority of the insurers submitted all the requested information. Wakely relied

on the data submitted from all insurers for significant portions of this analysis. We reviewed

the data for reasonability, but we did not audit the data. To the extent that the data is not

correct, the results of this analysis will be impacted.

Political Uncertainty. There is significant policy uncertainty. Future federal actions in

regards to reinsurance funds, direct enrollment, silver-loading, prescription drugs, and/or

CSR payments could significantly change premiums and enrollment in 2020 or future

years. In particular, CSR funding or a requirement to spread the cost of CSRs across all

29 https://aspe.hhs.gov/health-insurance-marketplaces-2016-open-enrollment-period-final-enrollment-report 30 https://www.cms.gov/Research-Statistics-Data-and-Systems/Statistics-Trends-and-Reports/Marketplace-

Products/Plan_Selection_ZIP.html 31 https://www.cms.gov/Research-Statistics-Data-and-Systems/Statistics-Trends-and-Reports/Marketplace-

Products/2018_Open_Enrollment.html 32 https://downloads.cms.gov/files/effectuated-enrollment-snapshot-report-06-12-17.pdf 33 https://www.cbo.gov/system/files/115th-congress-2017-2018/reports/53300-individualmandate.pdf



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metal levels could significantly decrease the pass-through percentage relative to what was

estimated in this report. State political reactions to changes in the individual market could

alter the results. Finally, at the time of writing the report the HRA regulation had not been

finalized. Changes to policy encapsulated in that proposed regulation may impact the

results of this report.

Enrollment Uncertainty. Additionally, there is enrollment uncertainty. Beyond changes to

potential rates and policy, individual enrollee responses to these changes also have

uncertainty (for example, state mandate). All of these uncertainties result in limitations in

providing point estimates on reinsurance parameters and impacts of a 1332 waiver.

Premium Uncertainty. Given that several recent changes to statutory and regulatory rules

of the individual market (e.g., mandate) have not reached steady state in their effects on

the individual market, there is uncertainty in how insurers may respond in their 2020

premiums. These uncertainties result in limitations in providing point estimates on

reinsurance parameters and impacts of a 1332 waiver.

Pass-Through Uncertainty. Ultimately, the Department of Health and Human Services and

the Department of Treasury model the pass-through amounts. The extent to which the

exact assumptions and micro-simulation modeling differs from Wakely’s models,

differences in the pass-through amounts are possible.

Reinsurance Operations. If actual operations of the reinsurance program differ from the

data configurations used in this analysis, Wakely’s analysis would need to be adjusted to

match actual reinsurance data requirements. Changes to assumed data requirements,

actual data requirements, and data submission quality for reinsurance operations may

impact the results.



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Appendix F

Disclosures and Limitations



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Responsible Actuary. Julie Peper is the actuary responsible for this communication. She is a

Member of the American Academy of Actuaries and a Fellow of the Society of Actuaries. She

meets the Qualification Standards of the American Academy of Actuaries to issue this report.

Michael Cohen contributed significantly to the analysis and contents of this report.

Intended Users. This information has been prepared for the sole use of the Board and the state

of Montana. Wakely understands that the report will be public and used in the 1332 waiver

process. Distribution to such parties should be made in its entirety and should be evaluated only

by qualified users. The parties receiving this report should retain their own actuarial experts in

interpreting results. This information is proprietary.

Risks and Uncertainties. The assumptions and resulting estimates included in this report and

produced by the modeling are inherently uncertain. The extent to which the enrollment experience

for 2020 is different from expected, results could be affected. Users of the results should be

qualified to use it and understand the results and the inherent uncertainty. Actual results may

vary, potentially materially, from our estimates. Wakely does not warrant or guarantee that

Montana will attain the estimated values included in the report. It is the responsibility of those

receiving this output to review the assumptions carefully and notify Wakely of any potential


Conflict of Interest. The responsible actuaries are financially independent and free from conflict

concerning all matters related to performing the actuarial services underlying these analyses. In

addition, Wakely is organizationally and financially independent of Montana.

Data and Reliance. We have relied on others for data and assumptions used in the

assignment. We have reviewed the data for reasonableness, but have not performed any

independent audit or otherwise verified the accuracy of the data/information. If the underlying

information is incomplete or inaccurate, our estimates may be impacted, potentially

significantly. The information included in the ‘Data and Methodology’ and ‘Reliances and Caveats’

sections identifies the key data and assumptions.

Subsequent Events. These analyses are based on the implicit assumption that the ACA will

continue to be in effect in future years with no material change. Material changes in state or federal

laws regarding health benefit plans may have a material impact on the results included in this

report. In addition, many of the assumptions are based on the initial 2019 experiences. Change

in emerging 2019 enrollment and experience could impact the results. Additional changes in

regulations (e.g., premium adjustment percentage) could impact findings. For example, at the

time of writing the report the HRA regulation had not been finalized and was not included in the


Contents of Actuarial Report. This document (the report, including appendices) constitutes the

entirety of actuarial report and supersede any previous communications on the project.



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Deviations from ASOPs. Wakely completed the analyses using sound actuarial practice. To the

best of our knowledge, the report and methods used in the analyses are in compliance with the

appropriate ASOPs with no known deviations. A summary of ASOP compliance is listed below:

ASOP No. 23, Data Quality

ASOP No. 41, Actuarial Communication



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June 18, 20 19


T he Hon. Alex M . Azar, Secretary U .S. Department of Health and Human Services 200 Independence Avenue, S.W. Washington, DC 20201

The Hon. Steven T. Mnuchin, Secretary U.S. Department of the Treasury 1500 Pennsylvania A venue, NW Washington, DC 20220

Dear Secretary Azar and Secretary Mnuchin,


The State of Montana respectfu lly asks for your assistance in creating a solution to the increasingly destabilized individual health insurance market by approving our 1332 State Innovation Waiver application for a public reinsurance program. As detailed in this application, M ontana is requesting that Section 13 12(c)( l ) under Section 1332 of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) be waived fo r a period of fi ve years beginning in the 2020 p lan year to develop a state reinsurance program. This Waiver w ill not affect any o ther prov ision of the ACA and adheres to the consumer protection guardrails established by Section 1332, but wi ll result in a lower market-wide index rate, thereby lowering premiums and reducing the federal cost of premium tax credits.

Unless we take action in the form of a strong reinsurance program, a key component of Montana' s success in reducing the number of uninsured Montanans will be significantly hampered. Our market has had stable insurer participation, but has also experienced significant losses in enrollment and increasing premiums. The uninsured rate in April 201 6 was approximately 7.4 percent, down from 20 percent in 20 I 2. But in recent years insurance rates in the individual market have risen by 11 3 percent, to a dangerous and unsustainable amount, reversing this trend and driving the uninsured rate in the opposite direction. Between April 2016 and January 20 19, enrollment in the individual health insurance market declined by more than 35 percent.

Unless immediate cotTective action is taken, the cost of health insurance will continue to rise for the approx imately 50,000 Montanans who depend on individual market health insurance. W ith a public reinsurance program, Montana will strengthen its individual market and provide greater access through lower premiums to its citizens.

STATE CAPITOL • P.O. Box 200801 • HELENA. MONTANA 59620-0801 TELEPHONE: 406-444-31 11 • FAX: 406-444-5529 • W EBSITE: WWW.MT.GOV 63


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June 18, 2019 Secretaries Azar and Mnuchin Page 2

As demonstrated in the comprehensive analysis included in this application, we believe your assistance at the federal level, including federal pass-through funds, will allow more predictability in the individual health insurance market and allow Montana's Reinsurance Program to lower premiums across the state. This program w ill also assist with maintaining competition in the individual health insurance market and ensure that there is a reasonable number of plan choices for all Montanans. Combined with the state resources provided by the Montana Legislature, your expedited approval and federal contribution will assist us in preserving the recent progress in health care access and deliver savings fo r the people of Montana.

Thank you.




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The Honorable Steven Mnuchin Secretary of the Treasury Department of the Treasury 1500 Pennsylvania A venue, NW Washington DC, 20220

June 18, 2019

Dear Secretary Azar and Secretary Mnuchin:



The Honorable Alex Azar Secretary of Health and Human Services Department of Health and Human Services 200 Independence Ave. SW Washington DC, 20220

Lowering the cost of health care is one of my highest priorities as the Commissioner of Insurance for the State of Montana. As part of that goal, my office has worked with other stakeholders to craft and pass bipartisan legislation creating the Montana Reinsurance Program to stabilize the individual market and reduce premiums. The State of Montana now submits a State Innovation Waiver application under PPACA Section 1332 for your review and consideration, and I respectfully ask that you approve this waiver as soon as possible.

Approval of Montana' s State Innovation Waiver application would provide relief to the state's most volatile market and reduce premiums for Montanans by waiving PPACA's single risk pool requirement and providing federal pass through funding to the Montana Reinsurance Program. The program is designed to work behind the scenes to reimburse a portion of claims in the individual market without any disruption to insured Montanans and is funded through a combination of state assessments on Member Insurers and these federal passthrough funds. We anticipate a reduction in premiums by eight percent or more beginning in 2020, resulting in expanded access to private coverage and lower health care costs for Montanans.

I appreciate your consideration of Montana's waiver application. Please do not hesitate to reach out should you have any questions.

Matthew M. Rosendale Sr. Montana Commissioner of Securities and Insurance

Phone: 1-800-332-6148 / (406) 444-2040 / Main Fax: (406) 444-3497 Securities Fax: (406) 444-5558 / PHS Fax: (406) 444-1980 / Legal Fax: (406) 444-3499

840 Helena Ave., Helena MT 59601 Website: www.csi.mt.gov E-Mail: [emailprotected] 65

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June 19, 2019

The Hon. Alex M. Azar, Secretary U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 200 Independence Avenue, S.W. Washington, DC 20201

The Hon. Steven T. Mnuchin, Secretary U.S. Department of the Treasury 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20220

Dear Secretary Azar and Secretary Mnuchin,

With this application, the board of directors of the Montana Reinsurance Association request that Section 1312(c)(l) under Section 1332 of the ACA be waived for a period of five years beginning in the 2020 plan year to develop a Montana Reinsurance Program.

Montana is fortunate to have three health insurers offering coverage in the Exchange; the same three insurers offered Exchange coverage in 2014. In 2014- 2016, the individual health insurance market covered 7 to 8 percent of the population in Montana. In 2019, that number has shrunk to about 5 percent. Many Montanans are finding coverage unaffordable, and some are forced to drop coverage. Enrollment in the individual market dropped 35.5 percent between 2016 and 2019, and the uninsured rate, increased from 7.4 percent in 2016 to 8.6 percent in 2019.

The individual market provides a critical safety net. It generally consists of early retirees, the self-employed, part-time employees or employees of small employers that do not offer a health plan. Approximately 33 percent of Montanans are 55 or older. Health insurance premiums spike at that age. In the individual market in Montana, the 55 to 64 age category continues to have the largest number of enrollees. Montanans age 50 to 64 are often the ones who feel the full impact of individual market premium increases. Because they do not usually have dependents, their income level is often higher, and therefore, they do not qualify for premium assistance.

The creation of a state reinsurance program through a section 1332 Waiver will bring more stability to Montana's individual health insurance market through state-based innovation. By reimbursing insurers for high-cost claims, the reinsurance program will spread risk across the broader Montana health insurance market, thereby lowering premiums and increasing access to affordable private coverage. Increased enrollment will assist with maintaining competition and stabilizing the risk pools, which will lower rates.

Thank you for your consideration and swift approval of Montana's waiver request.



J1/t. Batista, ~~---­

'~t~ana Reinsurance Association Board of Directors


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66th Legislature SB0125










Section 1. Short title -- purpose. [Sections 1 through 15] may be cited as the "Montana Reinsurance

Association Act". The purpose of this act is to establish a Montana-based public reinsurance program in order

to stabilize the individual health insurance market, maintain competition, and reduce premiums.

Section 2. Reinsurance association -- mandatory membership -- exceptions. (1) The Montana

reinsurance association is established as a nonprofit legal entity. As a condition of doing business, an insurer that

has issued or renewed disability insurance, as defined in 33-1-207, regardless of license type, in this state in the

past 12 months must be a member of the association.

(2) Disability insurers are exempt from the requirement to be association members and are not subject

to the assessment in [section 8] if the insurers solely issue or administer one or more of the following coverage

types under the Montana Insurance Code:

(a) self-funded multiple employer welfare arrangements licensed under chapter 35;

(b) disability insurance sold through a fraternal benefit society as described in chapter 7;

(c) excepted benefits as defined in 33-22-140;

(d) long-term care insurance as described in chapter 22, part 11; or

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(e) disability income insurance as defined in 33-1-235.

Section 3. Definitions. As used in [sections 1 through 15] the following definitions apply:

(1) "Association" means the Montana reinsurance association provided for in [sections 1 through 15].

(2) "Attachment point" means the threshold amount for claims costs incurred by an eligible health insurer

for an enrolled individual's covered benefits in a benefit year, beyond which the claims costs for benefits are

eligible for reinsurance payments.

(3) "Benefit year" means the calendar year for which an eligible health insurer provides coverage through

an individual health insurance policy.

(4) "Board" means the association's board of directors provided for in [section 4].

(5) "Coinsurance rate" means the rate at which the association will reimburse an eligible health insurer

for claims incurred for an enrolled individual's covered benefits in a benefit year above the attachment point and

below the reinsurance cap.

(6) "Eligible health insurer" means a health insurer, health service corporation, or health maintenance

organization that:

(a) offers individual health insurance coverage in the individual market, as defined in 33-22-140;

(b) offers a qualified health plan as defined in 42 U.S.C. 18021(a) that does not discriminate on the basis

of health status in rating or issuance, covers all essential health benefits, and does not impose lifetime or annual

limits or exclude pre-existing conditions; and

(c) incurs claims costs for an individual enrollee's covered benefits in the applicable benefit year.

(7) "Major medical" health insurance includes individual market and employer group health insurance


(a) is guaranteed available;

(b) is guaranteed renewable;

(c) does not impose pre-existing condition exclusions;

(d) (i) offers essential health benefits as defined in 42 U.S.C. 18022; or

(ii) for large employer group coverage, meets the federal requirements for minimum value;

(e) pays medical claims, with no lifetime or annual limits; and

(f) complies with the federal limits for maximum out-of-pocket.

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(8) "Payment parameters" means the attachment point, reinsurance cap, and coinsurance rate for the

Montana reinsurance program.

(9) "Program" means the Montana reinsurance program operated by the Montana reinsurance


(10) "Reinsurance cap" means the maximum amount of each claim incurred by an eligible health insurer

for an enrolled individual's covered benefits in a benefit year, after which the claims costs for benefits are no

longer eligible for reinsurance payments.

(11) "Reinsurance payments" means an amount paid by the association to an eligible health insurer under

the program.

Section 4. Association board of directors. (1) The association is governed by a board of directors

consisting of five directors who have experience in health care, health insurance, or finance as follows:

(a) three directors, one each from the eligible health insurers with the largest enrollment in the individual

market. If there are fewer than three, the board shall select another director from a health insurance issuer that

markets primarily major medical insurance.

(b) one insurer director appointed by the commissioner who is a participating member of the association;


(c) one director appointed by the governor to represent the public interest.

(2) The board of directors may be reimbursed by the association for travel expenses, but may not

otherwise be compensated for their services.

(3) Each director has one vote.

(4) Initial appointments must be finalized no later than May 1, 2019, and the board shall meet for the first

time no later than May 8, 2019.

Section 5. Duties of commissioner -- rulemaking. (1) The commissioner shall:

(a) oversee the activities of the association and the board;

(b) examine the affairs of the board and program;

(c) approve the plan of operation set by the board as needed within 30 days of receiving the plan or

amendments to the plan from the board;

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(d) with the assistance of the association, collect the assessment and the federal funding designated

for this program;

(e) designate staff to attend meetings of the board and the association as an ex-officio member; and

(f) require all eligible health insurers to calculate the premium amount the eligible health insurer would

have charged for the benefit year if the Montana reinsurance program had not been established. The eligible

health insurer must submit this information as part of its rate filing. The commissioner shall consider this

information as part of the rate review.

(2) The commissioner may adopt rules necessary to implement [sections 1 through 15]. Any proposed

administrative rules must be submitted to the board for review and comment before the proposed rules are

submitted to the secretary of state.

Section 6. Board duties -- powers. (1) The board shall:

(a) adopt a plan of operation and the reinsurance parameters for the following year, no later than June

15, 2019, in accordance with the requirements of [sections 1 through 15], and update the plan of operation and

reinsurance parameters, if needed, no later than May 1 of each succeeding year. The board shall submit its plan

of operation to the commissioner for approval.

(b) establish administrative and accounting procedures for the association and the program;

(c) select an association administrator in accordance with [section 7] who will pay reinsurance claims

in accordance with the plan of operation; and

(d) set the budget for the reinsurance program for each policy year, including the assessment levels as

provided in [section 8] for the various members of the association.

(2) The board may:

(a) enter into contracts as necessary to carry out the purposes of [sections 1 through 15];

(b) appoint appropriate actuarial or other committees as necessary to provide technical assistance and

any other functions within the authority of the association; and

(c) apply for funds or grants from public or private sources.

(3) The board may be audited by the legislative auditor.

(4) An annual review of the association and the program for solvency and compliance must be performed

by an independent certified public accountant using generally accepted accounting principles and submitted to

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the commissioner and the economic affairs committee of the legislature provided for in 5-5-223 as provided in

5-11-210 for review by June 30 of each year, beginning in 2020.

(5) The board shall prepare an annual report on operations and finance and send that report to the

economic affairs interim committee as provided in 5-11-210 and the commissioner by June 30 of each year,

beginning in 2020.

Section 7. Association administrator. (1) The board shall select an administrator, who is either an

employee of the nonprofit association or an independent contractor, to administer the reinsurance program

pursuant to the parameters decided by the board of directors. The board shall establish qualifications and

compensation in the plan of operation for the administrator and the length of the contract of an independent


(2) The administrator shall:

(a) perform all administrative functions relating to the association;

(b) submit regular reports to the board regarding the operation of the association. The frequency,

content, and form of the reports must be set forth in the plan of operation.

(c) pay reinsurance claims as provided for in the plan of operation.

Section 8. Association member assessments. (1) (a) (i) For 2020 and each year thereafter, the

commissioner shall assess each member insurer 1.2% of its total premium volume covering Montana residents,

from the prior calendar year, regardless of type of license.

(ii) For purposes of subsection (1)(a)(i), total premium volume may not include premiums that member

insurers collect on any coverage issued for excepted benefits as defined in 33-22-140.

(b) The board shall determine the timing of the assessment.

(c) The commissioner shall consider the board's recommendation when determining the assessment


(d) The commissioner shall verify the amount of each insurer's assessment based on annual financial

statements and other reports determined to be necessary.

(2) The association shall determine and report to the commissioner the association's reinsurance

payments and other expenses for the previous calendar year, including administrative expenses and any incurred

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but not reported claims for the previous calendar year.

(a) The report must consider investment income and other appropriate gains.

(b) The report must include an estimate of the assessments needed to cover the expected reinsurance

claims for the following calendar year.

(3) If assessments and other funds collected by the association exceed the actual losses and

administrative expenses of the association, the board shall use the excess funds to offset future claims or to

reduce future assessments.

(4) The commissioner may, after notice and hearing:

(a) suspend or revoke the certificate of authority to transact insurance in this state of any member insurer

that fails to pay an assessment;

(b) impose a penalty on any insurer that fails to pay an assessment when due; or

(c) use any power granted to the commissioner to collect any unpaid assessment.

(5) An eligible health insurer may not submit claims for reinsurance payments unless the insurer has a

medical loss ratio of 80% or greater, as defined in 45 CFR 158.221.

Section 9. Payment parameters. (1) The board shall design and adjust the payment parameters to

ensure that the payment parameters will:

(a) stabilize or reduce premium rates in the individual market;

(b) increase or maintain participation in the individual market;

(c) mitigate the impact high-cost individuals have on premium rates in the individual market;

(d) consider any federal funding available for the plan; and

(e) consider the total amount available to fund the plan.

(2) The attachment point must be set by the board at $40,000 or more, but may not exceed the

reinsurance cap.

(3) The coinsurance rate must be set by the board between 50% and 80%.

(4) The reinsurance cap must be set by the board at $1,000,000 or less.

(5) The board may adjust the payment parameters annually to the extent necessary to secure federal

approval of the state innovation waiver.

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Section 10. Calculation of reinsurance payments. (1) Each reinsurance payment must be calculated

with respect to an eligible health insurer's incurred claims costs for an individual enrollee's covered benefits in

the applicable benefit year. If the claims costs do not exceed the attachment point, the reinsurance payment is

$0. If the claims costs exceed the attachment point, the reinsurance payment must be calculated as the product

of the coinsurance rate and the less of:

(a) the claims costs minus the attachment point; or

(b) the reinsurance cap minus the attachment point.

(2) The board shall ensure that the reinsurance payments made to the eligible health insurer do not

exceed the total amount paid by the eligible health insurer for any eligible claim.

(3) For purposes of this section "total amount paid" means the amount paid by the eligible health insurer

based on the allowed amount less any deductible, coinsurance, or co-payment.

Section 11. Administration of reinsurance payments. (1) Claims that are incurred during a benefit

year and are submitted for reimbursem*nt in the following benefit year by the date established by the board in

the plan of operation will be allocated to the benefit year in which they are incurred. Claims submitted after the

date established by the board following the benefit year in which they were incurred will be allocated to the next

benefit year in accordance with the board's operating rules, policies, and procedures.

(2) If funds accumulated in the reinsurance program account in the state special revenue fund with

respect to a benefit year are expected to be insufficient to pay all program expenses, claims for reimbursem*nt,

and other disbursem*nts allocable to that benefit year, all claims for reimbursem*nt allocable to that benefit year

must be reduced proportionately to the extent necessary to prevent a deficiency in the funds for that benefit

year. Any reduction in claims for reimbursem*nt with respect to a benefit year must apply to all claims that are

allocated to that benefit year without regard to when those claims were submitted for reimbursem*nt, and any

reduction must be applied to each claim in the same proportion.

(3) If funds accumulated in the reinsurance program account in the state special revenue fund exceed

the actual claims for reimbursem*nt and program expenses of the association in a given benefit year, the board

shall use such excess funds to pay reinsurance claims in successive benefit years and may recommend to the

commissioner a reduction in the assessment amount for the following year.

(4) For each applicable benefit year, the board must notify eligible health insurers of reinsurance

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payments to be made for the applicable benefit year by the date established by the board in the plan of operation

in the year following the applicable benefit year.

(5) By August 15 of the year following the applicable benefit year, the board must disburse all applicable

reinsurance payments payable to an eligible health insurer.

Section 12. Eligible health insurer requests for reinsurance payments. (1) An eligible health insurer


(a) make requests for reinsurance payment in accordance with any requirements established by the


(b) provide the association with access to data according to the rules and timeline established by the

board in the plan of operation or by the commissioner in the administrative rules. The data environment utilized

must be compatible with the federal risk adjustment program.

(c) maintain documents and records sufficient to substantiate the requests for reinsurance payments

made pursuant to [sections 1 through 15] for a period of at least 6 years;

(d) apply all managed care, utilization review, case management, preferred provider arrangements,

claims processing, and other methods of operation, as appropriate to each claim without regard to whether such

claim is eligible for or may be paid by reinsurance;

(e) make records available upon request from the commissioner or the board for purposes of verification,

investigation, audit, or other review of reinsurance payment requests; and

(f) repay to the reinsurance program account in the state special revenue fund any reinsurance

overpayments as determined by the commissioner as a result of an investigation, audit or other review.

(2) Data collected from eligible health insurers under this section is confidential and not subject to public


Section 13. Liability of association members. An association member may not be held liable for the

acts or omissions of the association board or the association membership.

Section 14. State and federal special revenue accounts -- reinsurance program. (1) (a) There is

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a reinsurance program account in the state special revenue fund established by 17-2-102. The account must be

administered by the commissioner for the benefit of the program.

(b) There must be deposited in the account:

(i) all assessments collected under [section 8];

(ii) any interest and income earned on the account; and

(iii) any other money from any other source accepted for the benefit of the account.

(c) The account may be used only to provide funding for the administration, operation, and claims

expenses incurred by the program created in [section 2].

(2) There is an account in the federal special revenue fund to the credit of the board and administered

by the commissioner for the benefit of the program. There must be deposited in the account:

(a) federal funding allocated as a result of a section 1332 waiver application;

(b) any federal or grant funding; and

(c) any interest and income earned on the account.

Section 15. State innovation waiver. The commissioner, the governor, and the board shall jointly apply,

no later than July 1, 2019, to the U.S. secretary of health and human services under 42 U.S.C. 18052, for a state

innovation waiver and federal pass-through funding to implement [sections 1 through 15] for benefit years

beginning January 1, 2020, and future years, to maximize federal funding.

Section 16. Transition. Within 1 year after [the effective date of this act], the board of directors may

apply an initial administrative assessment on Montana reinsurance association members. The initial assessment

must be approved by the insurance commissioner. The initial administrative assessment may pay for costs

associated with the submission of the state innovation waiver pursuant to [section 15] and initial costs of the


Section 17. Codification instruction. [Sections 1 through 15] are intended to be codified as an integral

part of Title 33, and the provisions of Title 33 apply to [sections 1 through 15].

Section 18. Contingent voidness. The implementation of [sections 1 through 15] is contingent upon

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the approval of the state innovation waiver under [section 15]. If the state innovation waiver is not approved, [this

act] is void.

Section 19. Effective date. [This act] is effective on passage and approval.

Section 20. Retroactive applicability. [This act] applies retroactively, within the meaning of 1-2-109,

to premiums collected from health insurers on or after January 1, 2019.

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June 2019

Title Montana Reinsurance Waiver Public Hearing and Request for Public Comment

Date 2019/06/17 - 2019/06/17

Time 01:30 PM - 03:00 PM

Location Montana Capital, Helena, MT

Contact name Amber Conger

Contact phone (406) 444-5764

Contact email [emailprotected]

Event type Standard event

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Author Jessica Rhoades

1332 Waiver Application for Public Comment

May 15, 2019

About the waiver

Senate Bill No. 125, establishing a Montana public reinsurance program, was signed into law on April 30, 2019. SB 125 authorizes the governor, the insurance commissioner, and a governing board of the Montana Reinsurance Association created by SB 125 to jointly apply for a State Innovation Waiver from the federal government, and the public is invited to comment on Montana’s application. The waiver, also known as a 1332 waiver, is an opportunity for states to implement innovations that help increase access to quality, affordable health insurance for their residents. Federal savings from these changes can be used to fund innovation at the state level.

Montana intends to use the waiver authority to fund a Montana public reinsurance program. The reinsurance program will reimburse health insurance exchange insurers for certain high-cost claims in the individual health insurance market. The law provides that the reinsurance plan would use a mix of federal and state funds to produce individual health insurance premiums that are lower than they would be without the plan. Under the law, the reinsurance program will reimburse individual health insurers for a proportion (coinsurance amount) of the cost of certain high-cost claimants between a minimum lower bound (attachment point) and a maximum upper bound (cap).Montana also expects this will cultivate greater certainty in the market and facilitate insurance companies’ continued participation throughout the state in the individual market.

How to comment on the application:

Download the waiver application here to review it.

Although you may comment in person or in writing, if you comment in person, you are strongly encouraged to also submit comments in writing. Written comments, whether submitted in addition to or instead of in-person comments, will be accepted through June 17, 2019 at 3:00pm. Submit written comments by email to : [emailprotected]

Additional information can be found at http://reinsurance.mt.gov/. The draft document will be updated as additional actuarial data becomes available.

The Montana Department of Administration will conduct two (2) public hearings regarding the Montana Reinsurance Waiver application. The meetings

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will consist of a presentation about the waiver, followed by time for questions and comments from the public. The meeting dates, times, and locations are:

Tuesday, June 4, 201911:00a-12:00p

Room 103,155 W Granite Street, Butte MT 59701

Monday, June 17, 20191:30p-3:00pMontana State Capitol BuildingRoom 152, 1301 E 6th Ave, Helena, MT 59601

Accessibility information:

Montana is committed to accommodating people with disabilities. will make reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities who need an alternative accessible format of rule notices or provide reasonable accommodations at the public rule hearing site. If you need to request an accommodation, contact the department to advise us of the nature of the accommodation that you need at 406-444-5764 or via email at [emailprotected].




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500 S. Higgins Ave. Missoula, MT 5980 I

Phone: (406) 523-5236 Fax: (406) 523-5221

Chris Arvis~ ' being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is a Classified Advertising Representative of The Missoulian, a newspaper of general circulation published daily in the City of Missoula, in the County of Missoula, State o f Montana, and has charge of the Advertisem*nts thereof.

That the legal regarding:

Making all ( publication(s) ---

Signed: &M'=6: Chris Arvish

State of Montana County of Missoula p Subscribed & sworn before me this ~ day of

~ - 2019 by Chris Arvish.

~~ Notary Public for the State of Montana


State of Montana Residing at Missoula,_ MT My Commission Expires

November 02, 2020.



1332 Waiver Application - Montanareinsurance.mt.gov/Portals/212/MT 1332 Waiver Application_FINAL2.pdfMontana seeks a Waiver of Section 1312(c)(1) under Section 1332 of the ACA for - [PDF Document] (81)

<! Page 1 of2 05/20/2019 13:59:03 Ad Number

Ad Key Order Number 20570708 Salesperson PO Number Publication Customer 60006017 DEPT OF ADMINISTRATION Section Contact Sub Section Address1 PO BOX 200132 Category Address2 Dates Run City St Zip HELENA MT 596200132 Days Phone (406) 444-3053 Size Fax Words

Ad Rate Printed By misarvic Ad Price Entered By misarvic Amount Paid

Amount Due Keywords 1332 Waiver Application for Public Comment About t Notes Zones

1332 Waiver Appllcatlon for Public Comment About the waiver Senate Bill No. 125, establishing a Montana public reinsurance program, was signed Into law on April 30, 2019. SB 125 authorizes the governor, the Insurance commissioner, and a governing board of the Montana Re­Insurance Association created by SB 125 to Jointly apply for a State Inno­vation Waiver from the federal government, and the public is invited to comment on Montana's application. The waiver, also known as a 1332 waiver, is an opportunity for states to Implement Innovations that help In­crease access to quality, affordable health insurance for their residents. Federal savings from these changes can be used to fund Innovation at the state level. Montana Intends to use the waiver authority to fund a Montana public re­Insurance program. The reinsurance program will reimburse health Insur­ance exchange Insurers for certain high-cost claims in the Individual health insurance market. The law provides that the reinsurance plan would use a mix of federal and state funds to produce individual health Insurance premiums that are lower than they would be without the plan. Under the law, the reinsurance program will reimburse Individual health insurers for a proportion (coinsurance amount) of the cost of certain high-cost claimants between a minimum lower bound (attachment point) and a maximum upper bound (cap). Montana also expects this will culti­vate greater certainty in the market and facilitate insurance companies' continued participation throughout the state in the individual market.

How to comment on the application:

Download the waiver application here to review It.

Although you may comment in person or In writing, if you comment in person, you are strongly encouraged to also submit comments in writing. Written comments, whether submitted In addition to or instead of In-person comments, will be accepted through June 17, 2019 at 3:00pm. Submit written comments by email to : Reinsurance@mt gay

Additional lnfonnatlon can be found at http•/frelosurance mt gay/. The draft document will be updated as additional actuarial data becomes available. The Montana Department of Administration will conduct two (2) public hearings regarding the Montana Reinsurance Waiver application. The meetings will consist of a presentation about the waiver, followed by time for questions and comments from the pub6c. The meeting dates, times, and locations are:

Tuesday, June 4, 2019 11 :00a-12:00p Butte-Silver Bow County Building Room 103 155 W Granite Street Butte, MT 59701

Accessibility lnfonnation:

Monday.June 17, 2019 1 :30p-3:00p Montana State capitol Building Room 152 1301 E 6th Ave Helena, MT 59601

Montana Is committed to accommodating people with disabilities. will make reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities who need an alternative accessible format of rule notices or provide reasonable ac­commodations at the public rule hearing site. If you need to request an


CA2 - CHRIS ARVISH CA2 Online Liners Classified Legals 399 Legals 05/19/2019-05/19/2019 1 2 x 5.67, 61 lines 474 Legal Govt 70.00 70.00 0.00


1332 Waiver Application - Montanareinsurance.mt.gov/Portals/212/MT 1332 Waiver Application_FINAL2.pdfMontana seeks a Waiver of Section 1312(c)(1) under Section 1332 of the ACA for - [PDF Document] (82)

~-: Page : 2of2 05/20/2019 13:59:03

Ad Number Ad Key

Order Number 20570708 Salesperson PO Number Publication Customer 60006017 DEPT OF ADMINISTRATION Section Contact Sub Section Address1 PO BOX 200132 Category Address2 Dates Run City St Zip HELENA MT 596200132 Days Phone {406) 444-3053 Size Fax Words

Ad Rate Printed By misarvic Ad Price Entered By misarvic Amount Paid

Amount Due Keywords 1332 Waiver Application for Public Comment About t Notes Zones

accommodation, contact the department to advise us of the nature of the accommodation that you need at 406-444-5764 or via emall at aconger@mt gov. #20570708 May 19, 2019


CA2 - CHRIS ARVISH CA2 Online Liners Classified Legals 399 Legals 05/19/2019-05/19/2019 1 2 x 5.67, 61 lines 474 Legal Govt 70.00 70.00 0.00


1332 Waiver Application - Montanareinsurance.mt.gov/Portals/212/MT 1332 Waiver Application_FINAL2.pdfMontana seeks a Waiver of Section 1312(c)(1) under Section 1332 of the ACA for - [PDF Document] (83)


401 N 28th St Billings, MT 59101

Phone: (406) 657-1212 Fax: (406) 657-1345

Ad Number: ~ 0 ~ ~ 9 s~ G, Jessica Bledsoe , being first duly sworn, deposes and

says. That she is the principal clerk of The Billings Gazette, a newspaper of general circulation published daily in the City of Billings, in the County of Yellowstone, State of Montana, and has charge of the Advertisem*nts thereof.

1332 Waiver Application for Public Comment

About the waiver

Senate Bill No. 125, establishing a Montana public reinsurance program, was signed into law on April 30, 2019. SB 125 authorizes the governor, the insurance commissioner, and a gov­erning board of the Montana Reinsur­ance Association created by..SB 125 to jointly apply for a State Innovation Waiver from the federal government, and the r,ubllc Is invited to comment on Montana s application. The waiver, also known as a 1332 waiver, Is an op· portunity for states to Implement Inno­vations that help increase access to quality, affordable health insurance for their residents. Federal savings from these changes can be used to fund In­novation at the state level. Montana Intends to use the waiver au­thority to fund a Montana public rein­surance program. The reinsurance program will reimburse health insur­ance exchange Insurers for certain high-cost claims in , the individual health Insurance market. The law pro­vides that the reinsurance plan would use a mix of federal and state funds to produce individual health insurance premiums that are lower than they would be without the plan. Under the law, the reinsurance program will reim­burse Individual health 1nsurers for a proportion (coinsurance amount) of the cost of certain high-cost claimants be· tween a minimum lower bound (attachment point) and a maximum up­per bound (cap). Montana also ex­pects this will cultivate greater cer­tainty In the market and facilitate Insur­ance companies' continued participa­tion throughout the state in the lndivld· ual market.

How to .comment on the application:

Download the waiver application here to review it.

Although you may comment in person or In writing, n you-comment In person, you are strongly encouraged to also submit comments in writing. Written comments, whether submitted In addi­tion to or instead of in-person com­ments, will be accepted through June 17, 2019 at 3:00pm. Submit written comments by email to : [emailprotected]

Additional Information can be found at http://reinsurance.mt.gov/. The draft document will be updated as additional actuarial data becomes available. The Montana Department of Adminis­tration will conduct two (2) public hear­ings regarding the Montana Reinsur­ance Waiver application. The meetings will consist of a presentation about the waiver, followed by time for questions and comments from the public. The meeting dates, times, and locations are:

Tuesday, June 4, 2019 11:00a-12:00p Butte-Silver Bow County Building Room 103 155 W Granite Street Butte, MT 59701

Monday, June 17, 2019 1 :30p-3:00p Montana State Capttol Building Room 152 1301 E 6th Ave Helena, MT 59601

Accesslblllty Information:

Montana Is committed to accommodat• ing peop!e with dlsab\ltti!!S. W!II make

That theS f ('.:)\ \ 0 legal regarding: a true copy of which is hereto annexed, was published in said newspaper on the following dates: via:

'S) \ s \ \.7

Making all ___ publication(s)

~ k below if certification for the State of Montana ~ I hereby certify that I have read sec. 18-7-204 and 18-7-205, MCA, and subsequent revisions, and declare that the price or rate charged the State of Montana for the publication for which 91~ is made in the attached papers in the amount of $ Co S. is not in excess of the minimum rate charged any other ad~-er for publication of advertisem*nt, set in the same size JYfe published for the same number of insertions, fuf!her ce ify that this claim is correct and just in all respects,

d tha ayment or cred· as n e rece· d

On this day of N °' ' 1,P> 20-B before me, the undersigned, a Notary Pu lie for the State of Montana, personally appeared ~essica Bledsoe_ known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she executed same. 1N WITNESS WHERFOF, I have hereunto set my hand and a ed my notarial seal the day an year first above written.

My commission expires: __ J_u_n_e_2_5_, _2_0_1_9 ____ _



1332 Waiver Application - Montanareinsurance.mt.gov/Portals/212/MT 1332 Waiver Application_FINAL2.pdfMontana seeks a Waiver of Section 1312(c)(1) under Section 1332 of the ACA for - [PDF Document] (84)

• .,._ .,_ ......... '.J • .,,, --



1520 E 6TH AVE RM 33 HELENA, MT 59601


FAL-6COL Legal

REFERENCE: FAL-014301 0003566072 32 Waiver App for Public Comme

I, being first duly sworn deposes and says tlrnt GREAT FALLS TRIBUNE COMPANY is a corporation du ly incorporated under the laws of the State of Delaware, that the said GREAT FALLS TRIBUNE COM PANY is the printer and publisher of the GREAT FALLS TRJBUNE, a daily newspaper of general circulation of the County of Cascade, State of Montana, and that the deponent is tbe principal clerk of said GREAT FALLS TRJBUNE COMPANY, printer of the GREAT FALLS TRJBUNE, and that the advertisem*nt here to annexed .. .

1332 Waiver Appl ication fo r Public Com ment About the waiver Senate Bill No. 125, establishing a Montana public reinsura

Has been correctly published I times in the regular and entire issue of said paper on the fo llowing dates:

05/1 9/ 19

5-19---/ c, DATE

known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she executed the same.

In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Notarial Seal of the day and year first above written.

State of otary Public

Notary Expires

, Fl.I EnQ, ON: 05119/r-J0 19 ;... o A 1uav1ts:




GREAT FALLS, MT 59405 Phone: (406) 791-1444

Toll Free (800) 438-6600


1332 Waiver Application - Montanareinsurance.mt.gov/Portals/212/MT 1332 Waiver Application_FINAL2.pdfMontana seeks a Waiver of Section 1312(c)(1) under Section 1332 of the ACA for - [PDF Document] (85)

1332 Waiver Application for Public Comment

About the waiver

Senate Bill No. 125, establishing a Montana pub1ic reinsurance program, was sigried into law on AP.ril 30, 2019. SB 125 author­izes the governor, the insurance commissioner, and a gQverning board of the Montana Reinsur­ance Association created ht SB 125 to jointly aeply for a State Innovation Waiver from the federal government, and the p~blic is invited to comment on Montana's application. The waiver, also known as a 1332 waiver, is an opportunity for states to implement innovations that help increase access to quality, affordable health insur• ance for their residents. Federal savings from these changes can be used to fund innovation at the state level.

Montana intends to use the waiver authority to fund a Montana _llublic reinsurance program. The reinsurance pro­gram will reimburse health in­surance exchange insurers for certain high-cost claims in the indhidual health insurance market. The law provides that the reinsurance plan would use a mix of f edera) and state funds to produce individual health in­surance premiums that are lower than th_ey wou1d be with­out the p)an. Under the law, the reinsurance progi:am will reim­burse indi\'idual health insurers for a proportion (coinsurance amount) of the cost of certain hiJh-cost claimants between a mmimum lower bound (attach­ment point) and a maximum upper bound (cap). Montana a]. so expects this will cultivate greater certainty in the market and facilitate insurance com pa• nies' continued participation throuf hout the state in tne indi­vidua market.

How to comment en the applica­tion:

Download the waiver applica­tion here to review iL

Although you may comment in person or m writing, if you com­ment in person, you are stroni• ly encouraged to also submit comments in writing. Written comments, whether submitted in addition to or instead of in•• person comments, will be ac­cepted through . June 17, 2019at 3:00pm. Su!Jmit written com­ments by email to : Reinsuranc [emailprotected]

Additional information can be found at http://reinsurance.mt.g ov/. The draft document will be updated as additional actuarial data becomes available.

The Montana Department of Ad­ministration will conduct two (2) public hearings regarding the Montana Reinsurance Waiv­er application. The meetings will consist of a !)resentat.ion about the waiver. followed by time for questions and com­ments from the public. The meeting dates, times, and loca­tions are:



1332 Waiver Application - Montanareinsurance.mt.gov/Portals/212/MT 1332 Waiver Application_FINAL2.pdfMontana seeks a Waiver of Section 1312(c)(1) under Section 1332 of the ACA for - [PDF Document] (86)

Tuesday, June 4, ~mHJ


Butte-Silver Bow County Build­ing

Room 103

155 W Granite Street

Butte, J.\iIT 59701

Monday,June 17, 2019


Montana State Capitol Building

Room 152

1301 E 6th Ave

Helena, MT 59601

Accessibility information: Montana is committed to ac­commodating people with disa­bilities. will maKe reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities who need an al­ternative accessible format of rule notices or provide reasona­ble accommodations at the pub­lic rule hearing site. If you need to request an accommodation, cont.act the department to ad­vise us of the nature of the ac­commodation that you need at 406-444-5764or via email at aeon [emailprotected].

(3566072) 5/19/19 MNAXLP


1332 Waiver Application - Montanareinsurance.mt.gov/Portals/212/MT 1332 Waiver Application_FINAL2.pdfMontana seeks a Waiver of Section 1312(c)(1) under Section 1332 of the ACA for - [PDF Document] (87)

Your Source

Public Notices for the latest...


1332 Waiver Application for Public Comment

About t he waiver

Senate Bill No. 12S, establishing a Montana public reinsurance program, was signed i nto low on Aor i l 30, 2019. SB 12S author­izes the gover nor, the insurance commissioner, and a governing board of the Montono Reinsur­ance Association created by SB 12S l o jointly apply lor o Stole Innovation Waiver from the federal government, and the public is invited to commenl on M ontana's OPPlicotion. The waiver , also known as o 1332 waiver, is on 0PP0rtunity for states to implement innovations that help increase access to quali ty, offordoble hea lth insur­ance for their residents. Federal savings from these changes con be used to fund innovation at the stole level.

Montana intends to use the waiver authority to fund a Montono public reinsuronce progrom . The reinsurance pro­gram will reimburse heollh In­surance exchange insur ers for certain high.cost claims in the individual heolth insurance market. The low provides that the reinsurance pion would use o mix of federal and stole funds to produce individual health in­surance premiums lhot ore lower than they would be w ith• out the pion. Under the low, the reinsurance program will re im• burse individual health insurers for o proportion (coinsur ance amount) of the cost of certain high.cost claimants between a minimum lower bound {attach• ment paint) and a maximum upper bound (COP ). Montono al­so expects this will cullivote greater certainty in the market and facil itate insurance compa­nies' continued par ticipation thr oughout the state in the indi­v idual market.

How lo comment on the applica• tion:

Download lhe waiver applica­tion here ta review it.

Although you may comment in person or in wri t ing, i f you com­menl in person, you ore strong­ly encouraged to also submit comments in w r iting. Written comments, whether submitted in addition 10 or instead of in-­per son comments, will be ac­cepted lhrough June 17, 2019 at 3:00pm. Submit written com­ments by email to : Reinsuranc [emailprotected]

Addl lionol information con be found al http://reinsurance.mt.g ov/. The draft document will be updated as additional actuarial data becomes available.

The Mont ono Department of Ad· ministration will conducl two (2) public hearings regarding the Montono Reinsurance Woiv• er application. The meetings will consist of o presenlal ion about the waiver, followed by l ime for questions ond com• menls from the public. The meeling dotes, times, and loco• lions ore:

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

ll :OOo-11:00p

Butte•Silver Bow County Build• ing

Room 103

155 w Granite Streel

Bulle, MT S9701

Monday, June 17, 2019

Q legals


M ontono State Capitol Building

Room 152

1301 E 6th Ave

Helena, M T S9601

Accessibi l ity information :

Montono is committed to ac­comm odating People wi th diso• bilities. will make r easonable accommodations for persons wi th disabilities who need on al­ternative accessible format of r ule notices or provide reasona­ble accommodations a t lhe pub­lic rule hear ing site. If you need to request on accommodotion, contact the department to ad• vise us of the nature of the ac­commodation fhat you need at l06•444-5764 or via email at aeon ger@mt .gov.

(3566072) S/19/19




NOTICE IS GIVEN lllot sealed bids will be received bv the Cilv of Great Falls ol the Office of the City Clerk, Civic Center , #2 Pork Or ivc South, Room 204, Great Falls, MT 59401, or P.O. Box 5021, Greal Fa lls, MT S9403, unti l 3:00 p.m., Wednesday, JUNE 5, 2019.

Specifications ore ovoiloble free al charge ot the City of Great Falls, Office of the City Clerk, Civic Center, #2 Pork Drive South, Room 704, Great Foils, MT 59401, or on the City of Great Falls' website ol ht!P://w Vl\v.oreatfollsml.net under "Bu­siness or Resource Center -Bids ond RFPs". Bids will be opened in the Rainbow Room, localed in the Civic Center on Wednesday, JUNE 5, 2019 01 3:00 o.m.

The City of Greol Falls is on Equal Qpportunity Employer .

(3S671 77) 5/19, 5/26. MNAXLP



NOTICE IS GIVEN lhol sealed bids will be received by the City of Great Falls ot the Office of the Ci ty Clerk, Civic Center, Room 204, P.O. Box 5071, Greo1 Falls, Montano 59403, until 3:00 p.m., Wednesday, June 5, 7019.

Speci f ications ore available free of charge in the Public Works Operations Office or on the Citv of Greol Falls web site al http:// www.greotfollsmt.net under "Business & Development -Bids and RFPs". Bids will be opened in the Rainbow Room, locoted in the Civic Center on Wednesday, June 5, 2019 0 3:00 p.m.

The City of Great Falls is on Equal Opportunity Employer.

(J.:6S'19J J S/19, Yib/7019



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, thol the Whcc1tlond County Boord of Commissioners will r e• ceive sealed bids for the pvr· chose over rime of one ( 1) new 2019, or neVJcr, diesel powered. or t iculoted frame motor grader. Con1act 1he Clerk & Recordcrs Office 0 1 the Wheatland CoulllY Courrhouse for a detailed list ol

legals specificolions.Phone 406.632.4891

Bids will be opened on 1he 5th day of June, 2019, ot the lime of 11 :00 o'clock o.m. in the office of the Boord of Commissioners, in the Wheatland County Court­house, Harlowton, MT.

Each bid must be occompanicd by o Ccrlificd Check, Cashier's Check, or Bid bond payable lo Whcollond County in the amounr of ten percent (10%) of the tolol amounl of the bid for the motor grader without deduc­tion for the value of the pessible trade in equipment. The suc­cessful bidder shall forfeil lo Wheatland County their bid se­cur i ty if lhcy fail or refuse lo enler into a contract within the time specified. Bid security of unsucccssful bidders shall be r e-­turned uPOn acceptance of the successful bid.

A ll bids shall remain effective for o period of thirty (JO) days from the dole of opening. Wheotlond County reserves the right to consider or reiect onv and all bids, and further lo waive any defects or irregulari­ties. All bidders must use the bid form SUPPiied with the SPCC· i f ications. A conlroct will be awarded to the most responsible bidder.

All bidders ore expected to be aware of and to abide by all stole and federal statues, rules, and regulations governing the sol icitation and occeptonce of public controcts, inc luding any such stature, r ule or regulotion reloling 10 non-d iscrimination.

The Boord of Com missioner s re­serves lhe righl to reiect any or all bids, to waive irregularit ies, or to accept any bid they deem to be in !he besl interest of Wheatland County.

DATED this 8th day of Moy, 2019.

Richard Moc • Chairmen

Wheatland County Boord of Commissioncrs

(3563JS5) 5119, 5121/19



Seporote seoled oic1s fOf' construction of Grear Falls Public Schools - CMR 51ruclurol UP9rodt'S end elcvalor mod· c rnital ion witl be received by !he El'I• ecut.ve Director of Business ond Oper· 011on1-, Br ,on Polrick, 01 the office of C r~c•I Folh Public S<hoob , 1100 .tlh Slrttl Soulh, Grwl Foils, Montono $9J05. un!II 4:30 p, m . locol time on June! 3. 1019.

There h a mondotory pre•bid wolklhrough on '.l>ile Wednesday, Moy n. 201 9 al J:JO Pm. Mct l c t lhe main office Inside lhe Wrst rntronct CMR loca ted ol 111 17th Avt NW, Grtol Falls, MT.

fh1~ ur01cc1 cons,slllo ol various s lruc• lure:! upgrodcs cmd c:n dcvulor mod• crm10110n

Con\lfUC!ton l '.lo on l1C1POled 10 Siert June IO. 7'019 ond !tn1sh l>v AuguSI JS, 1019 w dh ell :.iruclurol work. Eleva tor moderm1011on w,11 f! )I, l<md b<>vond s lort Of SCMOI.

The controct documcnrs consisl1rl9 of Oro,v.ngs ond oro1cc. I Munuol mov be VIC.'IC/J ond oblomed DI Ult' Greot Fons Uu,l(,!CfS l:::jjChungc IUCUICd ol 315 1nd Sir('(!! Sou1h

CONTRACTOR ond Ol'IV of the CON· TRACTOR·S wb<:onlroctors dom<,1 ,•,or).. on 11,b Proicc r will be re1.1uircd to Obloin tf•9,s1,01,on with tn~ Monlona De,mr lme111 ot Lut>or a nd lf'ldustry I OU) Forms tor rev,strolion or e ovn,tonlc trom Tiu.• Occ;;ortmcn1 of Lo• bOr 011ll lmh,slrv . PO Ool'I 8011 , 18-0S ProsPC<I. Hclcno. Mon luna 5960-S•IOII lnlormu1oon on r c9i~1,011011 cCln be ob-1c,1ncd bv cullinu 1 . .:Q6 • .i,1J.1JJ..1 CON• lRAC TOR 1\ 001 rcomrcd 10 hove reg• ,:.1crcd wllh lhc DLI nrior lo blddinv on 1/\1\ oro,c-c1. cul mu:.I hovt' re gillolt-red 1u1or lo e , ecu11on ot !he Con~lruc.t ion Ai,rccn\enl All laborers and mechon• 1cs cnmloycd by lhc CONTRACTOR er lloubc0111toc.1ors .,, per formance ol lhc cons trucr1011 ,·,or k sholl be ooid wog:cs ol role:. OS requ,rc-<J bY the lows Ol the S101c ot Mon1ono Prc-vo11in9 Wages -Bu1khrU1 ROfC$ lhC CONTRACTOR mus• en, ..,,.~ 1h01 cm0tovees ond 01mli• con ls tor emoloyment ere not discrtm1• noted o~o,n)T be<.ous-e at their roce,



legals color, r ell9ion, SCJII or nollonol origin.

Eoch bid or proP<>s.ol mus1 b4!' occom­oonied by o Cert if ied Check, Cashier 's Check, or Bid Bond poyoble to Great Foils SchOol District, in on omounl no1 less lhon ten i:>ercenl (10%) cl the 10101 amount ot lhe bid. Succrsstul BID­DERS Sholl furnish on approve d Per­formance Bond and Lobar and Moleri­ols Payment Bond, tech in the amount of one hundred PCrcenl ( 100% ) of lhe conlrocl amount. Insurance. as r~ quired, Sholl be provided by the suc• ccuful DIDDER(s) ond o cerllficole(s) of that lnsurcmce shell be provided. ConrracTor end all subcon-1roc1ors m ust ht" licc-nsed to perform work In lhc City of Greol Falls prior to conlrocl aword.

No bld may ~ withdrawn olttr !he schc-duled time for i:,vbllc oPenlng of bids.

Tht' right is reserved 10 rciiccl o,w or oll oropasols received, to waive infor­mali lil!!, lo POSIPOne the award of !he controct for o s>criod 1101 to CltCCcd she• ty (60) days. end to oc.ccpt the lowt'St rcsPOnslvc and r esPOnsible bid which Is in the bes t interest of lhe OWNER.

The Gre at Folls School Dis trict is on Equol Opparlunily EmPloyer.

(0003570319) 5117, 51"19, 5116



P ub . Dov/ Deadline Mon.. .. . ..... T ues. 5 :00pm Tues .............. Wed. 5:00pm Wt'd ........... . Thurs. 5:00Ptn Thurs ..... ... Fri. 5:00pm Fri. . . .... ,,Aon. 5:00pm Sot ............... Tues. 5:00pm Sun .............. Tues. 5:00pm

E-mail lcool ad submissions for publicat ion lo:


Legal Fox Line: 877-943-0443


NOTICE IS HE REBY given tho! The Coscode County Planning Boord will hold o public hearing In Room 105 of the Courlhouse Annclt, J25 1nd Avenue Norlh, Greot Foils on Tuesday, June,, 1019 ot 9:00 o.m. to consider Mountoln View Estoles North Moler Subdivision Prellminory Pio! OPPlicotlon. The pro­oosed subdivision Is locoted In the Sub­urban Resldenflol 2 ond Rural Rrslden• liol S 10nln9 dlslrlct ond will creole sevenly•sb 176) 00rcels proPOSt'd 1or rtsidenllol use end lwo (1) parcels pro• POStd OS parkland dedlcollon. The POr• ctb ore locott'd North of Airoort Bench Rood Rd. The parce l numbers ore 0002435900 a nd 00073.38395 and Geo­codcs: 01-lOIS-18·H)l•01·0000 ond 01· 1014-IJ..4-0l·Ol•OOOO. The eltis ting por• eels ore localed in Sec lion 18 Township 20 N Range 3 E, ond Section 13 Township 20 N Range 2 E. P .M .M., Cascade Counly, MT.

The opplicollon and supnlemenlory materials ore on Ille in The Planning Division' s otfice. end ony Interested person moy appear ond soco*k lor or ogoins l lhis propasol 0 1 the pybllc htorln9 or submit In writing ony com• men1s to rhe Coscode County Planning office, 121 Jlh St N. Sulle 2 H/1 , Greet Falls, MT 59401.


SondOr Hor,k ins, Planner

(3571863) Moy 19, 26, 2019



NOT ICE IS HEREBY given lhol lht CD'icodc County Plonnino Boord will hold o public heorinv in Room lOS ot the Courlhousc Anne)(, 325 2nd Avenue Norlh, Grcol Foils on Tuesday, June ..i, 1019 ul 9:00 o.rn. to conside r River Bend Eslo tc:s. Phase ? M{Jior Subdivi­sion Prnl iminory Pio ! 01H>licolion . The proposed subdi vision is locolcd in lht' Suburban Rcsidenli ol 1 romnv dislricl and Will crro1c IWt'lve (11) oorccls pro­ooscd for rcsidcnliol use, one (I) POI'• CCI PfOt>Osc-d OS O parkland dedication, one (I) parcel in the Socci,1t Flood Hozord Arco 10 be rctoncd 10 the Open Si,occ Distr ict pursuant to St-ction 10-14 or lhe Cascade Coun1y Subdivision Reg. ulolions, end one (I) remaining lrocl o t lond. The parcel is locottd East of Flood Rood. The POrCt'I number Is 0001019130 and Gt"OCOde: 01·J015•l.1.J..Ol• 01·0000 in SPcllon 34 Township 70 N Range 3 E, P .M M., Coscode Ccunly, MT

The o oplicolion and :s,upplcmen lory mo1criols ore of\ Irle in the Plann ing Division'!> office, ond onv infcr esled Person moy opJ>COr ond SPco*k for or noninst ltli:. nroPO!ool 01 the public hearing or :.ubnut in •.wiling ony com• m cnts lo The Cascade Cov111y Plonn1119 orllcc, 121 J lh SI N, SuilC 7 HJI . GrCDI Falls, Ml 59.:01



Sandor Hopkins , P lanner

{JS'1841l Moy 19. 26, 1019



Notice is hereby given that Res­olution No. 10292 titled "A reso­lution by the City Commission of the City of Greol Falls, Montono, establishing the rotes, fees ond penalties associated with TIiie 10 or the Official Code of the City of Great Falls (OCCGF) pertaining to the Cit­y's parking system" will be brought before the Great Falls Ci ly Commission for public hearing in the Commission Chambers Room 206, Civic Center Building, 2 Pork Drive Sourh, Great Folls, Montano, on Tuesday, Moy 71, 2019, ot 7:00 o'clock p.m. Any interested person may appear end speak for or against said Resolution 10292 or submit in wri ting onv comments to the City Cler k prior to or during the Commis­sion Meeting. /s/ Lisa Kunz City Clerk

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1332 Waiver Application - Montanareinsurance.mt.gov/Portals/212/MT 1332 Waiver Application_FINAL2.pdfMontana seeks a Waiver of Section 1312(c)(1) under Section 1332 of the ACA for - [PDF Document] (88)

Page : 1 of 2 05/14/2019 14:45:11

Order Number : 20889536PO Number :Customer : 60016898 MT DEPT OF ADMINISTRATIONContact :Address1 : P O BOX 200101Address2 :City St Zip : HELENA MT 596200101Phone : (406) 444-5764Fax :


Ad Number : 12298938Ad Key :Salesperson : C99 - Transient Default C99Publication : Billings GazetteSection : Class LinerSub Section : Class LinerCategory : 2250 LEGAL NOTICESDates Run : 05/19/2019-05/19/2019Days : 1Size : 1 x 9.63, 106 linesWords : 474Ad Rate : FolioAd Price : 65.00Amount Paid : 0.00Amount Due : 65.00

Printed By : Tammy WardEntered By : Tammy Ward

Keywords : 1332 Waiver Application for Public Comment For RelNotes :Zones :

1332 Waiver Application for Public


About the waiver

Senate Bill No. 125, establishing a

Montana public reinsurance program,

was signed into law on April 30, 2019.

SB 125 authorizes the governor, the

insurance commissioner, and a gov-

erning board of the Montana Reinsur-

ance Association created by SB 125 to

jointly apply for a State Innovation

Waiver from the federal government,

and the public is invited to comment on

Montana's application. The waiver,

also known as a 1332 waiver, is an op-

portunity for states to implement inno-

vations that help increase access to

quality, affordable health insurance for

their residents. Federal savings from

these changes can be used to fund in-

novation at the state level.

Montana intends to use the waiver au-

thority to fund a Montana public rein-

surance program. The reinsurance

program will reimburse health insur-

ance exchange insurers for certain

high-cost claims in the individual

health insurance market. The law pro-

vides that the reinsurance plan would

use a mix of federal and state funds to

produce individual health insurance

premiums that are lower than they

would be without the plan. Under the

law, the reinsurance program will reim-

burse individual health insurers for a

proportion (coinsurance amount) of the

cost of certain high-cost claimants be-

tween a minimum lower bound

(attachment point) and a maximum up-

per bound (cap). Montana also ex-

pects this will cultivate greater cer-

tainty in the market and facilitate insur-

ance companies' continued participa-

tion throughout the state in the individ-

ual market.

How to comment on the application:

Download the waiver application here

to review it.

Although you may comment in person

or in writing, if you comment in person,

you are strongly encouraged to also

submit comments in writing. Written

comments, whether submitted in addi-

tion to or instead of in-person com-


1332 Waiver Application - Montanareinsurance.mt.gov/Portals/212/MT 1332 Waiver Application_FINAL2.pdfMontana seeks a Waiver of Section 1312(c)(1) under Section 1332 of the ACA for - [PDF Document] (89)

Page : 2 of 2 05/14/2019 14:45:11

Order Number : 20889536PO Number :Customer : 60016898 MT DEPT OF ADMINISTRATIONContact :Address1 : P O BOX 200101Address2 :City St Zip : HELENA MT 596200101Phone : (406) 444-5764Fax :


Ad Number : 12298938Ad Key :Salesperson : C99 - Transient Default C99Publication : Billings GazetteSection : Class LinerSub Section : Class LinerCategory : 2250 LEGAL NOTICESDates Run : 05/19/2019-05/19/2019Days : 1Size : 1 x 9.63, 106 linesWords : 474Ad Rate : FolioAd Price : 65.00Amount Paid : 0.00Amount Due : 65.00

Printed By : Tammy WardEntered By : Tammy Ward

Keywords : 1332 Waiver Application for Public Comment For RelNotes :Zones :

ments, will be accepted through June

17, 2019 at 3:00pm. Submit written

comments by email to :


Additional information can be found at

http://reinsurance.mt.gov/. The draft

document will be updated as additional

actuarial data becomes available.

The Montana Department of Adminis-

tration will conduct two (2) public hear-

ings regarding the Montana Reinsur-

ance Waiver application. The meetings

will consist of a presentation about the

waiver, followed by time for questions

and comments from the public. The

meeting dates, times, and locations


Tuesday, June 4, 2019


Butte-Silver Bow County Building

Room 103

155 W Granite Street

Butte, MT 59701

Monday, June 17, 2019


Montana State Capitol Building

Room 152

1301 E 6th Ave

Helena, MT 59601

Accessibility information:

Montana is committed to accommodat-

ing people with disabilities. will make

reasonable accommodations for per-

sons with disabilities who need an al-

ternative accessible format of rule no-

tices or provide reasonable accommo-

dations at the public rule hearing site.

If you need to request an accommoda-

tion, contact the department to advise

us of the nature of the accommodation

that you need at 406-444-5764 or via

email at [emailprotected].

Published May 19, 2019


1332 Waiver Application - Montanareinsurance.mt.gov/Portals/212/MT 1332 Waiver Application_FINAL2.pdfMontana seeks a Waiver of Section 1312(c)(1) under Section 1332 of the ACA for - [PDF Document] (90)

Order Confirmation for Ad #: 0003566072



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Ordered By:




Amber Conger

1520 E 6TH AVE RM 33



OrderStart Date: 05/19/2019

Special PricingTear Sheets Affidavits

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Payment Method Payment Amount Amount Due

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Order End Date: 05/19/2019


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Sales Rep: sbeaton Order Taker: sbeaton 05/14/2019Order Created

Ad Order Notes:

End DateStart Date# InsProduct

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05/19/2019 05/19/2019 1FAL-GreatFallsTribune





1332 Waiver Application - Montanareinsurance.mt.gov/Portals/212/MT 1332 Waiver Application_FINAL2.pdfMontana seeks a Waiver of Section 1312(c)(1) under Section 1332 of the ACA for - [PDF Document] (91)

Text of Ad: 05/14/2019

1332 Waiver Application for Public Comment

About the waiver

Senate Bill No. 125, establishing a Montana public reinsurance program, was signed into law on April 30, 2019. SB 125 author­izes the governor, the insurance commissioner, and a governing board of the Montana Reinsur­ance Association created by SB 125 to jointly apply for a State Innovation Waiver from the federal government, and the public is invited to comment on Montana's application. The waiver, also known as a 1332 waiver, is an opportunity for states to implement innovations that help increase access to quality, affordable health insur­ance for their residents. Federal savings from these changes can be used to fund innovation at the state level.

Montana intends to use the waiver authority to fund a Montana public reinsurance program. The reinsurance pro­gram will reimburse health in­surance exchange insurers for certain high-cost claims in the individual health insurance market. The law provides that the reinsurance plan would use a mix of federal and state funds to produce individual health in­surance premiums that are lower than they would be with­out the plan. Under the law, the reinsurance program will reim­burse individual health insurers for a proportion (coinsurance amount) of the cost of certain high-cost claimants between a minimum lower bound (attach­ment point) and a maximum upper bound (cap). Montana al­so expects this will cultivate greater certainty in the market and facilitate insurance compa­nies' continued participation throughout the state in the indi­vidual market.

How to comment on the applica­tion:

Download the waiver applica­tion here to review it.

Although you may comment in person or in writing, if you com­ment in person, you are strong­ly encouraged to also submit comments in writing. Written comments, whether submitted in addition to or instead of in-­person comments, will be ac­cepted through June 17, 2019 at 3:00pm, Submit written com­ments by email to : Reinsuranc [emailprotected]

Additional information can be found at http: //reinsurance.mt.g ov/. The draft document will be updated as additional actuarial data becomes available.

The Montana Department of Ad­ministration will conduct two (2) public hearings regarding the Montana Reinsurance Waiv­er application. The meetings will consist of a presentation about the waiver, followed by time for questions and com­ments from the public. The meeting dates, times, and loca­tions are :

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

11 :00a-12:00p 90

1332 Waiver Application - Montanareinsurance.mt.gov/Portals/212/MT 1332 Waiver Application_FINAL2.pdfMontana seeks a Waiver of Section 1312(c)(1) under Section 1332 of the ACA for - [PDF Document] (92)

tlutte-s11ver tlow county tluIIa­ing

Room 103

155 W Granite Street

Butte, MT 59701

Monday, June 17, 2019

l : 30p-3 : 00p

Montana State Capitol Building

Room 152

1301 E 6th Ave

Helena, MT 59601

Accessibility information :

Montana is committed to ac­commodating people with disa­bilities. will make reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities who need an al­ternative accessible format of rule notices or provide reasona­ble accommodations at the pub­lic rule hearing site. If you need to request an accommodation, contact the department to ad­vise us of the nature of the ac­commodation that you need at 406-444-5764 or via email at aeon [emailprotected].

(3566072) 5/19/19



1332 Waiver Application - Montanareinsurance.mt.gov/Portals/212/MT 1332 Waiver Application_FINAL2.pdfMontana seeks a Waiver of Section 1312(c)(1) under Section 1332 of the ACA for - [PDF Document] (93)


1332 Waiver Application - Montanareinsurance.mt.gov/Portals/212/MT 1332 Waiver Application_FINAL2.pdfMontana seeks a Waiver of Section 1312(c)(1) under Section 1332 of the ACA for - [PDF Document] (94)


1332 Waiver Application for Public Comment

May 15, 2019

About the waiver

Senate Bill No. 125 (https://leg.mt.gov/bills/2019/billpdf/SB0125.pdf), establishing a Montana public reinsurance program, was signed into law on April 30, 2019. SB 125 authorizes the governor, the insurance commissioner, and a governing board of the Montana Reinsurance Association created by SB 125 to jointly apply for a State Innovation Waiver from the federal government, and the public is invited to comment on Montana’s application. The waiver, also known as a 1332 waiver, is an opportunity for states to implement innovations that help increase access to quality, affordable health insurance for their residents. Federal savings from these changes can be used to fund innovation at the state level.

Montana intends to use the waiver authority to fund a Montana public reinsurance program. The reinsurance program will reimburse health insurance exchange insurers for certain high-cost claims in the individual health insurance market. The law provides that the reinsurance plan would use a mix of federal and state funds to produce individual health insurance premiums that are lower than they would be without the plan. Under the law, the reinsurance program will reimburse individual health insurers for a proportion (coinsurance amount) of the cost of certain high-cost claimants between a minimum lower bound (attachment point) and a maximum upper bound (cap).Montana also expects this will cultivate greater certainty in the market and facilitate insurance companies’ continued participation throughout the state in the individual market.

How to comment on the application:

Download the waiver application here(/Portals/212/MTreinswaiverapplicationdraftforpubliccomment5152019.pdf?ver=2019-05-15-140005-917) to review it.

Although you may comment in person or in writing, if you comment in person, you are strongly encouraged to also submit comments in writing. Written comments, whether submitted in addition to or instead of in-person comments, will be accepted through June 17, 2019 at 3:00pm. Submit written comments by email to : [emailprotected] (mailto:[emailprotected])

Additional information can be found at http://reinsurance.mt.gov/ (/). The draft document will be updated as additional actuarial data becomes available.

The Montana Department of Administration will conduct two (2) public hearings regarding the Montana Reinsurance Waiver application. The meetings will consist of a presentation about the waiver, followed by time for questions and comments from the public. The meeting dates, times, and locations are:




1332 Waiver Application - Montanareinsurance.mt.gov/Portals/212/MT 1332 Waiver Application_FINAL2.pdfMontana seeks a Waiver of Section 1312(c)(1) under Section 1332 of the ACA for - [PDF Document] (95)

Tuesday, June 4, 201911:00a-12:00pButte-Silver Bow County BuildingRoom 103,155 W Granite Street, Butte MT 59701

Monday, June 17, 20191:30p-3:00pMontana State Capitol BuildingRoom 152, 1301 E 6th Ave, Helena, MT 59601

Accessibility information:

Montana is committed to accommodating people with disabilities. will make reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities who need an alternative accessible format of rule notices or provide reasonable accommodations at the public rule hearing site. If you need to request an accommodation, contact the department to advise us of the nature of the accommodation that you need at 406-444-5764 or via email at [emailprotected](mailto:[emailprotected]).

With bipartisan support, Montana’s 66th Legislature passed Senate Bill 125(https://leg.mt.gov/bills/2019/billpdf/SB0125.pdf) establishing the Montana Reinsurance Association and Program.

A public reinsurance program provides payments to insurers to help offset the expenses associated with high cost enrollees who incur high cost claims. Because insurers do not have to cover the full cost of high-cost claims, they are able to keep premiums at lower rates for all enrollees, which could help to encourage additional individuals to enroll in the market.

In addition, Reinsurance will:

◾ Lower insurance premiums to keep consumers in the individual market and attract newentrants to help reduce the number of Montanans without health insurance.

◾ Lower premiums to provide financial relief for those not eligible for subsidies.◾ Lower costs for tribes implementing TSHIP programs.◾ Help ensure a competitive individual market where Montanans across the state have a

choice of three ACA insurance options.

The State of Montana must apply by July 1, 2019 to the Secretary of Health and Human services under 42 U.S.C. 18052, for a state innovation waiver and federal pass-through funding to implement in the 2020 plan year. The application must be signed by the Insurance Commissioner and the Governor.

The premium reductions will take effect in January of 2020.

To fund the program a premium tax will be assessed on all major medical policies sold in Montana, excluding self-funded group plans, raising an estimated $15 million state share. An additional $60 million in federal funding will be issued that would have otherwise been used as premium tax credits under the Affordable Care Act.

The program will be administered by a non-governmental Board of Directors and an Administrator will advise and assist the Insurance Commissioner’s Office.

A newly created five-person board of directors will oversee the distribution of the funds to the insurance companies to offset high dollar claims. The Montana Reinsurance Association Board Members are as follows:

◾ Dr. Monica Berner, President, BCBSMT◾ Richard Miltenberger, CEO, Montana Health Co-op◾ Cody Langbehn, V.P. and Montana Regional Director, PacificSource Health Plan◾ Richard Daniels, CFO, Allegiance Benefit Plan Management (Commissioner appointment)◾ Mike Batista, Associate State Director, AARP Montana (Governor's appointment)


Monday June 17, 2019


1332 Waiver Application - Montanareinsurance.mt.gov/Portals/212/MT 1332 Waiver Application_FINAL2.pdfMontana seeks a Waiver of Section 1312(c)(1) under Section 1332 of the ACA for - [PDF Document] (96)

State Capitol

Governor's Reception Room (2nd Floor)

1301 E 6th Ave

Helena, MT 59601


9:00am Continental breakfast served

10:00am Welcome Prayer

Welcome from Governor's Office of Indian Affairs

Group introductions

Presentation on Montana’s Reinsurance Program and Implementation Timeline

Discussion, questions, and comments

12:00pm Hosted Lunch for representatives of tribal nations


Tuesday, June 4

11:00am - 12:00pm

Butte-Silver Bow County Building

Room 103

155 W Granite Street

Butte, MT 59701


◾ Presentation of Montana’s Reinsurance Program and Implementation Timeline◾ Opportunity for Public Comment


Monday June 17, 2019

1:30pm - 3:30pm

State Capitol

Room 152

1301 E 6th Ave

Helena, MT 59601

Join by phone


1332 Waiver Application - Montanareinsurance.mt.gov/Portals/212/MT 1332 Waiver Application_FINAL2.pdfMontana seeks a Waiver of Section 1312(c)(1) under Section 1332 of the ACA for - [PDF Document] (97)

406-444-4647, access code: 7348972

(Helena Capitol Campus Region)


◾ Presentation of Montana’s Reinsurance Program and Implementation Timeline◾ Opportunity for Public Comment


Wednesday, May 8, 2019 at 9 am.

Old Livestock Building, 1310 Lockey Ave, Room 105, Helena, MT 59601(https://goo.gl/maps/ZRs274DgzcQVT4CY9)


9:00 am Introduction of Board members and other interested parties

9:15 am Discuss timeline for posting the draft waiver, public hearing, final submission

9:30 am Establish the Reinsurance Association Board as a non-profit entity

9:45 am Administrative Assessment and Set Up Tasks

10:15 am Review other board duties

◾ Plan of Operation◾ Set meeting schedule◾ Review Commissioner Duties◾ Administrative rules

10:45 am Discuss rough draft of waiver

11:15 am Discuss reinsurance parameters

12:00 pm Adjourn

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Mitchell Building ••


1332 Waiver Application - Montanareinsurance.mt.gov/Portals/212/MT 1332 Waiver Application_FINAL2.pdfMontana seeks a Waiver of Section 1312(c)(1) under Section 1332 of the ACA for - [PDF Document] (98)


Learn more about reinsurance:

Frequently Asked Questions about Reinsurance(/Portals/212/REINSURANCE%20Fact%20Sheet%205_6_19.pdf)

How much could reinsurance lower healthcare premiums in Montana?

Wakely Actuarial Initial Analysis (8.14.2018)(/Portals/212/Wakely%20Report%202018_08_14_1.pdf)

Public presentation on Reinsurance in Montana by the National Governor's Association (7.23.2018):

NGA Market Stabilization: Reinsurance and Section 1332 Waivers (/Portals/212/Montana NGA Reinsurance Slides 7.20.18.pdf?ver=2019-05-15-134947-707)

Public presentation by Wakely on Montana's actuarial analysis (7.23.2018):

Montana Slides Wakely 7.20.18 (/Portals/212/Montana%20Slides%20Wakely%207_20_18.pdf)

2018 Report: Health Coverage and Montana’s Uninsured

Montana Uninsured Report (Summary) 2018 (https://mthcf.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/Uninsured-Report_Brief_FINAL-Design_5.17.18.pdf)

Montana Uninsured Report (Full) 2018 (https://mthcf.org/resources/uninsured-rate-report-full/)

1332 State Innovation Waivers: Searching for Solutions to Stabilize the Individual Health Insurance Market

1332 State Innovation Waivers (https://mthcf.org/resources/1332-state-innovation-waivers/)

Montana Reinsurance Public Notices

Public Notice May 15(http://reinsurance.mt.gov/Portals/212/Reinsurance%20Public%20Notice%20May%2015.pdf?ver=2019-05-15-140559-973)

Draft Waiver Application

May 15 draft(http://reinsurance.mt.gov/Portals/212/MTreinswaiverapplicationdraftforpubliccomment5152019.pdf?ver=2019-05-15-140005-917)

Montana Reinsurance Bill

SB125 (https://leg.mt.gov/bills/2019/billpdf/SB0125.pdf)

Questions or public comment or want to join the interested parties list?

Email us at [emailprotected] (mailto:[emailprotected])


1332 Waiver Application - Montanareinsurance.mt.gov/Portals/212/MT 1332 Waiver Application_FINAL2.pdfMontana seeks a Waiver of Section 1312(c)(1) under Section 1332 of the ACA for - [PDF Document] (99)

May 6, 2019

Floyd Azure Chairman, Fort Peck Assiniboine & Sioux Tribes 501 Medicine Bear Road PO Box 1027 Poplar, MT 59255

Re: Invitation to Tribal Consultation re: Reinsurance in Helena – Monday, June 17, 2018

Dear Mr. Azure:

Please join us for a Tribal Consultation hosted by the Office of the Governor and the Montana Department of Administration on Monday, June 17, 2019 in Helena.

The tribal consultation will begin with a continental breakfast and discussion will be focused on lowering insurance premiums for Affordable Care Act plans. The topic may be of particular interest to tribes who administer Tribally-Sponsored Health Insurance Programs (TSHIP), as well as those who are either considering or in the process of setting up these programs.

With bipartisan support, Montana’s state legislature passed Senate Bill 125 creating a state based reinsurance plan. The reinsurance plan will:

• Lower insurance premiums to keep consumers in the individual market and attract new entrants to help reducethe number of Montanans without health insurance.

• Lower premiums to provide financial relief for those not eligible for subsidies.• Lower costs for tribes implementing TSHIP programs.• Help ensure a competitive individual market where Montanans across the state have a choice of three

Affordable Care Act insurance options.

Additionally, tribes are also invited to attend a public hearing on the new reinsurance program at 1:30 pm on Monday afternoon. The draft agenda is included. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. We hope you will be able to attend.

Jason Smith, Director Governor's Office of Indian Affairs Phone: (406) 444-3713 Fax: (406) 444-1350 [emailprotected]

John Lewis, Director Department of Administration Office: (406) 444-3033 Mobile: (406) 490-4496 doa.mt.gov


Director's Office Steve Bullock, Governor John Lewis, Director



125 North Roberts, Rm 155, Mitchell Building P.O. Box 200101 Helena, MT 59620-0101 406-444-2032 [emailprotected] doa.mt.gov




1332 Waiver Application - Montanareinsurance.mt.gov/Portals/212/MT 1332 Waiver Application_FINAL2.pdfMontana seeks a Waiver of Section 1312(c)(1) under Section 1332 of the ACA for - [PDF Document] (100)

Monday June 17, 2019

Reinsurance Tribal Consultation State Capitol

Governor’s Reception Room (2nd Floor) 9:00am Continental breakfast served

10:00am Welcome Prayer

Welcome from Department of Administration

Welcome from Governor's Office of Indian Affairs

Group introductions

Presentation on Montana’s Reinsurance Program and Implementation Timeline

Discussion, questions, and comment

12:00pm Hosted Lunch

Reinsurance Official Public Hearing State Capitol

Room 152 1:30pm – 3:30pm Presentation of Montana’s Reinsurance Program and Implementation Timeline

Opportunity for Public Comment


1332 Waiver Application - Montanareinsurance.mt.gov/Portals/212/MT 1332 Waiver Application_FINAL2.pdfMontana seeks a Waiver of Section 1312(c)(1) under Section 1332 of the ACA for - [PDF Document] (101)

May 6, 2019

Harlan Baker Chairman, Chippewa Cree Tribe 96 Clinic Rd. N Box Elder, MT 59521-8849

Re: Invitation to Tribal Consultation re: Reinsurance in Helena – Monday, June 17, 2018

Dear Mr. Baker:

Please join us for a Tribal Consultation hosted by the Office of the Governor and the Montana Department of Administration on Monday, June 17, 2019 in Helena.

The tribal consultation will begin with a continental breakfast and discussion will be focused on lowering insurance premiums for Affordable Care Act plans. The topic may be of particular interest to tribes who administer Tribally-Sponsored Health Insurance Programs (TSHIP), as well as those who are either considering or in the process of setting up these programs.

With bipartisan support, Montana’s state legislature passed Senate Bill 125 creating a state based reinsurance plan. The reinsurance plan will:

• Lower insurance premiums to keep consumers in the individual market and attract new entrants to help reducethe number of Montanans without health insurance.

• Lower premiums to provide financial relief for those not eligible for subsidies.• Lower costs for tribes implementing TSHIP programs.• Help ensure a competitive individual market where Montanans across the state have a choice of three

Affordable Care Act insurance options.

Additionally, tribes are also invited to attend a public hearing on the new reinsurance program at 1:30 pm on Monday afternoon. The draft agenda is included. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. We hope you will be able to attend.

Jason Smith, Director Governor's Office of Indian Affairs Phone: (406) 444-3713 Fax: (406) 444-1350 [emailprotected]

John Lewis, Director Department of Administration Office: (406) 444-3033 Mobile: (406) 490-4496 doa.mt.gov


Director's Office Steve Bullock, Governor John Lewis, Director



125 North Roberts, Rm 155, Mitchell Building P.O. Box 200101 Helena, MT 59620-0101 406-444-2032 [emailprotected] doa.mt.gov



1332 Waiver Application - Montanareinsurance.mt.gov/Portals/212/MT 1332 Waiver Application_FINAL2.pdfMontana seeks a Waiver of Section 1312(c)(1) under Section 1332 of the ACA for - [PDF Document] (102)

Monday June 17, 2019

Reinsurance Tribal Consultation State Capitol

Governor’s Reception Room (2nd Floor) 9:00am Continental breakfast served

10:00am Welcome Prayer

Welcome from Department of Administration

Welcome from Governor's Office of Indian Affairs

Group introductions

Presentation on Montana’s Reinsurance Program and Implementation Timeline

Discussion, questions, and comment

12:00pm Hosted Lunch

Reinsurance Official Public Hearing State Capitol

Room 152 1:30pm – 3:30pm Presentation of Montana’s Reinsurance Program and Implementation Timeline

Opportunity for Public Comment


1332 Waiver Application - Montanareinsurance.mt.gov/Portals/212/MT 1332 Waiver Application_FINAL2.pdfMontana seeks a Waiver of Section 1312(c)(1) under Section 1332 of the ACA for - [PDF Document] (103)

May 6, 2019

Timothy Davis Chairman, Blackfeet Nation All Chiefs Square PO Box 850 Browning, MT 59417

Re: Invitation to Tribal Consultation re: Reinsurance in Helena – Monday, June 17, 2018

Dear Mr. Davis:

Please join us for a Tribal Consultation hosted by the Office of the Governor and the Montana Department of Administration on Monday, June 17, 2019 in Helena.

The tribal consultation will begin with a continental breakfast and discussion will be focused on lowering insurance premiums for Affordable Care Act plans. The topic may be of particular interest to tribes who administer Tribally-Sponsored Health Insurance Programs (TSHIP), as well as those who are either considering or in the process of setting up these programs.

With bipartisan support, Montana’s state legislature passed Senate Bill 125 creating a state based reinsurance plan. The reinsurance plan will:

• Lower insurance premiums to keep consumers in the individual market and attract new entrants to help reducethe number of Montanans without health insurance.

• Lower premiums to provide financial relief for those not eligible for subsidies.• Lower costs for tribes implementing TSHIP programs.• Help ensure a competitive individual market where Montanans across the state have a choice of three

Affordable Care Act insurance options.

Additionally, tribes are also invited to attend a public hearing on the new reinsurance program at 1:30 pm on Monday afternoon. The draft agenda is included. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. We hope you will be able to attend.

Jason Smith, Director Governor's Office of Indian Affairs Phone: (406) 444-3713 Fax: (406) 444-1350 [emailprotected]

John Lewis, Director Department of Administration Office: (406) 444-3033 Mobile: (406) 490-4496 doa.mt.gov


Director's Office Steve Bullock, Governor John Lewis, Director



125 North Roberts, Rm 155, Mitchell Building P.O. Box 200101 Helena, MT 59620-0101 406-444-2032 [emailprotected] doa.mt.gov



1332 Waiver Application - Montanareinsurance.mt.gov/Portals/212/MT 1332 Waiver Application_FINAL2.pdfMontana seeks a Waiver of Section 1312(c)(1) under Section 1332 of the ACA for - [PDF Document] (104)

Monday June 17, 2019

Reinsurance Tribal Consultation State Capitol

Governor’s Reception Room (2nd Floor) 9:00am Continental breakfast served

10:00am Welcome Prayer

Welcome from Department of Administration

Welcome from Governor's Office of Indian Affairs

Group introductions

Presentation on Montana’s Reinsurance Program and Implementation Timeline

Discussion, questions, and comment

12:00pm Hosted Lunch

Reinsurance Official Public Hearing State Capitol

Room 152 1:30pm – 3:30pm Presentation of Montana’s Reinsurance Program and Implementation Timeline

Opportunity for Public Comment


1332 Waiver Application - Montanareinsurance.mt.gov/Portals/212/MT 1332 Waiver Application_FINAL2.pdfMontana seeks a Waiver of Section 1312(c)(1) under Section 1332 of the ACA for - [PDF Document] (105)

May 6, 2019

Gerald Gray Chairman, Little Shell Chippewa Tribe 615 Central Avenue West Great Falls, MT 59404

Re: Invitation to Tribal Consultation re: Reinsurance in Helena – Monday, June 17, 2018

Dear Mr. Gray:

Please join us for a Tribal Consultation hosted by the Office of the Governor and the Montana Department of Administration on Monday, June 17, 2019 in Helena.

The tribal consultation will begin with a continental breakfast and discussion will be focused on lowering insurance premiums for Affordable Care Act plans. The topic may be of particular interest to tribes who administer Tribally-Sponsored Health Insurance Programs (TSHIP), as well as those who are either considering or in the process of setting up these programs.

With bipartisan support, Montana’s state legislature passed Senate Bill 125 creating a state based reinsurance plan. The reinsurance plan will:

• Lower insurance premiums to keep consumers in the individual market and attract new entrants to help reducethe number of Montanans without health insurance.

• Lower premiums to provide financial relief for those not eligible for subsidies.• Lower costs for tribes implementing TSHIP programs.• Help ensure a competitive individual market where Montanans across the state have a choice of three

Affordable Care Act insurance options.

Additionally, tribes are also invited to attend a public hearing on the new reinsurance program at 1:30 pm on Monday afternoon. The draft agenda is included. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. We hope you will be able to attend.

Jason Smith, Director Governor's Office of Indian Affairs Phone: (406) 444-3713 Fax: (406) 444-1350 [emailprotected]

John Lewis, Director Department of Administration Office: (406) 444-3033 Mobile: (406) 490-4496 doa.mt.gov


Director's Office Steve Bullock, Governor John Lewis, Director



125 North Roberts, Rm 155, Mitchell Building P.O. Box 200101 Helena, MT 59620-0101 406-444-2032 [emailprotected] doa.mt.gov



1332 Waiver Application - Montanareinsurance.mt.gov/Portals/212/MT 1332 Waiver Application_FINAL2.pdfMontana seeks a Waiver of Section 1312(c)(1) under Section 1332 of the ACA for - [PDF Document] (106)

Monday June 17, 2019

Reinsurance Tribal Consultation State Capitol

Governor’s Reception Room (2nd Floor) 9:00am Continental breakfast served

10:00am Welcome Prayer

Welcome from Department of Administration

Welcome from Governor's Office of Indian Affairs

Group introductions

Presentation on Montana’s Reinsurance Program and Implementation Timeline

Discussion, questions, and comment

12:00pm Hosted Lunch

Reinsurance Official Public Hearing State Capitol

Room 152 1:30pm – 3:30pm Presentation of Montana’s Reinsurance Program and Implementation Timeline

Opportunity for Public Comment


1332 Waiver Application - Montanareinsurance.mt.gov/Portals/212/MT 1332 Waiver Application_FINAL2.pdfMontana seeks a Waiver of Section 1312(c)(1) under Section 1332 of the ACA for - [PDF Document] (107)

May 6, 2019

Gerald Gray Chairman, Little Shell Chippewa Tribe 615 Central Avenue West Great Falls, MT 59404

Re: Invitation to Tribal Consultation re: Reinsurance in Helena – Monday, June 17, 2018

Dear Mr. Gray:

Please join us for a Tribal Consultation hosted by the Office of the Governor and the Montana Department of Administration on Monday, June 17, 2019 in Helena.

The tribal consultation will begin with a continental breakfast and discussion will be focused on lowering insurance premiums for Affordable Care Act plans. The topic may be of particular interest to tribes who administer Tribally-Sponsored Health Insurance Programs (TSHIP), as well as those who are either considering or in the process of setting up these programs.

With bipartisan support, Montana’s state legislature passed Senate Bill 125 creating a state based reinsurance plan. The reinsurance plan will:

• Lower insurance premiums to keep consumers in the individual market and attract new entrants to help reducethe number of Montanans without health insurance.

• Lower premiums to provide financial relief for those not eligible for subsidies.• Lower costs for tribes implementing TSHIP programs.• Help ensure a competitive individual market where Montanans across the state have a choice of three

Affordable Care Act insurance options.

Additionally, tribes are also invited to attend a public hearing on the new reinsurance program at 1:30 pm on Monday afternoon. The draft agenda is included. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. We hope you will be able to attend.

Jason Smith, Director Governor's Office of Indian Affairs Phone: (406) 444-3713 Fax: (406) 444-1350 [emailprotected]

John Lewis, Director Department of Administration Office: (406) 444-3033 Mobile: (406) 490-4496 doa.mt.gov


Director's Office Steve Bullock, Governor John Lewis, Director



125 North Roberts, Rm 155, Mitchell Building P.O. Box 200101 Helena, MT 59620-0101 406-444-2032 [emailprotected] doa.mt.gov



1332 Waiver Application - Montanareinsurance.mt.gov/Portals/212/MT 1332 Waiver Application_FINAL2.pdfMontana seeks a Waiver of Section 1312(c)(1) under Section 1332 of the ACA for - [PDF Document] (108)

Monday June 17, 2019

Reinsurance Tribal Consultation State Capitol

Governor’s Reception Room (2nd Floor) 9:00am Continental breakfast served

10:00am Welcome Prayer

Welcome from Department of Administration

Welcome from Governor's Office of Indian Affairs

Group introductions

Presentation on Montana’s Reinsurance Program and Implementation Timeline

Discussion, questions, and comment

12:00pm Hosted Lunch

Reinsurance Official Public Hearing State Capitol

Room 152 1:30pm – 3:30pm Presentation of Montana’s Reinsurance Program and Implementation Timeline

Opportunity for Public Comment


1332 Waiver Application - Montanareinsurance.mt.gov/Portals/212/MT 1332 Waiver Application_FINAL2.pdfMontana seeks a Waiver of Section 1312(c)(1) under Section 1332 of the ACA for - [PDF Document] (109)

May 6, 2019

Ronald Trahan Chairman, Confederated Salish & Kootenai Tribes 42487 Complex Blvd PO Box 278 Pablo, MT 59855

Re: Invitation to Tribal Consultation re: Reinsurance in Helena – Monday, June 17, 2018

Dear Mr. Trahan:

Please join us for a Tribal Consultation hosted by the Office of the Governor and the Montana Department of Administration on Monday, June 17, 2019 in Helena.

The tribal consultation will begin with a continental breakfast and discussion will be focused on lowering insurance premiums for Affordable Care Act plans. The topic may be of particular interest to tribes who administer Tribally-Sponsored Health Insurance Programs (TSHIP), as well as those who are either considering or in the process of setting up these programs.

With bipartisan support, Montana’s state legislature passed Senate Bill 125 creating a state based reinsurance plan. The reinsurance plan will:

• Lower insurance premiums to keep consumers in the individual market and attract new entrants to help reducethe number of Montanans without health insurance.

• Lower premiums to provide financial relief for those not eligible for subsidies.• Lower costs for tribes implementing TSHIP programs.• Help ensure a competitive individual market where Montanans across the state have a choice of three

Affordable Care Act insurance options.

Additionally, tribes are also invited to attend a public hearing on the new reinsurance program at 1:30 pm on Monday afternoon. The draft agenda is included. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. We hope you will be able to attend.

Jason Smith, Director Governor's Office of Indian Affairs Phone: (406) 444-3713 Fax: (406) 444-1350 [emailprotected]

John Lewis, Director Department of Administration Office: (406) 444-3033 Mobile: (406) 490-4496 doa.mt.gov


Director's Office Steve Bullock, Governor John Lewis, Director



125 North Roberts, Rm 155, Mitchell Building P.O. Box 200101 Helena, MT 59620-0101 406-444-2032 [emailprotected] doa.mt.gov



1332 Waiver Application - Montanareinsurance.mt.gov/Portals/212/MT 1332 Waiver Application_FINAL2.pdfMontana seeks a Waiver of Section 1312(c)(1) under Section 1332 of the ACA for - [PDF Document] (110)

Monday June 17, 2019

Reinsurance Tribal Consultation State Capitol

Governor’s Reception Room (2nd Floor) 9:00am Continental breakfast served

10:00am Welcome Prayer

Welcome from Department of Administration

Welcome from Governor's Office of Indian Affairs

Group introductions

Presentation on Montana’s Reinsurance Program and Implementation Timeline

Discussion, questions, and comment

12:00pm Hosted Lunch

Reinsurance Official Public Hearing State Capitol

Room 152 1:30pm – 3:30pm Presentation of Montana’s Reinsurance Program and Implementation Timeline

Opportunity for Public Comment


1332 Waiver Application - Montanareinsurance.mt.gov/Portals/212/MT 1332 Waiver Application_FINAL2.pdfMontana seeks a Waiver of Section 1312(c)(1) under Section 1332 of the ACA for - [PDF Document] (111)

May 6, 2019

Alvin "A.J." Not Afraid Chairman, Crow Nation Baacheeitche Avenue PO Box 159 Crow Agency, MT 59022

Re: Invitation to Tribal Consultation re: Reinsurance in Helena – Monday, June 17, 2018

Dear Mr. Not Afraid:

Please join us for a Tribal Consultation hosted by the Office of the Governor and the Montana Department of Administration on Monday, June 17, 2019 in Helena.

The tribal consultation will begin with a continental breakfast and discussion will be focused on lowering insurance premiums for Affordable Care Act plans. The topic may be of particular interest to tribes who administer Tribally-Sponsored Health Insurance Programs (TSHIP), as well as those who are either considering or in the process of setting up these programs.

With bipartisan support, Montana’s state legislature passed Senate Bill 125 creating a state based reinsurance plan. The reinsurance plan will:

• Lower insurance premiums to keep consumers in the individual market and attract new entrants to help reducethe number of Montanans without health insurance.

• Lower premiums to provide financial relief for those not eligible for subsidies.• Lower costs for tribes implementing TSHIP programs.• Help ensure a competitive individual market where Montanans across the state have a choice of three

Affordable Care Act insurance options.

Additionally, tribes are also invited to attend a public hearing on the new reinsurance program at 1:30 pm on Monday afternoon. The draft agenda is included. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. We hope you will be able to attend.

Jason Smith, Director Governor's Office of Indian Affairs Phone: (406) 444-3713 Fax: (406) 444-1350 [emailprotected]

John Lewis, Director Department of Administration Office: (406) 444-3033 Mobile: (406) 490-4496 doa.mt.gov


Director's Office Steve Bullock, Governor John Lewis, Director



125 North Roberts, Rm 155, Mitchell Building P.O. Box 200101 Helena, MT 59620-0101 406-444-2032 [emailprotected] doa.mt.gov



1332 Waiver Application - Montanareinsurance.mt.gov/Portals/212/MT 1332 Waiver Application_FINAL2.pdfMontana seeks a Waiver of Section 1312(c)(1) under Section 1332 of the ACA for - [PDF Document] (112)

Monday June 17, 2019

Reinsurance Tribal Consultation State Capitol

Governor’s Reception Room (2nd Floor) 9:00am Continental breakfast served

10:00am Welcome Prayer

Welcome from Department of Administration

Welcome from Governor's Office of Indian Affairs

Group introductions

Presentation on Montana’s Reinsurance Program and Implementation Timeline

Discussion, questions, and comment

12:00pm Hosted Lunch

Reinsurance Official Public Hearing State Capitol

Room 152 1:30pm – 3:30pm Presentation of Montana’s Reinsurance Program and Implementation Timeline

Opportunity for Public Comment


1332 Waiver Application - Montanareinsurance.mt.gov/Portals/212/MT 1332 Waiver Application_FINAL2.pdfMontana seeks a Waiver of Section 1312(c)(1) under Section 1332 of the ACA for - [PDF Document] (113)

May 6, 2019

Andrew Werk, Jr. President, Fort Belknap Assiniboine & Gros Ventre Tribes 656 Agency Main Street Harlem, MT 59526

Re: Invitation to Tribal Consultation re: Reinsurance in Helena – Monday, June 17, 2018

Dear Mr. Werk:

Please join us for a Tribal Consultation hosted by the Office of the Governor and the Montana Department of Administration on Monday, June 17, 2019 in Helena.

The tribal consultation will begin with a continental breakfast and discussion will be focused on lowering insurance premiums for Affordable Care Act plans. The topic may be of particular interest to tribes who administer Tribally-Sponsored Health Insurance Programs (TSHIP), as well as those who are either considering or in the process of setting up these programs.

With bipartisan support, Montana’s state legislature passed Senate Bill 125 creating a state based reinsurance plan. The reinsurance plan will:

• Lower insurance premiums to keep consumers in the individual market and attract new entrants to help reducethe number of Montanans without health insurance.

• Lower premiums to provide financial relief for those not eligible for subsidies.• Lower costs for tribes implementing TSHIP programs.• Help ensure a competitive individual market where Montanans across the state have a choice of three

Affordable Care Act insurance options.

Additionally, tribes are also invited to attend a public hearing on the new reinsurance program at 1:30 pm on Monday afternoon. The draft agenda is included. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. We hope you will be able to attend.

Jason Smith, Director Governor's Office of Indian Affairs Phone: (406) 444-3713 Fax: (406) 444-1350 [emailprotected]

John Lewis, Director Department of Administration Office: (406) 444-3033 Mobile: (406) 490-4496 doa.mt.gov


Director's Office Steve Bullock, Governor John Lewis, Director



125 North Roberts, Rm 155, Mitchell Building P.O. Box 200101 Helena, MT 59620-0101 406-444-2032 [emailprotected] doa.mt.gov



1332 Waiver Application - Montanareinsurance.mt.gov/Portals/212/MT 1332 Waiver Application_FINAL2.pdfMontana seeks a Waiver of Section 1312(c)(1) under Section 1332 of the ACA for - [PDF Document] (114)

Monday June 17, 2019

Reinsurance Tribal Consultation State Capitol

Governor’s Reception Room (2nd Floor) 9:00am Continental breakfast served

10:00am Welcome Prayer

Welcome from Department of Administration

Welcome from Governor's Office of Indian Affairs

Group introductions

Presentation on Montana’s Reinsurance Program and Implementation Timeline

Discussion, questions, and comment

12:00pm Hosted Lunch

Reinsurance Official Public Hearing State Capitol

Room 152 1:30pm – 3:30pm Presentation of Montana’s Reinsurance Program and Implementation Timeline

Opportunity for Public Comment


1332 Waiver Application - Montanareinsurance.mt.gov/Portals/212/MT 1332 Waiver Application_FINAL2.pdfMontana seeks a Waiver of Section 1312(c)(1) under Section 1332 of the ACA for - [PDF Document] (115)

May 6, 2019

Rynalea Whiteman Pena President, Northern Cheyenne Tribe PO Box 128 Lame Deer, MT 59043

Re: Invitation to Tribal Consultation re: Reinsurance in Helena – Monday, June 17, 2018

Dear Ms. Pena:

Please join us for a Tribal Consultation hosted by the Office of the Governor and the Montana Department of Administration on Monday, June 17, 2019 in Helena.

The tribal consultation will begin with a continental breakfast and discussion will be focused on lowering insurance premiums for Affordable Care Act plans. The topic may be of particular interest to tribes who administer Tribally-Sponsored Health Insurance Programs (TSHIP), as well as those who are either considering or in the process of setting up these programs.

With bipartisan support, Montana’s state legislature passed Senate Bill 125 creating a state based reinsurance plan. The reinsurance plan will:

• Lower insurance premiums to keep consumers in the individual market and attract new entrants to help reducethe number of Montanans without health insurance.

• Lower premiums to provide financial relief for those not eligible for subsidies.• Lower costs for tribes implementing TSHIP programs.• Help ensure a competitive individual market where Montanans across the state have a choice of three

Affordable Care Act insurance options.

Additionally, tribes are also invited to attend a public hearing on the new reinsurance program at 1:30 pm on Monday afternoon. The draft agenda is included. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. We hope you will be able to attend.

Jason Smith, Director Governor's Office of Indian Affairs Phone: (406) 444-3713 Fax: (406) 444-1350 [emailprotected]

John Lewis, Director Department of Administration Office: (406) 444-3033 Mobile: (406) 490-4496 doa.mt.gov


Director's Office Steve Bullock, Governor John Lewis, Director



125 North Roberts, Rm 155, Mitchell Building P.O. Box 200101 Helena, MT 59620-0101 406-444-2032 [emailprotected] doa.mt.gov



1332 Waiver Application - Montanareinsurance.mt.gov/Portals/212/MT 1332 Waiver Application_FINAL2.pdfMontana seeks a Waiver of Section 1312(c)(1) under Section 1332 of the ACA for - [PDF Document] (116)

Monday June 17, 2019

Reinsurance Tribal Consultation State Capitol

Governor’s Reception Room (2nd Floor) 9:00am Continental breakfast served

10:00am Welcome Prayer

Welcome from Department of Administration

Welcome from Governor's Office of Indian Affairs

Group introductions

Presentation on Montana’s Reinsurance Program and Implementation Timeline

Discussion, questions, and comment

12:00pm Hosted Lunch

Reinsurance Official Public Hearing State Capitol

Room 152 1:30pm – 3:30pm Presentation of Montana’s Reinsurance Program and Implementation Timeline

Opportunity for Public Comment


1332 Waiver Application - Montanareinsurance.mt.gov/Portals/212/MT 1332 Waiver Application_FINAL2.pdfMontana seeks a Waiver of Section 1312(c)(1) under Section 1332 of the ACA for - [PDF Document] (117)

Public Hearings: Comment Summary

On June 4, 2019, state staff from the Governor’s Office and the Insurance Commissioner’s Office and the contractor from the Montana Health Care Foundation held a public hearing in Butte, Montana. No members of the public came to that hearing.

On June 17, 2019, a second hearing was held in the state capital in Helena, Montana. The Commissioner of Securities and Insurance attended that hearing, as well as staff from the Governor’s Office and the Insurance Commissioner’s Office and the contractor from the Montana Health Care Foundation. That hearing was live-streamed and broadcast on the Montana Public Affairs Network and provided an opportunity for call-in comments.

The following information was presented at the hearing on June 17:

• Background from 2018—public stakeholder meeting, research done, and how the legislation was drafted:

o In 2018, the Montana Health Care Foundation funded research to determine the feasibility of

seeking a 1332 State Innovation Waiver from CMS for Montana to help stabilize the individual

health insurance market;

o Particular focus was placed on a public reinsurance program similar to the federal reinsurance

program that was in effect from 2014 – 2016. There is a continuing need for a program like

public reinsurance to support the individual health insurance market. Insurers may no longer

refuse to cover individuals with preexisting conditions, and the individual market will always have

a higher percentage of individuals with high cost conditions.

o Legal research was funded that studied the 7 states that had already received federal funding

under a 1332 waiver for a reinsurance program.

o Actuaries were hired (Wakely) to evaluate individual market health insurance claims experience

to determine the feasibility of a claims-based reinsurance program in Montana—including

estimated amounts of premium reductions that could be achieved by an infusion of state and

federal dollars that will cover a certain percentage of high claims costs.

o A public stakeholder meeting was held in July 2018. Interested parties from all over the state

participated, including insurers, consumer advocates, health care providers, the insurance

commissioner, the governor and legislators.

o The research was published and distributed to the interested parties.

o As a result of that public meeting, a smaller group representing the same set of interested parties

met to draft legislation to introduce in the 2019 legislature.

• What is a 1332 Waiver and how does it benefit Montana by bringing in federal dollars?

o The “State innovation waiver” was created as part of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). It allows

states to waive certain portions of the ACA in order to try different approaches to providing

affordable, comprehensive health coverage.

o Under section 1332, certain guardrails must be met. The state program must be at least as

comprehensive as current coverage, at least the same level of affordability, cover a comparable

number of individuals and not increase the federal deficit. Montana’s proposed reinsurance

waiver meets all four guardrails.

o The waiver application must be approved by CMS. Actuarial studies are submitted with the

waiver application showing how the state proposal can actually save federal funds. That savings

can then be passed on to the state as funding for the proposed state program—these are referred

to as “federal pass through funds.”



1332 Waiver Application - Montanareinsurance.mt.gov/Portals/212/MT 1332 Waiver Application_FINAL2.pdfMontana seeks a Waiver of Section 1312(c)(1) under Section 1332 of the ACA for - [PDF Document] (118)

o In the case of state-based public reinsurance, that savings comes from lower premium tax credits

paid by the federal government. The reinsurance program lowers health insurance premiums and

therefore, the federal dollars spent on premium tax credits will be lower. Those savings can be

paid to the state to help fund the reinsurance program, if the Waiver is approved.

o The state must contribute part of the funding in order for the waiver application to be considered

for approval.

o Seven other states have already have approved 1332 reinsurance waivers in place for 2018 and


• Brief description of how public (CLAIMS-BASED) reinsurance works—how it will lower premiums and

stabilize the individual market:

o Montana is proposing a “claims-based” reinsurance program. Public dollars are used to pay a

portion of individual market health insurance claims within a specified corridor. The program is

designed with certain parameters known as the attachment point, the coinsurance and the cap

(for example, $40 K attachment point, 60 % coinsurance and $100 K cap).

o For example, if a covered individual has claims in excess of $40 K, the reinsurance program would

pay 60 % of those claims above $40 K up to a cap of $100 K. The qualified insurer is then able to

set their rates lower than those rates otherwise would have been because they can actuarially

predict how their claims costs will be reduced.

o A qualified insurer is defined as a licensed health insurer that offers individual health insurance

policies on the exchange in Montana.

o This program is invisible to the policyholders. Their coverage remains the same and the claims

are managed and paid by the insurer to the healthcare providers in exactly the same manner.

The policyholder choses the insurer and the policy that best fits their needs, and they can switch

insurers during any open enrollment period.

• Brief overview of SB 125, the Montana Reinsurance Program; how it works—how it is funded?

o Through the efforts of the working group mentioned above, SB 125 was introduced and

eventually passed by the 2019 legislature. It creates the Montana Reinsurance Program.

o It is governed by a nonprofit entity, the Montana Reinsurance Association and its board of

directors, which consists of 4 insurers and one consumer advocate.

o The Commissioner of Securities and Insurance has regulatory oversight over the program, to the

extent set forth in the Act.

o The legislation allows the governor, the board and the commissioner to jointly apply to CMS for a

1332 waiver and federal pass through funding to create a state-based reinsurance program.

o The creation of the program is contingent upon CMS granting a 1332 waiver, which implements a

claims-based reinsurance program in Montana in 2020, as described in SB 125.

o The required state funding for this waiver application comes from a 1.2 % assessment on all fully-

insured major medical health insurance premiums; there is no general fund money allocated.

• What impact will this program have on Montana Consumers and what happens next?--estimated

premium impact and effect on maintaining competition in the market:

o Many Montanans will end up in the individual market at some point during their lives—for

example: when they age off their parents’ plan, lose access to an employer plan (including early

retirees) or lose income eligibility for Medicaid.

o The draft waiver application was posted on May 15, which began the 30-day comment period,

during which two public hearings and one tribal consultation was be held.

o The Waiver application must be filed in June in order to provide enough time for it to be reviewed

and approved by the federal government in time for insurers to set final rates in mid-august.


1332 Waiver Application - Montanareinsurance.mt.gov/Portals/212/MT 1332 Waiver Application_FINAL2.pdfMontana seeks a Waiver of Section 1312(c)(1) under Section 1332 of the ACA for - [PDF Document] (119)

o On June 13, individual health insurers will file two sets of proposed rates—one with reinsurance

and one without.

o The final waiver application will contain all of the necessary actuarial tables showing the

estimated total costs, funding and savings that this program may generate.

o For instance, based on the estimated amount of state funding that should be available in 2020,

(which is based on 2019 premium volume), the premium reduction may be 8 %-- the total funding

for the program could be as much as $35 million, and approximately 65 % of that amount may

come from federal pass through dollars.

o There are variables that can occur that may change those actuarial projections.

o Another benefit of the reinsurance program is that it will encourage health insurers to stay in the

individual market in Montana, thus maintaining competition in that market, as well as an

acceptable number of plan choices throughout the entire state.

A list of attendees is attached. Comments received at the June 17, 2019 hearing are summarized below.

• The Montana Primary Care Association spoke in favor of the reinsurance program and agreedwith the goals of lowering health insurance premiums and stabilizing Montana’s individualmarket. The Montana Primary Care Associations sponsors a program called, “Cover Montana”which assists with enrolling individuals into the exchange.

Additional letters of support were received on the www.reinsurance.mt.gov website; attached.


1332 Waiver Application - Montanareinsurance.mt.gov/Portals/212/MT 1332 Waiver Application_FINAL2.pdfMontana seeks a Waiver of Section 1312(c)(1) under Section 1332 of the ACA for - [PDF Document] (120)

Montana Reinsurance Waiver: Public Comment Monday, June 17th

State Capitol

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1332 Waiver Application - Montanareinsurance.mt.gov/Portals/212/MT 1332 Waiver Application_FINAL2.pdfMontana seeks a Waiver of Section 1312(c)(1) under Section 1332 of the ACA for - [PDF Document] (121)

Montana Reinsurance Waiver: Public Comment Monday, June 17th

State Capitol

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1332 Waiver Application - Montanareinsurance.mt.gov/Portals/212/MT 1332 Waiver Application_FINAL2.pdfMontana seeks a Waiver of Section 1312(c)(1) under Section 1332 of the ACA for - [PDF Document] (122)

Montana Reinsurance Waiver: Public Comment Monday, June 17th

State Capitol

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1332 Waiver Application - Montanareinsurance.mt.gov/Portals/212/MT 1332 Waiver Application_FINAL2.pdfMontana seeks a Waiver of Section 1312(c)(1) under Section 1332 of the ACA for - [PDF Document] (123)

Our Mission: To drive efforts to cure psoriatic

disease and improve the lives of those affected.

June 17th, 2019 Montana Department of Administration Healthcare & Benefits Division 100 North Park Ave P.O. Box 200130 Helena, MT 59620-0130 Re: Montana Section 1332 State Innovation Waiver Dear Montana Department of Administration: The National Psoriasis Foundation (NPF) appreciates the opportunity to submit comments on Montana’s Section 1332 State Innovation Waiver. The NPF is a non-profit organization with a mission to drive efforts to cure psoriatic disease and improve the lives of those affected. The NPF is the leading patient advocacy group for more than 8 million Americans and the roughly 26,584 Montana residents living with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. Adequate, affordable, and accessible care for our patient population is essential. In addition to managing psoriatic diseases, our patient community experiences a higher incidence of comorbid conditions, including cardiovascular disease and stroke, diabetes and hypertension, as well as depression and anxiety1. Without proper diagnosis and care, quality of life and the efficacy of treatment can be negatively impacted. A strong, robust marketplace is essential to access comprehensive coverage that includes all of the treatments and services that our patients need to stay healthy at an affordable cost. NPF supports Montana’s efforts to strengthen its marketplace by submitting this 1332 State Innovation Waiver to implement a reinsurance program. Reinsurance is an important tool to help stabilize health insurance markets. Reinsurance programs help insurance companies cover the claims of very high cost enrollees, which in turn keeps premiums affordable for other individuals buying insurance on the individual market. Reinsurance programs have been used to stabilize premiums in a number of healthcare programs, such as Medicare Part D. A temporary reinsurance fund for the individual market was also established under the Affordable Care Act and reduced premiums by an estimated 10 to 14 percent in its first year.2 A recent analysis by Avalere of the seven states that have already created their own reinsurance programs through Section 1332 waivers found that these states reduced individual market premiums by an average of 19.9 percent in their first year.3

1 Journal of American Academy of Dermatology: Joint AAD-NPF guidelines of care for the management and treatment of psoriasis with biologics - April 2019 Volume 80, Issue 4, pages 1029–1072 2 American Academy of Actuaries, Individual and Small Group Markets Committee. An Evaluation of the Individual Health Insurance Market and Implications of Potential Changes. January 2017. Retrieved from https://www.actuary.org/files/publications/Acad_eval_indiv_mkt_011817.pdf. 3 Avalere. State-Run Reinsurance Programs Reduce ACA Premiums by 19.9% on Average. March 2019. Retrieved from https://avalere.com/press-releases/state-run-reinsurance-programs-reduce-aca-premiums-by-19-9-on-average.




1332 Waiver Application - Montanareinsurance.mt.gov/Portals/212/MT 1332 Waiver Application_FINAL2.pdfMontana seeks a Waiver of Section 1312(c)(1) under Section 1332 of the ACA for - [PDF Document] (124)

Montana’s proposal will create a reinsurance program starting for the 2020 plan year and continuing for 5 years. This program is projected to reduce premiums by 8 percent and increase enrollment in the individual market by 1 percent in 2020 with similar or higher impacts in future years. This is significant as enrollment in the individual market has dropped 35.5 percent between 2016-2019. NPF believes the 1332 State Innovation Waiver will help stabilize the individual market in Montana and protect patients and consumers. Thank you for the opportunity to provide comments. Should you have any questions for NPF regarding this issue, please contact Brittany Duffy-Goche, State Government Relations Manager ([emailprotected]). Sincerely,

Randy Beranek President and CEO National Psoriasis Foundation



1332 Waiver Application - Montanareinsurance.mt.gov/Portals/212/MT 1332 Waiver Application_FINAL2.pdfMontana seeks a Waiver of Section 1312(c)(1) under Section 1332 of the ACA for - [PDF Document] (125)

June 17, 2019

Matthew Rosendale Commissioner of Securities and Insurance Office of the Montana State Auditor 840 Helena Ave. Helena, MT 59601

Re: Montana 1332 Draft Waiver Application

Dear Commissioner Rosendale:

The American Lung Association in Montana appreciates the opportunity to submit comments on Montana’s draft 1332 Waiver Application.

The American Lung Association is the oldest voluntary public health association in the United States, currently representing the 35 million Americans living with lung diseases including asthma, lung cancer and COPD, including more than 130,000 Montana residents. The Lung Association is the leading organization working to save lives by improving lung health and preventing lung disease through research, education and advocacy.

The American Lung Association in Montana believes everyone should have quality and affordable healthcare coverage. A strong, robust marketplace is essential for people with and at risk of lung disease to access the coverage that they need. The Lung Association supports Montana’s efforts to strengthen its marketplace by submitting this 1332 Waiver Application to implement a reinsurance program.

Reinsurance is an important tool to help stabilize health insurance markets. Reinsurance programs help insurance companies cover the claims of very high cost enrollees, which in turn keeps premiums affordable for other individuals buying insurance on the individual market. Reinsurance programs have been used to stabilize premiums in a number of healthcare programs, such as Medicare Part D. A temporary reinsurance fund for the individual market was also established under the Affordable Care Act and reduced premiums by an estimated 10 to 14 percent in its first year.i A recent analysis by Avalere of the seven states that have already created their own reinsurance programs through Section 1332 waivers found that these states reduced individual market premiums by an average of 19.9 percent in their first year.ii

Montana’s proposal will create a reinsurance program starting for the 2020 plan year and continuing for five years. Based on the initial analysis commissioned by the state, this program is projected to reduce premiums by 8 percent in 2020 and increase the number of individuals obtaining health insurance through the individual market by approximately one percent. This would help patients with pre-existing conditions, including patients with lung disease, obtain affordable, comprehensive coverage.


Please n:mer1iber·theAmencan Lwicu-1.ssonation m -.,cJw·wrU andtn1st.

1-800-LUNGUSA I LUNG.org


1332 Waiver Application - Montanareinsurance.mt.gov/Portals/212/MT 1332 Waiver Application_FINAL2.pdfMontana seeks a Waiver of Section 1312(c)(1) under Section 1332 of the ACA for - [PDF Document] (126)

The American Lung Association believes this 1332 waiver will help stabilize the individual market in Montana and protect patients and consumers. Thank you for the opportunity to provide comments.


Ronni Flannery Director, Healthy Air Campaign American Lung Association

i American Academy of Actuaries, Individual and Small Group Markets Committee. An Evaluation of the Individual Health Insurance Market and Implications of Potential Changes. January 2017. Retrieved from https://www.actuary.org/files/publications/Acad_eval_indiv_mkt_011817.pdf. ii Avalere. State-Run Reinsurance Programs Reduce ACA Premiums by 19.9% on Average. March 2019. Retrieved from https://avalere.com/press-releases/state-run-reinsurance-programs-reduce-aca-premiums-by-19-9-on-average.


Please n:mer1iber·theAmencan Lwicu-1.ssonation m -.,cJw·wrU andtn1st.

1-800-LUNGUSA I LUNG.org


1332 Waiver Application - Montanareinsurance.mt.gov/Portals/212/MT 1332 Waiver Application_FINAL2.pdfMontana seeks a Waiver of Section 1312(c)(1) under Section 1332 of the ACA for - [PDF Document] (127)


















1332 Waiver Application - Montanareinsurance.mt.gov/Portals/212/MT 1332 Waiver Application_FINAL2.pdfMontana seeks a Waiver of Section 1312(c)(1) under Section 1332 of the ACA for - [PDF Document] (128)

Tribal Consultation Summary 6-17-2019

Staff and contractors from the Montana Governor’s office, Department of Administration, Montana Department of

Public Health and Human Services and the Montana Health Care Foundation delivered a presentation on Montana’s

Section 1332 Reinsurance Waiver, and Senate Bill 125. Questions were asked and answered about the individual market,

the reinsurance program, and how the program would be implemented in Montana. The questions asked and answered

are summarized below. Attendees are listed in the attached sign-in sheet.

Blackfeet Chairman Timothy Davis joined the Tribal Consultation by phone.

o Chairman Davis was asked if his tribe is considering TSHIP; he said he was looking at it as a possibility

• Blackfeet Tribal Chairman: “We’re very supportive of this opportunity”

o Tim Davis Blackfeet Tribal Chair

o PO Box 850, Browning, MT 59417

o (406)-338-5513

Other discussion during meeting:

• Are individuals taxed?

o Insurance companies have to pay a tax of 1.2% on premiums, not individuals.

• How come the uninsured rate is increasing if Medicaid has expanded?

o Because of the premium costs in the individual market has increased by 113%.

o Some people are receiving premium tax credit from federal government. But other people who don’t

qualify for as much assistance often have to bear the full brunt of premium increases.

• If tribes have Indian Health Service, how does this impact or involve the tribes?

o Stabilizes individual market; important to keep individual market competitive and offered in rural areas.

o Many states have higher rates in rural rates. This program helps keeps consumer choice and keeps rates

lower in rural areas where many tribes live.

o Tribes implementing TSHIP will benefit from lower individual market premiums.

o When a tribal member is covered, IHS gets paid, allowing them to spend more money on necessary

medical services.

• When will the new lower rates start?

o In January 2020, if the waiver is approved.

o Federal government may contribute up to 65% of the cost of the program (according to actuarial


• Are there other states that have been approved with similar waivers?

o Yes. In some cases, the premium impact was even larger. It depends in part on how much money the

state has to contribute.

o Maryland was seeking to lower rates by 30%, but that state contributed a lot more money, and their

rates were higher to begin with.

• Is it possible in the future to increase the funding?

o Maybe, but the legislature would have to act.

o Some states are richer and able to contribute general fund money.

• What happens if it’s not approved?

o The entire program goes away. The 1332 is contingent on the waiver passing. Montana is asking

permission to waive a provision of the ACA that affects the single risk pool requirement. The federal

government has already approved several Waiver applications relating to reinsurance programs.

o The 1332 section has guardrails. The proposal must be deficit-neutral to the federal government, at least

as comprehensive and affordable, and cover the same number of people.



1332 Waiver Application - Montanareinsurance.mt.gov/Portals/212/MT 1332 Waiver Application_FINAL2.pdfMontana seeks a Waiver of Section 1312(c)(1) under Section 1332 of the ACA for - [PDF Document] (129)

o The proposal must not reduce funding for other public programs. The reinsurance legislation was

supported by the tribes during session (while other proposals were controversial to tribes because of

the lack of consumer protection).


1332 Waiver Application - Montanareinsurance.mt.gov/Portals/212/MT 1332 Waiver Application_FINAL2.pdfMontana seeks a Waiver of Section 1312(c)(1) under Section 1332 of the ACA for - [PDF Document] (130)










Reinsurance/ 1332 Waiver Application - Tribal Consultation June 17, 201 9


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1332 Waiver Application - Montanareinsurance.mt.gov/Portals/212/MT 1332 Waiver Application_FINAL2.pdfMontana seeks a Waiver of Section 1312(c)(1) under Section 1332 of the ACA for - [PDF Document] (2024)


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Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.